[EYE] Valar

2008-10-11 06:03:19


Play @
DL @ ... b1.bsp.bz2

this is a beta. no sounds added yet and yet to do some touchups.


all inputs are welcome


2008-10-12 10:41:24

the only thing that got me thinking was all the explosive barrels next to the rpg. if all the barrels go off then it may cause a stutter in gameplay, but i am guessing you compensated for that with having a smaller map. my advice or stating the obvious.



2008-10-12 18:23:44

stretch wrote:the only thing that got me thinking was all the explosive barrels next to the rpg. if all the barrels go off then it may cause a stutter in gameplay, but i am guessing you compensated for that with having a smaller map. my advice or stating the obvious.


was my advise as well


2008-10-12 18:55:54

Nice! :thumbsup: Busy, Busy, Mr val... :mrgreen:



2008-10-12 23:02:04

oh man, this map is crazy action! I'm not sure if I like the huge amount of props everywhere, but maybe that's part of the FTW! theme. I love the ceiling in that one room, with the fence/grate looks like it's holding back a bunch of rocks. :D

Now awaiting dm_lmao_missiles, dm_rofl_copters, and others...

tee hee!

cyboy bunny

2008-10-13 20:02:52

mmmhhh sry to say it valar but i think quantity = not the same as quality. i cant see in youre time ,but i think you are going to fast. bloom is realy nice made, remorse is also looking good but also a little bit less then bloom,but this one well it has not the nice schapes/detailing/atmoshere i am used off you. its mayby a fun map to play ,but i know you can do allot better then this one.

good luck :wink:


2008-10-13 23:05:38

cyboy bunny wrote:mmmhhh sry to say it valar but i think quantity = not the same as quality. i cant see in youre time ,but i think you are going to fast. bloom is realy nice made, remorse is also looking good but also a little bit less then bloom,but this one well it has not the nice schapes/detailing/atmoshere i am used off you. its mayby a fun map to play ,but i know you can do allot better then this one.

good luck :wink:
I don't care how it looks. I care about the gameplay. As for this, I think it would make an excellent 1v1 map or 2v2. I can never really tell how good an actual map is until I scrim on it.

[EYE] Valar

2008-10-15 00:36:38

cyboy bunny wrote:mmmhhh sry to say it valar but i think quantity = not the same as quality. i cant see in youre time ,but i think you are going to fast. bloom is realy nice made, remorse is also looking good but also a little bit less then bloom,but this one well it has not the nice schapes/detailing/atmoshere i am used off you. its mayby a fun map to play ,but i know you can do allot better then this one.

good luck :wink:

i just knew someone was going to meh about the lack of details on FTW. lol. :wink:
but seriously, FTW was done in a few hours only for fun. nothing too serious.
i completely dissagree about Remorse looking less pretty than Bloom. those are two completely different styles and atmosphere. but i respect ppl's opinions. another thing to keep in mind...Bloom was not really meant as a competitional map but more as a homage to the Ravenholm chapter in HL2 while Remorse was all about competition and fast movement.


[EYE] Valar

2008-10-15 02:43:00

dm_ftw_b2 is up on the server.

DL @ ... b2.bsp.bz2

reduced explosive barrels and a bit less physics props as requested. njoy and thx.



2008-11-02 00:52:14

Well, love your maps Valar, but we play tested this one with about 12 players on my server and it was a thumbs down by all. :( General feeling was basically that the map did not have much, if any creativity, plain textures, too "blocky" in connectivity and somewhat boring. Sorry, like I said, we normally love your maps but unfortunately, not this one.


2008-11-02 00:58:39

havent played it yet but i will.


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

[EYE] Valar

2009-02-10 10:11:02



This revision has been playtested for over a week now and getting good feedbacks.


I will be updating it again shortly as the RPG sound is a little annoying being too loud.


Jelly Fox

2009-02-10 16:41:06

I :heart: this map :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


2009-02-10 17:32:18

Jelly Fox wrote:I :heart: this map :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Me too.

The Argumentalizer

2009-02-10 17:52:32

A small map that totally kicks ass. I love it. Nice work.
Perfect 1 v1 2v2 map.


2009-02-11 08:09:23

Looks to be a great improvement! I'll load it up and give her a whirl when I get home!!