2008-06-02 11:09:29
Should the windows in lockdown have....

-No bars
-Less bars
-Don't you fucking touch my windows
2008-06-02 11:09:29
2008-06-02 17:56:34
2008-06-02 19:40:13
Jelly Fox
2008-06-02 20:05:04
bolts/bullets get stuck in the glass...keefy wrote:What is wrong with r3?
2008-06-02 21:32:32
2008-06-02 22:24:42
2008-06-03 02:50:25
2008-06-03 02:56:32
2008-06-03 03:09:23
2008-06-03 03:34:05
2008-06-03 04:21:37
2008-06-03 04:52:17
2008-06-03 09:11:19
2008-06-03 12:33:31
2008-06-03 15:29:48
Walking Target
2008-06-03 20:28:47
Paradox wrote:Ps. I love these new smiles
2008-06-03 21:40:30
2008-06-04 02:39:34
I just changed my mind, your right nino and I hate that. Please change the windows back to like before! Also as far as the orb breaking the window, its not critical as like nino said you can shoot it first and when fast balling it goes like mad in there anyway, likely hitting someone as they try to run out.ninojman wrote:well i voted for untouched..... but i thought the need to bring up the issue of the windows because it really sucks to have someone charging while i'm at the barrels, line up a head shot with a mag and only hit the window, then have to try for a second shot. Same for every weapon other then the combine balls, but at least the combine balls has a primary fire that can open the window to orb fire quickly. 357 doesn't have a way to break then fire again quickly, but in the original you could just blast someone through the window.
2008-06-04 02:56:44
2008-06-04 04:59:28
2008-06-04 08:42:05
In regular lockdown you can line a mag up and shoot a guy through unbroken glass? Thats news to me.ninojman wrote:well i voted for untouched..... but i thought the need to bring up the issue of the windows because it really sucks to have someone charging while i'm at the barrels, line up a head shot with a mag and only hit the window, then have to try for a second shot. Same for every weapon other then the combine balls, but at least the combine balls has a primary fire that can open the window to orb fire quickly. 357 doesn't have a way to break then fire again quickly, but in the original you could just blast someone through the window.
2008-06-04 19:49:19
Doh! your right, I guess its been so long since I played something other than r3 I forgot about that. It sure seems like a bullet from a 357 would have no problem going through glass and hitting a target though, can it be done?Fearsome* wrote:In regular lockdown you can line a mag up and shoot a guy through unbroken glass? Thats news to me.ninojman wrote:well i voted for untouched..... but i thought the need to bring up the issue of the windows because it really sucks to have someone charging while i'm at the barrels, line up a head shot with a mag and only hit the window, then have to try for a second shot. Same for every weapon other then the combine balls, but at least the combine balls has a primary fire that can open the window to orb fire quickly. 357 doesn't have a way to break then fire again quickly, but in the original you could just blast someone through the window.
2008-06-05 20:17:30
2008-06-05 20:57:09
ya sry i was wrong about the hit scansFearsome* wrote: In regular lockdown you can line a mag up and shoot a guy through unbroken glass? Thats news to me.
2008-07-20 15:43:43
Jelly Fox
2008-07-20 16:00:07
Fearsome* wrote:the little time I do have tends to be consumed developing and testing lockdown_r4 and testing and critiquing the new zeta.
2008-07-20 16:17:36
Afaik yes, he is also working on a revised version of Zeta_prefinal, but it isn't as easy as it might sound ;oIs the r4-project still alive ?
2008-07-20 20:51:53
2008-07-21 12:08:50