Ideas for jumpmaps needed!


2008-12-21 05:21:05

I'm working on jump maps for as long as I know how to handle Hammner. I studied some jumps and how they work, the various types of skills and jumps you can make and all that stuff.

But all the maps that I know are simple corridors with platforms in them. I had lots of fun in them, nonetheless, but I'd like to achieve something more, or rather diferent. So I started making this map with a certain theme, to try to make it look just like a regular dm map or, at least, like if you are in an actual world. It's a tomb-like map that's too raw yet, but it's going.

Anyway, I need more ideas. Both for the map theme and the jump types.
I made a video, kinda in a hurry, just to show you some of the jump types I prototyped. I forgot to include a bhop thing like in Stylejumps first part with the beams, and some air control training jumps.

So the question is:

How would you like a jump map to be, and with what types of jumps?

Jelly Fox

2008-12-21 21:43:31

Nice vid, a theme map would be cool

for a bhop section have a look at the format they use in CS:S, they have blocks that you can only bhop on, if you land on them they start to sink and then you get teleported back to the beginning.

Air control like the upper walls of lostvillage would be cool to see in a map as that took me a while to master.


2008-12-21 22:52:41

For the air control I have this little thing made (among a few others that look too much like ultijumps)


(if the image doesnt show go to this link)


2010-04-20 08:38:08

i watched ur vid of jumping styles ideas :D i like the one where u go down on narrow pillars
for air control i was thinking of a free fall along curved walls/pillars with one or 2 landing platforms