

2009-01-21 01:25:39

I still don't understand r4 and the extra ar2, now theres more ammo added like that was necessary. What else got changed, I don't notice much difference...

Jelly Fox

2009-01-21 01:30:37

Is that the latest one with the annoying grooves in the rpg vent?

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-21 01:48:52

Please stop twiddling around with Lockdown and give it a rest please!

Uncle Rico

2009-01-21 01:55:01

Rest or burial?


2009-01-21 04:59:57

Jelly Fox wrote:Is that the latest one with the annoying grooves in the rpg vent?
Yeah :?

They were supposed to stop or slow down speed ducking the vent, and from what I have seen if they do slow it down its only by .05 seconds. So mostly they do nothing but serve as something to get stuck on when your ping exceeds 60 ish, might as well have left the wonderfull fan that sucked you up in there as this really isnt any better.

It just kills me that a viable solution to prevent speed ducking is not being implemented over a freaking stupid ass low percentage xbow bank.


2009-01-21 08:04:45

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I stick to _r3 onwards. (IF I play that map)

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-21 09:09:16

Why the hell is there another AR back there and not a mag or bow?!?!
And where is my orb near the table behind the fence.
I mean really, is the object here to have admins constantly upload this shit and have remember that isnt there now and this is here and ...

Add some friggin nice wallpaper and some sconces and leave that shit alone ffs!


2009-01-21 09:33:55

personally, if there was an xbow or a mag over there where the extra ar2 is now, i'd never leave the bathroom. lol

and its funny how much ive seen people complain but still havnt provided a legit solution to the speedcrawling of the rpg vent.



2009-01-21 09:52:53

TiGGy wrote:personally, if there was an xbow or a mag over there where the extra ar2 is now, i'd never leave the bathroom. lol

and its funny how much ive seen people complain but still havnt provided a legit solution to the speedcrawling of the rpg vent.

I dont think your xbow, ar2w orbs, shotgun, and smg nades are gonna stand up too well against 2 or more players coming back in the bathrooms with rpgs, 100/200, mags, shotguns, xbows, 3x smg nades.
IMO a xbow wouldnt change much, the extra AR2 is useless would rather have had the shotgun instead.

The vent is easy and I have already said it a million times, you leave the vent as it was originally, you put a button inside the fan room which must be pushed and then it either drops the rpg or opens a door for it to be grabbed. This can be done and timed to be the exact same as the amount of time that it takes to normal speed crawl in and out. SO in a sense you let people speed crawl in and out but they must sit inside and wait for the rpg for a few seconds, so that it is the same. By doing this you totally take out any advantage gained by speed crawling. If you think it cant be done go check out losthope and see how the rpg is done on that map, then ask valar for help if you cant figure it out.

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-21 12:10:33

Hmmmmmm, a 200 charger and a magnum? Sounds better.
As for speed crawling, who gives a shit. The RPG doesnt even come up that much that i see.
Lockdown is not Lost Village?!?!


2009-01-21 14:57:39

Just lift up the whole vent 4 units or so and the problem I solved.


2009-01-21 19:56:53

Shoobie wrote:Just lift up the whole vent 4 units or so and the problem I solved.
This has also been suggested and done by Dallas in a revision he did, I feel it is a possible solution as well however it disrupts a low percentage xbow bank that some people feel is game breaking if they cant do it (which is a joke since in 3 seasons of CAL play I have never seen a kill scored by it in a competitive match) It is also said that some people can still do it anyway with the vent raised but I haven't seen it, so as far as Im concerned if it is possible it is very hard to do.


2009-01-21 23:44:31

If you put a xbow or mag in the bathroom you would turn ld into a mindless camp fest. I certainly wouldn't bother leaving the bathroom if I spawned there.


2009-01-21 23:53:33

i camp ar2/bathrooms on ld all the time not too hard even with no mag or xbow.


2009-01-22 01:25:52

ar2 gives 2v2s both players an ar2 and an orb coming out of bathroom. how's a shotgun better than that?

Dallas' idea of raising was a fail too. I can do it consistently.

Rpg isn't used much in what version of ld? r3? well obviously cause of the vent.


2009-01-22 03:57:19

Wonder if you just moved the "glitchy" Ar ( I have never seen it not spawn) to the corner or something would fix it? Then the shotty could be put back in.


2009-01-22 05:58:19

the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.


2009-01-22 08:20:03

Zman42 wrote:the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.
Zman42 wrote:the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.
Zman42 wrote:the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.
Zman42 wrote:the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.
Zman42 wrote:the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.
Zman42 wrote:the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.
Zman42 wrote:the ar2, indeed any item, will not spawn if people stand on it during restart. dont stand on shit.

[EYE] Valar

2009-01-22 14:59:31

FYI everybody - all items in DM may show / have problems spawning IF there are errors in the map. problem is these are errors that CANNOT be traced since they result from a bug in the actual code that has little or no relation to mapping. something in the map's position on the grid (but not always) / structure (but not always)/ entities (but not always) is triggering it. this is not necessarily something the mapper did but rather Valve neglected to notice / later address.
This is a random problem in the sense it cannot be foreseen while production of the map. This by the way rules out the myth about this problem occurring only when the map is on the dead center of the grid - believe you me - i have made literally hunderds of maps in dead center and none showed this problem while others which were in no way in the center of the grid, did.
And therefore; most probably the AR2 wouldn't have spawned correctly even if it was a second AR2 right next to the original one.
You won't be surprised to learn this error does not happen in all OB games.



2009-01-23 01:57:41

lol the ar2 on lock can stop spawning? never happened to me...

Jelly Fox

2009-01-23 02:32:58

BlackRaven wrote:lol the ar2 on lock can stop spawning? never happened to me...
Same mate, I think it's something to do with the Cal config, it's never happened to me which playing in the CU :?


2009-01-23 03:34:29

I've seen stuff stop spawning on maps, many maps all the time. It's not just lockdown.


2009-01-23 06:07:08

L2k wrote:I've seen stuff stop spawning on maps, many maps all the time. It's not just lockdown.
we've had a 4v4 against 911 on amplitude without the rpg. might as well put 2 of them in there.


2009-01-23 06:18:59

Maybe it was a revision like dm_lockdown_no_ar2_v1


2009-01-23 07:08:02


Jelly Fox

2009-01-23 16:18:09

I would like to see the original lockdown with less barrels and without the bucket... the rest I don't care about!


2009-01-23 19:18:23

Jelly Fox wrote:I would like to see the original lockdown with less barrels and without the bucket... the rest I don't care about!
Do not forget the chair next to ladder at crossbow.


2009-01-23 19:26:24

ya the bucket ><


2009-01-23 23:46:40

Leave the bucket alone dammit, so funny to kill people with it 8)

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-24 01:10:22

Hate those ****ing little chairs!


2009-01-24 01:46:31

If _r3 was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.
jesus3.jpg (60.87 KiB) Viewed 226 times