cool shieat


2007-08-11 17:19:02

I wish every single maps in the world would have...

Random TNT explosions
Teleport pads and some of them teleports you in a lil cube located outside the map.

Secret rooms
Blue rooms where you can't shoot people or you get banned
Background music playing in loop
Fake weapon models lying around so you cant tell what you should gravgun
A heater that does 0 damage
A ceiling that goes down on the press of a switche
Huge and useless areas (see dm_runoff)
A Combine and a Rebel Spawn (great for FFA games or competitive TDM!)
Instant rapid respawn so everyone can whore his fav weapon
Switch that make the whole map goes lowgrav
A spawn that clips through an object so you have to duck to gtfo
Ladders, lot of em

Of course its ironic, ive seen all of the above in custom maps (my hdd is mostly full of maps and clips.) just a lil obvious and somewhat funny NOT-TO-DO list. i wish i can find some of the maps wich the ceiling and the music looping thing, its funny to try to imagine what was going on in the maker's head haha


2007-08-12 03:21:48

but but but !!! lostvillage has a secret room!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
:lol: :o :lol:

hahah funny post.

but really.. the switch that makes the whole map low grav sounds fun!! for you know at least the 1st 10 min! .. it can't be a serious map of couse .. but I can see why someone would do that.

LOL i have never run across the fake wep model thing! haha.

the best one has to be the blue room and if you shoot in there you get baned! :D


2007-08-12 04:09:54

Good list, just to name a few

-Maps that are pulled straight from the single player game and have next to no editing done on them, except for a large wall at either end (i.e dm_lockdown2)

-Lots n lots of jumppads


ctf_oceanTrench................serious buisness.....

-Every weapon in each spawn
-All the alt-fires RIGHT next to the weapon
- (this is what baffles me) 3 suit chargers that get your health + suit to 100/200 in each spawn.
-The map comes fully loaded with +100 lag and -80 fps (yay for single digits)
-The airboat scene (single player) song begins as the map starts
-hence the HAVE to swim to get to the opposing base
-Once underwater, the maker was lazy and didnt finish the bases from the water, so you can see people through the walls lol (built in wall hax)


2007-08-12 04:11:17

{SW} had a map with the Blue grav gun behind a door you could see throu but not open.....sooo many kills with ppl trying to open it


2007-08-12 04:57:23

I should definitely add that Blue Gravity Gun in my maps :D.

- Unclipped stairs.
- Unnecessarily long stairs.
- Super duper long ladder.
- Teleports with no trigger_push supplementing them, allowing for lots of stuck funnage.
- Too few spawns for a 4v4, causing spawn deaths.
- Tons of super-long vents.
- Tons of breakable things.
- No props at all.
- Harpoons that don't even hurt you.


2007-08-12 08:29:37

- Pointless props that do no damage, or are clientside only but still get stuck in the gravgun and mess up movement. After all, the source engine is all about physics, right? Even if theyre completely useless and do nothing but detract from the play.

- Dead ends, lots of them. Who needs flow or connectivity? Plenty of places to camp or get trapped = good times.

I think everything else has been covered, except the best of the best:

- No lights. This is the strongest, leetest mapping technique out there! Since the engine will automatically light the whole map at 255 255 255 with 100% saturation for you, adding lights is a waste of time and effort, and increases compile times to boot. Fullbright for the WIN!


2007-08-12 09:37:37

You forgot the pit of leakage.

- Intentionally-added pit or hole in map that lets you fall. Forever.

^ I've actually seen one in a map. No kidding.


2007-08-12 10:11:26

Ko-Tao wrote: - No lights. This is the strongest, leetest mapping technique out there! Since the engine will automatically light the whole map at 255 255 255 with 100% saturation for you, adding lights is a waste of time and effort, and increases compile times to boot. Fullbright for the WIN!
aim arena LAWL