fy_stamina - kinda user requested


2007-08-15 03:03:29

i just ran it on my server and for sum reason the equip thhing didnt give everyone weapons liek it did on my lan server, anyone know wtf the problem is?

i set out to make an arena map that had no props, no smg nades, and certainly no rpg. I figured i could get somethign done in about 5 hours.... here we are 5 days later, and i think you'lll be impressed.

In counter strike FY stands for fight yard, and all the weapons are put at the players feet at spawn... i just made it give you every weapon from spawn, with full ammo. Theres no extra ammo laying around, not much health and armor either, good luck with that.

I wanted to have some sick ass jump pads, they turned out badass, you might think "hey stoned your a fucktard these dont work right" but once you figure out how to work them properly you'll embrace my 8 inches of hard talent faster then teto's chapped lips.

I plan on making a dm version with weapons and shit in the map actually, props, and yes even an rpg... leave your feedback here, if you want to test it online, you know this shit will be on my server.









2007-08-15 06:33:33

dude, this map tottaly owns, ill deff test it out and if i like it ill run it on my server for sure :)


2007-08-15 06:43:35

thanks man, just wait until tomorrow and i'll have a dm version, since im having trouble with the quip entity in my fy version.


2007-08-15 10:15:33

cool sounds good :D


2007-08-15 18:07:25

ok so i looked into the entity that im using a little mroe, its called game_player_equip, and from what i read on the source SDK wiki it does have MP support, and it worked fine on my LAN test server, so im still at a compelte loss why it doesnt give players the weapons on my server, could it be a cofiguration problem on my server?


2007-08-15 19:42:22


no nades? one can only hope sounds sexy thou and looks pretty damn good aswell


2007-08-15 20:56:09

i see your name all big and shit for everyone to notice, but where is mine :cry:
very well i will just poon your face with my stunstick :twisted:

Walking Target

2007-08-15 21:05:12

Looking good man. Maybe consider naming it dm_ instead of fy_ so that people dont confuse it as a CS conversion?


2007-08-15 21:21:46

lol why do i have the feeling no ones reading my posts.

but thank you for all your compliments, i'm working on the dm verson today.


2007-08-15 22:10:18

I think you might have to use a trigger or logic_auto to enable the game_player_equip? Try a OnMapSoawn, enable game_player_equip's name.


2007-08-15 22:11:45

i havnt tried that, but the wiki said in multiplayer that it just "uses" on spawn... i guess i could give it a whirl tho.


2007-08-15 22:54:09

st0wn3d wrote: I wanted to have some sick ass jump pads, they turned out badass, you might think "hey stoned your a fucktard these dont work right" but once you figure out how to work them properly you'll embrace my 8 inches of hard talent faster then teto's chapped lips.

Well said! ahaha

Walking Target

2007-08-16 03:24:19

st0wn3d wrote:lol why do i have the feeling no ones reading my posts.

but thank you for all your compliments, i'm working on the dm verson today.
Ah ok, I thought you were giving up on the equips and making a dm version only, but leaving the name fy. nvm then, look fwd to seeing it.


2007-08-16 04:59:45

well, i mdoign the dm, with the equip thing now.. since what u said still holds true, we tested.. so far so good.. it was kind of hectic in there.. so ahh any opinions?


2007-08-16 05:44:06

st0wn3d wrote:well, i mdoign the dm, with the equip thing now.. since what u said still holds true, we tested.. so far so good.. it was kind of hectic in there.. so ahh any opinions?
Yes, where is the link to download?


2007-08-16 06:15:19

Well stowned, i have to say, played that map with you today...and basically, IT OWNS . Well done :lol:


2007-08-16 17:10:20

st0wn3d wrote:well, i mdoign the dm, with the equip thing now.. since what u said still holds true, we tested.. so far so good.. it was kind of hectic in there.. so ahh any opinions?

I don't know if i'd say hectic since you get the 357 of the bat, it's just faster paced. Hectic would be me getting killed trying to find a weapon before i can get one. This really lets you spawn and get somewhere since you have a long range weapon to battle ppl back with.

this adds some super flick shot which is always great practice. And trying to keep your aim while going 360 degrees off a jump pad hs is pimp.

I didn't turn my gamme up ( have to everytime i start-up) so it was dark but that was just likely me. A glossy look (which you said you'd add) will make the models stand out a bit more and make the level look nice.

props numbers seemed good, since you can't use them with the lift, there should be just few enough to not jam the jumps when they get dropped


2007-08-16 18:20:33

well if the saw blades were left on the ramps i noticed that they'd launch u up at a higher vertical angle and u'd smoked the light, it wasnt to bad tho because the speed of the push would get u up onto that platform without taking 10 hp tho... maybe i should add addition pushes on the ramps that only effect the props (at like foot level) that are very low, and just keep the props off the ramps..

another option would be just making the pushes affect props aswell...

fps was alright but the top half of the map needs to be split up with hint brushes, and i did notice with the arrows constantly being spawned all over the place that the fps progressivly got worse...

i am considering making it so no weapons/ammo are dropped, to further push the 'last man standing" element, that way when u spawn u can only whore the mag for so long until you die, and the longer you live, the more time ur forced to use weapons you normally wouldnt rely on (if your not uber pro, keep in mind), and if u are uber pro, and dont get pwned by the time u use all ur ammo, all u got is u ggun and stick/bar..... i'd like opinions on this specificly, i imagine some people wont like the idea, but .. its an idea that hasn't been done yet for a aim/training map (to my knowledge).

even tho i had planned not to, i've had a few people from both sides of the fence say it does indeed need an rpg, and i'm taking it into deep consideration, since it is a weapon you CAN aim, and with the speed of this level, it'll be a hell of a lot harder to use then in aim_arena. (plus i can only imagine how awesome it would be to air rocket bitches like q3 or unreal).

dallas i think also suggested adding a super charger on 1 side of the tallest point, and the rpg on the otherside, but i think the best place for the rpg would be floating down in the fan room, since it's the most isolated location in the map, and difficult to move thru if you haven't figured out the ramps.. .and if i do that, one side on the top with a super charger would make a very well balanced map seem not so well balanced, maybe add 2 super chargers on each side, but make each only give you 100 armor some how, but since i already have 2 30 armor chargers, i think that'd be over doing it on the armor.

voxtex suggested more health, but with the 2 health chargers, and 2 packs at the very top i think theres just enough, but i could take the 2 health packs out.. and replace each with 2 vials, and then on the floor level put maybe 2 more...


2007-08-16 19:23:31

imo i'd leave the RPG out

unless you could like give every a rpg with no ammo and have one rockect lying around now that wouldn't be bad at all, might be hard to do

maybe more hp around because you can get a lot of dmg just from fall dmg, can you turn that off for the map alone?


2007-08-16 20:01:12

I don't mind the RPG, as long as it's placed in a weak point in the map...

You could always do something like lockdown, and have a specific sound triggered when a player gets near the RPG...so other players can take appropriate action.


2007-08-17 01:47:15

well i went ahead and made a executive decision and took your name out and added mine instead :twisted:, all in all i had mad fun playing this map loved shooting you out of the sky like duck hunt and the jump/speed zip pad things were great :lol: tho i got pooned down below by them 2 big ass fans after awhile a got how those zip pads work, great job on the map as for all of them u have created



2007-08-17 07:40:10

rofl thats great, did u clone tool my name out?


2007-08-17 21:32:45

it's still being tested yet, but u can play it on my server.


2007-08-20 09:31:42

How long till we can download the final version of this map? any idea stowned?
cuz as far as I can see, it owns so bad. I want to play it =)


2007-08-20 11:17:24

^^^^^^^ yea bro been over to the district server to play this map, its sick....get yo ass over to their server and play it......if it aint playin when u get there, tell them to hook a honky up with stamina.........they will throw it on for ya..............

once again 2NTense (2NT) boys show yall that they are the shit................so everybody take a f'n whiff

Never sweat the petty stuff and Never Pet the Sweaty Stuff


2007-08-20 18:37:14

^^ founder of the 2NT fan club there.

the download is coming soon, the first version was seriously my first attempt at the jump ramps.. and they worked, but im taking some time to tweak them since not everyone was able to use them as easily as i may have wanted.

dm_stamina_b2 is up on my server, and it does have an rpg, but rpg haters chill the fuck out:

when u go for the rpg it makes a very annoying alarm sound.
motion disabled on the rpg
no ammo dropped when killed with rpg equipped (or any weapon)
you can only shoot the rpg 3 times per life, regardless of how many times u pick up the rpg.

i had to change the ramps to allow better use of the rpg (rockets were flying into trigger_pushes that didnt need to be as high as they were) and i have noticed some screw ups with 2 of the main pushes i modified,, they'll be fixed soon.

also added some cover for the health/suit charges, which means they're not right out in the open, but... well check it out and tell me what u think about how i did that part.


2007-08-20 19:54:59

it's not about hating the RPG as i love it, but not for aim_maps only kind of practice you need for rpg is hit ppl around corners which aim maps don't have

idk only reason i ever play aim is to warm up my mag so when i goto a pub and everyone is using the RPG/smg_nade/or nade it gets pretty gay real fast no to mention if the 357 has already been picked up near you as you spawn


2007-08-20 20:35:33

On a side note, I would have to say thedistrict could definately be the new WRW pub server. Great server. Hilarious people. Awesome maps. :wink:


2007-08-20 21:24:33

why thank you kind sir (wedoitall)


2007-08-20 21:28:35

we do try to make your stay at thedistrict a memorable one :twisted:


2007-08-21 03:44:39

<----- ranked number one on that server, haha always give Stown shit for that :P

Back on topic....

I have no issues with the RPG in the map, however you should still add a charger at the top :)


2007-08-21 20:49:44

badinfluence wrote:On a side note, I would have to say thedistrict could definately be the new WRW pub server. Great server. Hilarious people. Awesome maps. :wink:
YEA what he said :wink:


2007-08-31 13:56:32

so, what's up with this map? is it ready or still in it's beta stage? Where can I download it? I wanna play it ! :)


2007-08-31 15:59:59

i think he's addiing a bunch more stuff

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-19 20:13:43

Have you tried it with Logic_auto and OnMapSpawn it? trigger_multiple may be an overkill entity in this case.
a Logic_auto triggered point_servercommand is another way. you leave out all the falldamage filter entities and just use the cvar with value of 0.

...if that makes sense. ..

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-19 23:24:17

ill look into it and post a prefab if it works


2008-03-20 02:04:28

Stoop, I always thought this was a cool map ever since I played it with all of you on the old Redlight server. Glad to see that you are going to finish it up and release it at last.

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-25 04:49:34

Just played an advanced beta of stamina.
This has to be one of the best DM maps ever. one of the fastest and definitly one of the most original and well carried out concepts i have seen.
Players' doom and mappers' envy, Chapeau! Mister Fister.
icon_goodjob.gif (924 Bytes) Viewed 312 times


2008-03-25 05:09:38

thx val, means a lot coming for someone as experienced as you.

and thanks for all the input and info about retarded vvis.

final version soon!

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-25 05:35:18

meant every word. its a classic.


2008-03-26 17:18:57

I wanted everyones opinion on this.

Should i name it dm_stamina, or fy_stamina?

for those of you who do not know what fy is, it means Fight Yard, and i believe it originated in counter strike. In CS's fy you would spawn on your teams side and have every primary weapon at your feet to choose from (however you can only equip one primary at a time), but in most cases the AWP (think hl2dm's RPG) is located somewhere in the center of the map, and HE Grenades are scattered around.

i did stamina almost exactly like this, however you spawn with every weapon + full ammo accept for the rpg (located in the center of the map), only 2 grenades, no orbs, no smg nades.

so should i adopt fy? - i think this would attract newer players to it out of interest, and since the map includes a different style of deathmatch play i think it'd be more appropriate.

or should i just stick with dm? - i dont want anyone to consider this map "not deathmatch". Its essentially aim arena on a coke binge, or a killbox that requires more than just the ability to hold the rpg.

input please.

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-26 17:57:52

FY is cool idea...but ....as with many other great ideas...i fear the crowd might get confused by the uncommon prefix.
i would stick with DM in this case. and again, reluctantly.

Jelly Fox

2008-03-26 18:58:37

I'd just stick with DM :wink:


2008-03-26 21:56:56

stick with dm thats all i gotta say :)


2008-03-26 23:43:51

Yea I would agree. Its a map made for DM, there are fy maps in CSS and others so yea it could get confusing.


2008-03-27 01:07:37

Grape wrote:dm