Lockdown_r4 :: Charger Windows.


2008-06-02 11:09:29

Okay guys Lockdown_r4's coming and your voice must be heard.

Should the windows in lockdown have....

-No bars
-Less bars
-Don't you fucking touch my windows


2008-06-02 17:56:34

i would rather seem them the same as the stock lockdown

yes in r3 you can shoot an orb through them, but you can't shoot someone in the charger room with:

smg_nade and RPG don't on either but that makes sense.

bursting a ar2 shot into the window then firing the orb through isn't that hard. I don't see any reason to change the bars, or do anything other then fixes etc


2008-06-02 19:40:13

What is wrong with r3?

Jelly Fox

2008-06-02 20:05:04

keefy wrote:What is wrong with r3?
bolts/bullets get stuck in the glass...

http://www.hl2dm-university.com/forum/p ... wn+windows


2008-06-02 21:32:32

This has nothing to do with bolts or the glass or how the glass works, windows can be made any size or shape with any type of glass, what he is talking about is the bars that divide each window. He is asking if people would like to have less or none of them because they block jumping and moving out of the windows. With them there you have to be a little more careful when jumping out and 1 of them also makes it hard to get a xbow shot from the charger down the side hall. Think of it as he just wants bigger or wider windows so movement is less restricted.

Changing them would have the following effects on the game:
more physics would fall out of the charger room
orbs would exit and and enter the charger room more while bouncing around.
people would be able to make more jumps into and out of the charger room to more places.
some shots from the charger to the side hall would become easier or possible.

Now all you have to do is decide if those kinds of effects are good or bad.


2008-06-02 22:24:42

less bars, but definitely not NO bars.


2008-06-03 02:50:25

Voted untouched.
I think I'm too used to how it is ...and besides I should try a half bars version to be sure.
I do see the advantages of having less, and I think it could be nice ... but as I said ...I got used to how it is ..


2008-06-03 02:56:32

i voted untouched cause valve made the map that way for a reason. less bars i could see maybe giving alot of nubs a little more movement when it comes to jumping out. but I personally dont have any problem jumping from charger to barrels or from charger to any spot on the catwalk. there is one xbow bounce that i invented that cant go all the way down side hall because of the bar thats there. it does make it to the crate/hp charger room but hits about one unit too far to the right and will not go down the hall. its mostly because of that bar. I could really care less if there were less bars or not. my point is that we all had to learn how to jump out the windows in a careful manner, and now so should everyone else.


2008-06-03 03:09:23

Meh, Valve added the bars for more realism in single player and half-assedly ported it over to there game that was in production for like two months. Just turns out that many of you seem to be too used to it.


2008-06-03 03:34:05

Why make an R4 what is wrong with r3 is it that buggy?



2008-06-03 04:21:37

yes it has a few issues, I do like it better than the regular version with the extra hall and the harder to get rpg.
The issues I know of are:
The window break lag bug (which I havent seen but some people do)
The double meele equip problem (which may cause a crash on start, and a floating stunstick)
The spectate bug on start (which does cause a crash on start)
The vent to rpg is to sensitive
Updating clan posters

Id wouldn't mind missing bars since I do hit them sometimes on accident jumping in and out of the charger room, but I wouldn't like all the props flying out of that room and cluttering the floor below.


2008-06-03 04:52:17

How about make them windows. You know, glass, you break it, it shatters, windows gone, you can see inside now...

And maybe lets stop at Lockdown r12 and look for new maps?!?!?!?
I also saw where someone commented LD is only popular because there was nothjing else worthy early on, and then lets go make minor who cares chances to the f'in thing forever!!

Ohh, and Cannon r4 ought to be great.

WTF is happening in this game?


2008-06-03 09:11:19

I really dont think you are ever going to convince people to get rid of lockdown. I dont care what kind of maps come out, people will bitch and bitch til no end if that map and lost village are not in the rotation.


Ps. I love these new smiles :wink:


2008-06-03 12:33:31

I love LD and don't have a problem with the original. I just wonder at all this talk about windows in LD and Ver.4 of LD.


2008-06-03 15:29:48

Overwatch was the 1st HL2dm map I ever played i spawned in that room with all the crap and was flinging it aound with about 3 other players man that was fun, lockdown is boring.
:lol: :mrgreen:

Walking Target

2008-06-03 20:28:47

Paradox wrote:Ps. I love these new smiles :wink:


2008-06-03 21:40:30

well i voted for untouched..... but i thought the need to bring up the issue of the windows because it really sucks to have someone charging while i'm at the barrels, line up a head shot with a mag and only hit the window, then have to try for a second shot. Same for every weapon other then the combine balls, but at least the combine balls has a primary fire that can open the window to orb fire quickly. 357 doesn't have a way to break then fire again quickly, but in the original you could just blast someone through the window.


2008-06-04 02:39:34

ninojman wrote:well i voted for untouched..... but i thought the need to bring up the issue of the windows because it really sucks to have someone charging while i'm at the barrels, line up a head shot with a mag and only hit the window, then have to try for a second shot. Same for every weapon other then the combine balls, but at least the combine balls has a primary fire that can open the window to orb fire quickly. 357 doesn't have a way to break then fire again quickly, but in the original you could just blast someone through the window.
I just changed my mind, your right nino and I hate that. Please change the windows back to like before! Also as far as the orb breaking the window, its not critical as like nino said you can shoot it first and when fast balling it goes like mad in there anyway, likely hitting someone as they try to run out.


2008-06-04 02:56:44

I would like to see Lockdown r5- original map entirely with a Mag in the dark shower room. Done.

No extra hallway, brightly lit staircase, fancy lighting, "improved" RPG vent, super LEXAN windows...


2008-06-04 04:59:28

The lighting was much needed, the hallway is something that makes the map more competitively feasible and the improved rpg vent stops the speed crawl exploit which makes the map play entirely different than was intended, so yeah that stuff is needed impala.


2008-06-04 08:42:05

ninojman wrote:well i voted for untouched..... but i thought the need to bring up the issue of the windows because it really sucks to have someone charging while i'm at the barrels, line up a head shot with a mag and only hit the window, then have to try for a second shot. Same for every weapon other then the combine balls, but at least the combine balls has a primary fire that can open the window to orb fire quickly. 357 doesn't have a way to break then fire again quickly, but in the original you could just blast someone through the window.
In regular lockdown you can line a mag up and shoot a guy through unbroken glass? Thats news to me.


2008-06-04 19:49:19

Fearsome* wrote:
ninojman wrote:well i voted for untouched..... but i thought the need to bring up the issue of the windows because it really sucks to have someone charging while i'm at the barrels, line up a head shot with a mag and only hit the window, then have to try for a second shot. Same for every weapon other then the combine balls, but at least the combine balls has a primary fire that can open the window to orb fire quickly. 357 doesn't have a way to break then fire again quickly, but in the original you could just blast someone through the window.
In regular lockdown you can line a mag up and shoot a guy through unbroken glass? Thats news to me.
Doh! your right, I guess its been so long since I played something other than r3 I forgot about that. It sure seems like a bullet from a 357 would have no problem going through glass and hitting a target though, can it be done?


2008-06-05 20:17:30

It's not likely without some major trickery, the problem is the more you try to force the game to do something it was not set up to easily do the more other bugs and exploits seem to pop up. Like all the time I spent trying to stop duck sprinting only to have it accidentally suck people in the vent. The way the game works all bullets are basically single use. They can hit 1 and only 1 item and they are done.

These are the only difference between the r3 glass and the regular ld glass.
xbow does not penetrate.
Orb does break and go through.
broken glass does not stay and hinder your view.
glass does not make a sound when you jump through breaking it.
*when shooting the r3 glass with any bullets players tended to lag or stop for unknown reasons.

I am now working on r4 and I have solved the last point which was the major problem with the current glass thanks to Luke finding an alternate solution.


2008-06-05 20:57:09

Fearsome* wrote: In regular lockdown you can line a mag up and shoot a guy through unbroken glass? Thats news to me.
ya sry i was wrong about the hit scans


2008-07-20 15:43:43

Is the r4-project still alive ? :|

Jelly Fox

2008-07-20 16:00:07

I guess so, fearsome recently posted this in the World Series thread:
Fearsome* wrote:the little time I do have tends to be consumed developing and testing lockdown_r4 and testing and critiquing the new zeta.


2008-07-20 16:17:36

Is the r4-project still alive ? :|
Afaik yes, he is also working on a revised version of Zeta_prefinal, but it isn't as easy as it might sound ;o


2008-07-20 20:51:53

To be more clear I am not making a new zeta, the original author is making it, I am just play testing it.
And yes lockdown r4 is still moving forward. It is now at the point where I am doing house keeping and working on integrating the clan posters.


2008-07-21 12:08:50

oh so the original creator is doing it? interesting :o
I Hope to see both maps soon ^^