2009-03-06 18:05:39
Posted - Mar 05 2009 : 5:30:21 PM
howdy folks.ive been workin on a new verson of a old fav,ancient.this map was orginaly a quake map called ancient blood stone by a comunity mapper gone pro michel "Mr.Clean" rose.and then later remade several times in hl1 dm and cs.this is not a port of the orginal or any of the remakes more my take on the idea.i tryed to make it have a more hl2 flow to it.
size_ 2 to 10 players
2 shotys
2 mags
2 xbows
3 ar2
1 rpg
3 smg nades
5 frag nades
1 slam
2 orbs
special feturs
4 jump/ pads 1 teleport/
http://files.filefront.com/dm+ancient+r ... einfo.html

special thanks to valar ,pig popper ,rum slush ,jake break and the ff crew.
howdy folks.ive been workin on a new verson of a old fav,ancient.this map was orginaly a quake map called ancient blood stone by a comunity mapper gone pro michel "Mr.Clean" rose.and then later remade several times in hl1 dm and cs.this is not a port of the orginal or any of the remakes more my take on the idea.i tryed to make it have a more hl2 flow to it.
size_ 2 to 10 players
2 shotys
2 mags
2 xbows
3 ar2
1 rpg
3 smg nades
5 frag nades
1 slam
2 orbs
special feturs
4 jump/ pads 1 teleport/
http://files.filefront.com/dm+ancient+r ... einfo.html

special thanks to valar ,pig popper ,rum slush ,jake break and the ff crew.