

2008-11-20 08:52:49

This is for CAL 1v1. Lets see how it goes.

Dedicated to that special someone ;)
(11.25 KiB) Downloaded 90 times


2008-11-20 09:33:56



2008-11-20 16:43:30

I will check it out and cool you named it Conflict, cuz he is da coolest! :wink:


2008-11-20 20:41:37

Downloading, but I'm going to hate it cause i h8chu. I swear tiggy, if this turns out to be the most amazing, best flowing, most critically thought out map I've ever played, I'll kill you.


2008-11-20 20:54:20

My only complaint is there isn't enough ammo boxes in the map.

Other than that, it's perfect for a 1v1.

Uncle Rico

2008-11-20 21:45:26

Is it too late to nominate this for 4v4?


2008-11-20 21:52:53

If I could get the source from nitro, I could easily adapt this for a 4v4.

Walking Target

2008-11-20 22:09:56

Not enough spawns is my only complaint. Punk and I 1v1ed it and we had the most epic orb war ever.


2008-11-21 00:03:53

lol you guys really played my map?

and yes you can have the .vmf to make it for 4v4 keeper. id like to see this

Walking Target

2008-11-21 01:10:39

Of course we played it, we even have it on fast DL.

Why for the love of all that is good didn't you wait and enter it in the mapping contest???


2008-11-21 01:16:53

Nice, except there's too few spawn points for an official CAL 1on1 map :)


2008-11-21 02:02:01

i fcuking love it. i timed myself to see how long it took me to bhop from one side to the other. i cant find the mag tho.......anybody know where it is?

Jelly Fox

2008-11-21 03:18:37

Can't remember the exact location of the mag but I think it's in the far right hand corner... it is pretty well hidden, but it's there.
Zman42 wrote: Downloading, but I'm going to hate it cause i h8chu. I swear tiggy, if this turns out to be the most amazing, best flowing, most critically thought out map I've ever played, I'll kill you.
What he said ^

Although it could do with more weapons, it's like a desert :wink:


2008-11-21 04:23:20

{EE} Uncle Rico wrote:Is it too late to nominate this for 4v4?

Yes, sorry but you will probably get another chance for the season after the upcoming one.


2008-11-21 04:34:32

Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :lol:

Good stuff. :wink:


2008-11-21 18:06:39

What no slams?

Jelly Fox

2008-11-22 04:50:36

There could be slams, some weapons are just really well hidden, like the mag. :o


2008-11-22 09:17:24

you guys are great. i love you.

dont worry this was a test as an r2 will be coming out soon with some more props and smg nades. they didnt spawn for some reason. also ill be adding in a car from overwatch.


2008-11-22 23:10:34

LOL so ninjins tell me he named a map before my name, im like oh wow?

So he links me there, i read the comments and I think "oh shit it looks damn good too" I load it up and...well ... theres no words to describe what was my facial expression.

Good Shit.


2008-11-22 23:58:32

Hey guys I think I'm the first person in the world to complete this map from one side all the way to the other side in the fastest possible time, took me about 50 minutes practising in it and finally nailed it and got it recorded, I uploaded the demo for you all to enjoy.

Here's the screenshot of the default settings:

Here's the link to the demo: ... einfo.html


2008-11-23 01:09:24

The weapons, the spawnpoints and anything else is perfectly balanced and very fair for both players in a 1v1 ! Good job !


2008-11-23 04:24:53

hahah that was the greatest demo ever.


2008-11-23 06:59:36



2008-11-23 11:39:43

you go right ahead. :)


2008-11-23 15:36:34

Nutri-Grain seriously spent an hour and 10 minutes of your life practicing jumping as fast as possible across a map?



oh and ill test this map out soon tiggy since everyone says its so damn good :)
yes, ninjins has made an excellent 1v1 map, IMO I think this is better than lockdown, (and that is pretty much my favourite map), so yeah I really wanted to show you guys that I'm the fastest player in the world to do this map from one side to the other.

I think nutri-grain you should actually watch the demo because then you will understand the greatness of my achievement 8)


2008-11-23 19:07:29

Lol forget about being rick-rolled, I just got Tiggy-rolled. :lol:


2008-11-23 20:54:35

er...yes...tiggy rolled meaning you like it right?...


2008-11-23 22:13:49

I was talking about the map, but your demo was a showcase of pure skill. :lol:


2008-11-25 12:12:01

In dm_conflict_r2 I'd like for the ar2 to be moved a bit to the left so it's a bit harder to reach, made it really unfair last time, some armor shards should be moved apart a bit so their not so close together, and it needs HDR lighting. Overall this ones going to go down in history as one of the best 1v1 maps of all time along side lockdown, it was pretty much written in cement when I first saw it.