dm_dominus - BETA


2008-12-11 20:12:30

dm_dominus - BETA

Download: ... es&file=17

This is a map which I started a couple of months ago and has been designed with teamplay at the highest priority.
I tried to be original with the theme of the map so I went for a medieval dungeon style.
I think the map is ideal for 2v2/3v3 but not sure about any more or less.
Unfortunately when I started it I was an absolute mapping begginer but I decided to carry on with it because I don't really have the time at the moment to completely start again with it.
This has meant that the brushwork is really messy and there are overlaps etc so the fps is pretty bad in some places.

I would prefer any comments to be related to the actual layout and weapon placement of the map rather than the actual mapping quality because I am aware it is dire.
If it appears that a few people like it and see potential in the map I am willing to start again and do a better job of it.
Special thanks to .shoobie for some of the details and help with the design.



2008-12-11 22:22:09

looks cool :wink:


2008-12-12 04:37:02

Looks good.

Glad to see you here thrash.


2008-12-12 06:26:06

shit i can't get the download to work :(


2008-12-12 06:57:13

Under the table, go to the free side. Click free. It'll take you to the download portion.


2008-12-12 07:11:09

thanks but it still didnt work wants me to put a code
or something in a small field beside the download button :?:


2008-12-12 08:21:18

Hmm. I didn't realize that you had to do that. My bad!

It's not working for me either. It seems that that picture is broken.


2008-12-12 08:27:59

badinfluence wrote:Hmm. I didn't realize that you had to do that. My bad!

It's not working for me either. It seems that that picture is broken.

yeah i know wtf??

and when you try to refresh the little tiny picture it breaks again..

btw ....we did not break it.... it was broke.... when we found it 8)


2008-12-12 15:19:02

Oh I had the same problem when I tried to download it too..
Download link replaced -- ... es&file=17


2008-12-13 00:51:14

yeah thats much better lol 8)


2008-12-13 01:10:31

very nice map you've done a great job...

so props on that....

i was there by myself so couldnt test the game play
but i will.