
[EYE] Valar

2009-01-26 08:37:49

seems many here have a clear vision of mapping however they can't technically map.
I would like to try something; how about people post blueprints of their own map designs and mappers can then come in and make them.
Preferably, apart from the layout, add weapon placements and trying to be as specific as possible, try giving a comprehensive idea of lighting, colors and sounds.
Again, mere blueprints will do but the more elaborate the scene is the better.

Idea is to bring together knowledge and technique: many advanced players here have a very solid understanding of how a map should be and perform. could be a nice exercise.

thoughts. ideas. comments...please post.



2009-01-26 09:33:54

In theory sounds like a solid idea but in practice...

-sounds too much like work, that's how SP games are done
-plus I am too damn slow, any hammer time I have is gonna be mine
-in the end i don't make maps to please other people, because you can't make everyone happy

I've seen this kind of idea posted before in places, the response is invariably "learn it yourself"

That said. Myself I would consider it if the map could be broken up into chunks say 1024x1024, done by different people, with reference shots etc to keep the thing working stylistically. That would cut workload down big time


2009-01-26 10:33:16

I like. I lack ideas, but have the technical skill.


2009-01-26 14:03:45

So what you ask valar?

guys that can't map but have a good idea of how a map should be layout and played to post idea in forms in words or doodles or even image references for themes for a design.

Is that what you asking for so mappers can get ideas from the guys that actually play allot and have better understanding of the game and what is a good map.

If that the case I guess without thinking too much I guess what I would like to see is a map that has a good competitive structure that is well balanced in a theme that fits well in the half life 2 universe I guess which has allot of substance. Main reason why i would want this is that I feel there has not been any new maps that do this, only ones the spring to mind is lockdown, overwatch which base on the 1 player content there was octagon that followed the look of the city 17 tower but I think it too sterile of a environment.

I think i would like to see a map based on white forest with those tall trees and the rebel base being the center peice of the map.


2009-01-26 14:54:19

I cn do bulding schematics of a layout but thats about it, the theme/look would have to come from someone else. May be able to get a basic structure made in hammer

[EYE] Valar

2009-01-26 18:33:32

@ SND - The idea is to post not only the map's philosophy but mainly the map's layout as a blueprint = a sketch. once a mapper sees the sketch they can make more use of the philosophy. if that makes sense.
@ Haymaker - the idea is not to please anyone but try and create a fruitful collaboration. might be interesting and result in some nice maps. might fail. we'll have to try and see that's all. Also, not trying to prevent non-mappers from learning how to map or mappers from learning how to play advanced game. Only to collaborate nothing more.

hope this clarifies my idea.



2009-01-26 19:09:41

i think this is a fantastic idea. will help bridge the gap between mappers and players. i think we've been going at it all wrong, instead of mappers coming up with an idea for a map, building it, then having players run thru it to see if they like it, why not have the players give the ideas to the mappers. fucking brilliant Valar. funny how sometimes the most obvious sollution is right there in front of your eyes and sometime its what you have actually been doing all along, just from a different angle.

as always, i bow respectfully to your genuis.

***valar cant take any request until a certain map is done!!!***


2009-01-27 01:04:03

Muhahha I've already gave him a map :p


2009-01-27 18:10:46

I had some spare time.

The idea for the map based on the fight between rebels and combine at white forest. It consists of a missle sillo bunker and one of those wooden house from the game. Map will be about you guessed it controling the bunker which has rpg at the heart of it. actaul rpg will be placed on top of a missle with out it warhead nose and to get to it you would have to jump a big gap to get it.

did a quick sketch I will post them latter.

[EYE] Valar

2009-01-27 19:58:32

note: white forest = ep2 = heavy load of custom materials = huge map size.


2009-01-28 03:45:48

I had a similar idea to this because often I have ideas for maps but I just do not possess the hammer skills to actually put them together and make them look half decent. I can put together a map with half decent layout with good weapon/item placement but aeshetics are really my weak point. The latest map I have been working on I think the layout works reasonably well for a teamplay orientated map but it's very basic brushwork wise and is nothing special to look at.


2009-01-28 11:26:35

Good idea imo.

Gives mappers some inspiration for projects, players some input into the mapping process and the more experienced mappers can help out the newer mappers. Sounds like a win/win for making competitive maps to me.

It would also probably be a good thing for a mapper taking on any of these projects to post updates and betas frequently so any gameplay problems and balance issues can be ironed out well before final release.
[EYE] Valar wrote:note: white forest = ep2 = heavy load of custom materials = huge map size.
Not to mention the "fun" with vis :S


2009-01-28 11:36:37

U could do cpm22 from q3:cpma for hl2dm, u would have to make the size and stuff different but yea, is one of the more competitive maps from any game ive seen, im sure lots of ppl would like that if done right.

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-28 14:30:46

I will think on this, put the noggin to work, mull it around, pray on it, rethink it, tear it down in my head, rebuild, dream about it, add to it, consult folks, rerethink it, solidify it in my mind, doubt it, embrace it again, and get back to you!

[EYE] Valar

2009-01-28 15:40:25

The Argumentalizer wrote:I will think on this, put the noggin to work, mull it around, pray on it, rethink it, tear it down in my head, rebuild, dream about it, add to it, consult folks, rerethink it, solidify it in my mind, doubt it, embrace it again, and get back to you!
yeah and then get complaints on teh team spawn lmao :mrgreen:


2009-01-28 21:59:31

Pernicious wrote:U could do cpm22 from q3:cpma for hl2dm, u would have to make the size and stuff different but yea, is one of the more competitive maps from any game ive seen, im sure lots of ppl would like that if done right.
I'm not sure exactly which map this is off hand but if it's that one cell shaded looking map this was already my next planned map. the one with the single colored rooms? if the map was scaled down and some hl2dm playstyles added, it would be a sexy 1v1 map. maybe even 2v2.
as far as this collab mapping idea....I'm down :)


2009-01-29 00:16:16

Quake map names suck balls its worse than killboxes. The players in the Quake live forums say their number names like "CA1" but in the votemap section they are called "Asylum" or "chemical reaction" and so on its all very confusing.

[EYE] Valar

2009-01-29 00:44:49

true about Quake. not true about ALL Killbox map names tho m8. :!: generalizing warning :!:



2009-01-30 11:40:04

keefy wrote:but in the votemap section they are called "Asylum" or "chemical reaction" and so on its all very confusing.
Its been a while but if I remember rightly cpm22 = "Aerowalk". I've always wanted to convert cpm10 :D

Jelly Fox

2009-01-30 16:52:45

Who wants to finish my multi player version of ptrain off for me? I'm simply don't have the patience, skill or time.

PM me if you do :mrgreen:


2009-01-30 18:07:28

boshed wrote:
keefy wrote:but in the votemap section they are called "Asylum" or "chemical reaction" and so on its all very confusing.
Its been a while but if I remember rightly cpm22 = "Aerowalk". I've always wanted to convert cpm10 :D
Don't you start as well!


2009-02-04 07:28:29

Jelly Fox wrote:Who wants to finish my multi player version of ptrain off for me? I'm simply don't have the patience, skill or time.

PM me if you do :mrgreen:
:mrgreen: :thumbsup:


2009-02-07 08:38:55

For awhile now, I have had these two ideas and visions for maps. I am not a mapper, simply don't have the time, but iI sure can appreciate a well thought out and built map with great visuals, great connectivity and in general, great game play.

1) Pirate Island: Medium - Large island with two hills. Bunkers/caves exist that create some connectivity underground. There are wooden "outlook" structures scattered around and also a beached pirate ship that can be accessed and explored. Hills can be climbed where observation points are available for sniping.

2) Playground "Rat" map: Map has sand floor, and is complete with swings, slides, jungle gym crawl tubes, teeter totters, etc. Slides work, maybe? Is that possible? LOL!

The pirate map was adopted and started by a well known hl1 mapper although it was never finished.

I'll see if I can draw up some type of basic blue print and post, but I think you get the idea.


2009-02-07 10:10:21

Just don't make the snipping points too easy to get away with, lest they will kill all the fun the map may be.
Novice players/eager campers tend to stick to sniping spots when they feel well covered from fire and general view, and they get away easily with easy kills if they are average snipers or patient campers.


2009-02-10 15:29:00

I will send you a 1v1 map if I manage to build something cool. I'll work on it after school.


2010-04-20 08:11:00

Such a great idea, abandoned so fast :D Valar, pm'ed you cus I saw another thread where you were asking for inspiration