2008-03-28 19:35:08
dm_balcony is based on various gameplay and architecture ideas I've been collecting for years now. It's a small to medium sized map with lots of height variation. The layout turned out to flow nicely in playtests, and (unless I broke something with the changes in the new Beta3 release) it should run quite stable and with good performance.
This seems to be a place with a lot of passion for HL2DM, the game I still like mapping for the most, so I'd love to hear your feedback. I consider this to be in a close to final stage, but I'm more than willing to change parts if it helps to improve the map.
For more information, please go here. Download available here.
Thanks for having a look. Here are some screens:

This seems to be a place with a lot of passion for HL2DM, the game I still like mapping for the most, so I'd love to hear your feedback. I consider this to be in a close to final stage, but I'm more than willing to change parts if it helps to improve the map.
For more information, please go here. Download available here.
Thanks for having a look. Here are some screens: