[EYE] Valar
2008-11-19 16:15:24
This is dm_milieu .
A long collaboration with many people however mainly Fearsome and mLIQUID did the most here. Fearsome, thanks for your valuable input and suggestions especially in the weapon placement dept. and those two zigzag connections - very much appreciated!! mLIQUID, your help here was priceless.
it was a lot of fun finding so much help and cooperation in the community. we can have nice things.

This map is an attempt to bring in a high level movement, long jumps and fast layout in an eye candy enviroment whilst keeping performance decent.
The most part of this map uses custom texstures and models taken from various Source mods mostly CS:S, Pirates Vikings and Knights and a beautiful mod called Eclipse that's long discontinued.
a bit more ss this time as i wanted to show a bit more of the layout.

Map can be downloaded here