Idea for mapping?


2008-03-30 09:38:30

I have been talking about this with briggs for some time.
It would be nice to have more "quake-like" maps on hl2dm, or more "vertical" ones.
Most maps are mostly on the same height level... or if there is any variation, it's not that much.
Avalon is a great map, and it's a "vertical" one too. Would be nice too see some original stuff made with this idea, cuz it allows nice mid-air fragging.
Other than Avalon I can only think of (maybe a bit) aim_Arena, and then killboxes =/.
Just thought I would leave my opinion to all mappers out there...hopefully someone takes it into account ^^


2008-03-30 12:42:02



2008-03-30 13:55:25




2008-03-30 17:06:59

link for me to download?


2008-03-30 17:50:01

i love quake style maps i think they make the best maps imo


2008-03-30 20:12:48

This is something I would also really like to see in maps to come, larger height differences between levels, more lifts like the ones in dm_octagon, longer lines of sight. I realize lines of sight are hard because of fps issues, so maybe that one isn't a realistic request. I want to see this map king_air, I heard it mentioned SOOOOO many times but I've never even seen a screenshot. Cmon someone let the cat outa the bag, if this is the map we've been yearning for, lets have it!!

Walking Target

2008-03-30 20:22:13

dm_spookface_reloaded :mrgreen:


2008-03-30 20:43:55

Hmmm I've never seen the reloaded version, I'd like to see it since the first spookface was a really fun map. Lots of height variation, and a nice layout.


2008-03-30 23:41:42

If you'd like to see a little bit of king_air under construction, add me to Steam Friends and I'll host a listen server.



2008-03-31 01:01:41

dm_spookface_reloaded :mrgreen:
afaik, that map is freaking ugly =/


2008-03-31 04:43:37

hmm ok .. as far as a vertical map.. i think it would be impossible to make one without teleports or lifts. because people are not going to be climbing stairs and hills and ladders forever.


2008-03-31 04:52:32

hmm ok .. as far as a vertical map.. i think it would be impossible to make one without teleports or lifts. because people are not going to be climbing stairs and hills and ladders forever.
that's true ^^.
Having some good jump pads, teleporters or whatever would be sweet.
I would really like a map with this kind of things that is good enough to play competitively, not just for random pubbing from time to time.


2008-03-31 04:58:06

spookface is good. One of my faves. Yeah I would love to see some more new maps with this style...

Walking Target

2008-03-31 05:14:10

0nti wrote:
dm_spookface_reloaded :mrgreen:
afaik, that map is freaking ugly =/
Ugly how?

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-31 05:23:15

vertical gameplay has been around for a while in some arenas and KBs i've seen (*cough* hint*cough* 8) ). other than that as WT mentioned....spookface is one of the best if not TEH BEST of those and no its not ugly at all; it's actually a masterpiece and IMHO the best fusion between the arena and the control map styles as well as between the vertical and horizonal styles you will ever find. again, that's my personal opinion. QS is my idea of a mapping god.
another ubercool vertical map is dm_stamina from stoop. will be ready very soon so stay tuned for that one.


2008-03-31 05:28:13

A little bit'o king_air footage:


2008-03-31 13:45:38

I was on a beta of the map king_air yesterday with Charles.... I gotta say I LOVED that map. I can't wait for it to be released D:


2008-03-31 20:27:07

thatguy wrote:i love quake style maps i think they make the best maps imo
Quite Fucking True


2008-03-31 20:53:21

[EYE] Valar wrote:. QS is my idea of a mapping god..

We need to get another HL2DMU mapping contest and get him involved.

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-31 21:12:26

cyber_clash wrote:
[EYE] Valar wrote:. QS is my idea of a mapping god..

We need to get another HL2DMU mapping contest and get him involved.
very true altho i'm not sure he'll go for it. i'll drop him a line.


2008-03-31 22:22:19

[EYE] Valar wrote:
cyber_clash wrote:
[EYE] Valar wrote:. QS is my idea of a mapping god..

We need to get another HL2DMU mapping contest and get him involved.
very true altho i'm not sure he'll go for it. i'll drop him a line.
Or if he would just make 1 or 2 maps with this style just for the U...even that would be sweet.


2008-04-01 00:28:34

sorry but ....QS?

Walking Target

2008-04-01 00:52:34

QS = Quicksilver, maker of spookface for HL2DM.


2008-04-01 02:36:54

ok ...a while since I hadn't seen I checked it out again today... and I keep thinking the same's ugly.
WT, you said "ugly how?"
well...I hate that texture used on most places (that grey one), and wtf are those images all over? was the mapper high while reading some greek history or something?
Seriously I dunno if he is good at mapping or not.... but IMO that map isn't the best out there regarding aesthetics.


2008-04-01 02:41:12

I'm not a big fun of dm_avalon and maps like that, but It'd be interesting to see more maps with elevators like aim_arena so we can jump very high on vertical maps and do crazy things in mid-air :)

[EYE] Valar

2008-04-01 02:45:49

different people have differnet tastes and that's great...otherwise it would be boring.
for Quick's sake i'll only say that his hl2dm Spookface server served as one of the most popular pubs ever and was packed almost 24-7 for a few good years. i will daresay it was the most popular non-stock server ever and his hldm:s and hldm servers are still at the top of the list.

Walking Target

2008-04-01 03:08:56

0nti wrote:ok ...a while since I hadn't seen I checked it out again today... and I keep thinking the same's ugly.
WT, you said "ugly how?"
well...I hate that texture used on most places (that grey one), and wtf are those images all over? was the mapper high while reading some greek history or something?
Seriously I dunno if he is good at mapping or not.... but IMO that map isn't the best out there regarding aesthetics.
Ah that's funny, I like that white marble texture and it makes almost all models very visible, except super combine. Spookface is a remake of a HLDM map, which I think had many graphics.

I have never liked the industrial look of lockdown, backbone, zeta in hl2dm...I guess I just got sick of it after playing HL2. Avalon is also one of my favorites for looks and concept. Lost Arena is another example of a map I like the look of.

Different strokes I guess. I still can't get people to like spookface reloaded, even though I have had some of my best 1v1s there.

Wait, since when do we care what a map looks like anyway?? Onti you should come and 1v1 me in spookface, I'll give you a tour etc.


2008-04-01 06:04:55

haha call me and I'll do my best :P.
And yeah I do mind sometimes how maps look.... with the exeption of caverns ...which even though it's a bit ugly... I like that map too damn much to avoid playing it because of the textures ;P
I agree that lockdown and the other maps can be tireing ... that's why I propose a quake style map....different looks, different gameplay :)

[EYE] Valar

2008-04-01 19:43:18

i actually love how Caverns look :?


2008-04-02 23:21:12

0nti wrote:ok ...a while since I hadn't seen I checked it out again today... and I keep thinking the same's ugly.
WT, you said "ugly how?"
well...I hate that texture used on most places (that grey one), and wtf are those images all over? was the mapper high while reading some greek history or something?
Seriously I dunno if he is good at mapping or not.... but IMO that map isn't the best out there regarding aesthetics.
He made dm_deudal, and dm_rigormortis....I'll have to take you to his server sometime onti..

or checkout for screens of his maps. But yes I love all his maps (except the halloween ones, they are fun, but not fun to play for me)

Spookface is awesome gameplay for a pub because there are plenty of weapons and plays smooth from anything of a 1 v 1 to a 12 player free for all...


2008-04-07 23:56:06

i actually love how Caverns look :?
I'd rather see lostarena :). No offense intended.
He made dm_deudal
I think you mean feudal. And if so....yeah that map is ugly as hell too.


2008-04-08 00:01:33

0nti wrote:
i actually love how Caverns look :?
I'd rather see lostarena :). No offense intended.
He made dm_deudal
I think you mean feudal. And if so....yeah that map is ugly as hell too.
Yeah I mistyped. Who cares if it's ugly? Feudal is a damn good map for 1 v 1 and even for pubbing.


2008-04-08 13:48:48

why can't a map be good in gameplay and pleasant to the eye ate the same time? D:


2008-04-09 00:33:46

i got some like what i think your talkin about.

and the eye clan has some maps like this for dl at thir site 8)


2008-04-11 03:24:24

Actually aRm has literally taken Quake maps and implented them into DM, like dm_armageddon. He also has Quake 3 maps done too and a totally revised version of lockdown with far better textures.

Although he hasnt been mentioned here, which doesnt surprise me, but if people were to be more acceptant of his maps instead of criticising them like most did with dm_lostvillage_v2 just over stupid things like the color of the roofs and stuff, he would probably be more likely to share these other quake maps and his other, like dozen maps with the community instead of keeping them to inclan use, just because he's tired of peoples bickering over rudermentary things and not giving the maps a chance.


2008-04-11 03:53:24

Lostvillage_v2 is awesome, wtf.


2008-04-11 06:31:29

0nti wrote:why can't a map be good in gameplay and pleasant to the eye ate the same time? D:
Depends on who's eye it's pleasant too. I love feudal except for that ugly shit that suicides you off the edges...


2008-04-12 01:57:43

0nti wrote:why can't a map be good in gameplay and pleasant to the eye ate the same time? D:
in my mind some reasons:

1) more shit added; worse the fps
2) nice looking pointless areas which are pointless to the gameplay and add nothing to the gameplay
3) it's hard to balance.
4) some people are visually artistic people who can easily make very nice maps but don't even know how to play hl2dm at a level above newbie.
5) people who are good at the game don't map.
6) takes a lot of time and hard work
7) difficult to wrap ones head around both concepts and make a map work.


2008-04-12 02:03:46

1) more shit added; worse the fps
I don't like "more shit added". It would end up like drift, which even in the revised version fps are really low. I'm just saying some nice selection of textures, or even cool custom ones.
2) nice looking pointless areas which are pointless to the gameplay and add nothing to the gameplay
yeah... that's bs.
3) it's hard to balance.
but not impossible ;)
4) some people are visually artistic people who can easily make very nice maps but don't even know how to play hl2dm at a level above newbie.
5) people who are good at the game don't map.
with some exceptions ... but you are right.
6) takes a lot of time and hard work
who said something good was easy?
7) difficult to wrap ones head around both concepts and make a map work.
same as above.

There are already good maps out there, both visually and regarding gameplay. So I doubt it isn't possible to do it =/

[EYE] Valar

2008-04-12 02:14:05

0nti wrote:why can't a map be good in gameplay and pleasant to the eye ate the same time? D:
Onti and Meekle, the question and the answer posted above by you two derives from your own personal view and does not reflect an objective reality (if there is such a thing...i think to an extent, yes).
There are some very good maps out there that are both beautiful and play good hence are balanced. the technical statements in your post Meekle are wrong. most things you state aren't so and those that are - can be well worked around.
i happy to think, as i stated before that Caverns is indeed a beautiful map. if you don't think so Mr. author - well that just proves my point. its all about personal preference.

all in good spirit my friend :)


2008-04-12 03:02:29

de_wanda, perhaps the most beautiful CS:S map, but it plays out terrible FPS-wise and perhaps not well gamewise (it's 70MB, so no server is going to play that).

background_mill, it's not even a map to play on. It's just like a piece of 3d artwork, really.

dm_peachs_castle, OMG IT'S THE CASTLE FROM MARIO 64, let's play it due to nostalgia rather than due to the map being good or well thought out.

dm_lockdown, Valve got lucky on designing this, but the contest winners failed with their maps.

dm_shitbox_with_uber_leet_jumps_balance_and_tricks, a map made by a great gamer with a good sense of balance, skill, potential, etc. But he is too lazy to texture and create actual architecture cause he wants to actually play the game or doesn't want to learn the intricacies.

But hey, who said good looking AND good playing maps aren't coming out?


2008-04-12 04:25:11

But hey, who said good looking AND good playing maps aren't coming out?
there are good looking maps, and there are maps that play really good. I just said I like the combination.
But why did we change the topic D: point was making vertical maps :P
Charles, how is king_air doing btw? :)


2008-04-12 08:00:32

I meant good looking and good playing as in combined. Valar just released that l33t map that looked pretty cool and I'm guessing it's a solid map to play.

As for the vertical thing, I sense one unlikely mapper releasing a vertical map... at least after reading this.


2008-04-12 08:37:32

As for the vertical thing, I sense one unlikely mapper releasing a vertical map... at least after reading this.
hope u r right D:


2008-04-12 10:21:35

I hope I am too. :lol:

King_air is nearly done with basic structure, but I am taking it slow as always. I do not want to rush at any point and come up with a map like ctf_revolution in which one part of the map is well designed and the other is... well... bland in nice terms. (Just compare the map's bases and the middle).

[EYE] Valar

2008-04-12 23:51:56

Totally looking fwd to seeing it done Charles. giza shout if you need anything. great job.


2008-04-13 01:56:58

Someone fuse Bounce with a real map~!


2008-04-14 20:37:29

I used to map on different games and imo it's all about gameplay and flow.

Once people played it and get enlightened by all the engenuity (or w/e you'd spell that) they'll eventually get someone lazy enough to just change textures or w/e and make it nice looking.

ie: I love lostvillage except for a few things, but it looks horrible, PS2 textures all over the screen with HL1 Grass. But there's a couple of different versions out there. Same for Lockdown.