2007-08-15 03:03:29
i just ran it on my server and for sum reason the equip thhing didnt give everyone weapons liek it did on my lan server, anyone know wtf the problem is?
i set out to make an arena map that had no props, no smg nades, and certainly no rpg. I figured i could get somethign done in about 5 hours.... here we are 5 days later, and i think you'lll be impressed.
In counter strike FY stands for fight yard, and all the weapons are put at the players feet at spawn... i just made it give you every weapon from spawn, with full ammo. Theres no extra ammo laying around, not much health and armor either, good luck with that.
I wanted to have some sick ass jump pads, they turned out badass, you might think "hey stoned your a fucktard these dont work right" but once you figure out how to work them properly you'll embrace my 8 inches of hard talent faster then teto's chapped lips.
I plan on making a dm version with weapons and shit in the map actually, props, and yes even an rpg... leave your feedback here, if you want to test it online, you know this shit will be on my server.