greenhouse evaluation


2008-07-10 01:59:46

Not sure if any of u played greenhouse i was wondering if u guys have tested the map in the past of cal because in cu someone wants it as there home map and so need experienced eyes to tell me if this map is suited for competitive play.

right now this is what i think of it.
RPG having high ground over the battle field is a valid reason but as u said overwatch has it as well and is in the league. I think it will be k where the rpg is because it is exposed and u can get a clear nade on it so i have np with that. Tho I would suggest removing the two health packs and suit and instead only have one.

Clutter there are some useless props on the map for example the alley the runs towards the mag on the stairs like there is 4 barrels 4 saw blades 4 cement bricks and a dupster in that small space. makes it very hard to bhop thro there. and get rid of the baskets.

need to look closer at the spawn points but from what i seen some of them are in house or in the alley next to the house. some spawn points might need to be added and spread out. about there layout well most of them u spawn a weapon can be found a few paces away. So it will not end up a grav nad and smg fest like overwatch which is good point btw.

more suit should be added on the outside so the attackers stand a chance when the get inside the building. two suits together some where would be good addition. Crossbow should be moved where it is not so exposed to the rpg.

there is one choke point i see where u could focus on to prevent access to the rpg. This could also be covered from second floor inside the building the choke point is the stairs leading to it. A ladder added would be a good add on to this map on the outside maybe leading to the roof which kinda think of it is not a good idea so instead have one leading to the glass frame roof would be good making it possible to get to rpg but at the same time make it defensible.

well that what i got so far might need to play it in a 3v3 to see how it performs to get a better idea. But i don't see why this map is not feasible for competitive play but need tweaking.
so have a look at it and tell me what u think.


2008-07-10 02:20:19

i dont play teamplay or cal so i may not be any help.but i just want to say that greenhouse is 1 of my fav maps ever,i have had it in the mapcycel from far as ffa play gos its top notch.i like the rpg on top gives the map a king of the hill fell.other than the cars wich i have static on my server i think the props are fine.and i cant ever rember spawning and thinking dam this is not a good spawn point.agine my point of view is from a ffa player not a team player.its a freaking great map


2008-07-10 04:49:50

good even pub map, would be terrible for competition tho.


2008-07-10 07:43:03



2008-07-10 08:25:05

Yea Im not sure how good it would be for competition. It is a fun pub map though.

Pig Popper

2008-07-10 13:47:19

they sound like good edits SND,
a few things i would consider:
  • The location of the xbow is problematic seeing as the rpg overlooks
    it and it is so tucked away with no quick exit. Maybe lose or lower the fence.

    Plus the whole street section to the left of the building (when facing)
    is a little redundant, i think their is a ar2, shotty and some health/suit
    located there, but the cost of venturing out there to retrieve them is
    too high considering again the rpg, and the mag location

    Maybe some more suit and a few spawn points could make it more central
    although id like to see another entrance into the main building maybe a ladder
    or fire escape on the side

    also there are a few hacks on the roofs (above the mag/shower area) a bit
    of player clipping is needed, unless people believe it to be central to the game play
I'm not a league player, just My 2pence...


2008-07-13 19:41:30

In the early days of CAL it was looked over and the it was rejected.

First of all it is a king of the hill map like overwatch or zeta. The key points were that it had almost no cover from the rocket and you could see people through the glass in so much of the map. In addition the glass created pretty low FPS at the time without even adding in HDR. Like all maps with some time playing on it people would develop strategy for dealing with the problems but we felt that zeta was a much better choice for that type of map. It is often liked amount certain groups of players because it was one of the early release maps way back when that did not totally suck. But I think the simple fact that these players have played it alot and are used to it has more to do with them liking it then it actually being a good map for competition. They also may have generally strong computers which leads some clans to pick maps like that since they seem to do better because other players with lesser systems seem to do worse. On the other hand a couple years later maybe the average system is better and it is not much of an issue any more.

[EYE] Valar

2008-07-14 05:27:27

Fearsome* wrote:In the early days of CAL it was looked over and the it was rejected.

First of all it is a king of the hill map like overwatch or zeta. The key points were that it had almost no cover from the rocket and you could see people through the glass in so much of the map. In addition the glass created pretty low FPS at the time without even adding in HDR. Like all maps with some time playing on it people would develop strategy for dealing with the problems but we felt that zeta was a much better choice for that type of map. It is often liked amount certain groups of players because it was one of the early release maps way back when that did not totally suck. But I think the simple fact that these players have played it alot and are used to it has more to do with them liking it then it actually being a good map for competition. They also may have generally strong computers which leads some clans to pick maps like that since they seem to do better because other players with lesser systems seem to do worse. On the other hand a couple years later maybe the average system is better and it is not much of an issue any more.
very true.


2008-07-14 21:43:22

it was also rejected in sta a few times.