Hammer question!


2008-05-09 18:09:08

All right guys and gals, I just started messing with Hammer again and I noticed textures do not show in the 3D camera view. I seem to remember this problem before but don't remember what the fix was, and I'm pretty sure it's something very simple. Can anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance!


2008-05-09 18:51:45

theres a little arrow above your 3d view (pointing down i believe).

click on it and a list of options should drop down, and you can select a textured/shaded 3d view.


2008-05-09 23:55:08

do you only see a wireframe of your brushwork or just nothing? first case: see st00pitly, second: strg+shift+e


2008-05-10 01:10:04

Thanks st00pidity, I'll give that a try.

I only see the wireframe.


2008-05-10 01:16:54

I just searched and found that you click on the View tab up on the toolbar and select '3D Textured Polygons'. Now it's working.