Leaked: Func_useable_ladder conspiracy

[EYE] Valar

2008-04-28 02:48:19

Leaked: Func_useable_ladder when there is in fact no leak in the map. its all sealed with 64 units thick nodraw brushes so there is no way on Source its a real leak. has to be some glitch someone already knows more about. ive had this in the past but always just found ways around using that ladder. this time, i have no other way.
let me know if you need more info. and no, nothing is showing up on the compile log. im at a brick wall and about to give up and move to mapping for Peggle.


2008-04-28 02:54:20

see if map making was liek the tony hawk pro skater games for play sation i would liek map making but its this confusing stuff thats just uhh makes me confused and angry :)

Jelly Fox

2008-04-28 03:00:07

^ lol, yeah, I "mapped" on TH as well...piece of piss :)
[EYE] Valar wrote:im at a brick wall and about to give up and move to mapping for Peggle.
Sorry about the spam but can you really make maps for Peggle? :shock:

I :heart: Peggle


2008-04-28 20:58:06

i had this problem before too, i deleted the ladder (not the model) and redid it.

try that if you havent already, also check and make sure the origin isnt all fucked up, i had rescaled a func_rotating brush once and the origin went way the fuck out of my area for some reason, maybe it happend to you.

[EYE] Valar

2008-04-28 22:05:34

nah man its crapped. the origin is where it should be and this is like the gazilion time ive placed a new func_useable_ladder = blaaaahhhh. i got nothing on this one lol. changed the design and fug it.

@ TG - there are always bugs. whatever you work with.
@ Jelly - idhk if you can map for peggle but if wow if u're getting in gizashout. iwant. :sketchy:


2008-05-14 05:06:09

I also have a problem with the func_usable_ladder, every time i compile a map with one in it and then load it up in hl2dm, it makes my game crash. While when i go back to the .vmf, delete the ladder, recompile and load it up, my game just works fine.
Help would be appreciated,

[EYE] Valar

2008-05-14 05:19:12

crash usually means its either leaking (func_useable_ladder spawns in hammer inside the floor...u picked it up, yeah?) or it's colliding into a model.
for what i know...


2008-05-15 16:59:00

omg i've been waiting for new peggle maps!!

Fucking do it! DO A BARREL ROLL!!!

[EYE] Valar

2008-05-15 17:53:45

ninojman wrote:omg i've been waiting for new peggle maps!!

Fucking do it! DO A BARREL ROLL!!!