Problem with Water Brush - Not Rendering


2009-03-08 04:05:55

Hello there, I am making this map where there is supposed to be raining, and the ground will be wet (with very little water) in certain parts,
I did all my custom-steps to achieve this, used 2 brushes, one for the water and one for the ground, and displaced a bit of the ground under water-level so it looks wet.

When I get ingame after the compilation, I don't see the water, but when i shoot at it it reacts like water.

I tried changing the material, but nothing helped, water would not be rendered properly.

Then I made a gigantic Water brush floating in the air to see if it was rendered, but it reacts really weird, when I'm inside, it looks normal, but if I look from the outside of the brush it's invisible, and it "hides" whatever it's inside it.
Some pictures below, Using dev_water2:

In Hammer; ... rwater.jpg

Inside the brush ... 225408.jpg

Outside the brush. ... 225413.jpg

Yes it's a bit dark, I know, but I think you can appreciate the problem anyways.

Thanks for any help.


2009-03-08 06:55:12

Most likely case is that that specific water texture wasnt meant to be used in completed maps. Try one of the canals/sewers/nature water textures and the problem should vanish.


2009-03-08 09:34:34

I tried with almost every kind of water in the list, cheap ones, normal ones, sewers, dx70 something, but it still won't render


2009-03-08 15:08:41

Have you made sure every surface is nodraw texture other than the top surface?
(I think this is only relevant when the water brush is enclosed by other brushes)

Pig Popper

2009-03-08 18:57:31

are you compiling VRAD?
do you have an env_lighting / light source in the map?


2009-03-08 19:26:38

put at least one env_cubemap somewhere, and I assume there is no leak in your world geometry?

[EYE] Valar

2009-03-08 23:20:53

looks like a leak to me.
in Hammer - Map/ Load Pointfile
look at the red line showing you where your leak is coming from.
also, as thrash said - water brush should be all NODRAW and only water texture on the upper surface. once that's done tie it to entity and then back to world to make sure your brush is a Water brush now.



2009-03-09 06:05:30

It certainly looks like you put a water texture on every side of the brush, which the source engine hates. Nodraw the whole thing then select the top surface of the brush and place the water texture on it only.


2009-03-09 08:52:21

thanks, as you said, there was a Leak, I fixed it by making a gigantic cube all around the map and making it nodraw, when hammer compiled it, the program froze about 30 minutes then calculed the lighting and after all that, the water was being rendered properly

I am not going to wait 30 minutes for this to load, and everything has not been designed thinking in this way from the beggining, so I will leave this project aside for now, and when I got the inspiration back, I may re-do this map and do it right from the beggining.

Thanks everyone for helping me out.



2009-03-09 20:21:39

OD_Knuckles wrote:thanks, as you said, there was a Leak, I fixed it by making a gigantic cube all around the map and making it nodraw
This is most likely the reason for the long compile time. Fix your leak as Valar has explained above and remove the gigantic cube and make sure func_detail is used properly throughout the map.

You will probably see a drastic reduction in how long it takes to compile after this.


2009-03-10 01:55:25

A good trick for identifying a leak caused by func_detail is to turn off all func_detail using the auto-visgrouping tab, as seen in the visgroups toolbar. Then look for a gap in your map between it and the void. Switch the func_details back on and turn the brush in question into a solid world brush.

Of course, load map pointfile would be the first option in any case for solving a leak.

Duke Nukem

2009-04-17 22:40:42

upload the vmf and let it become fixed by a very nice person or just learn brushwork by getting rid of the error ;)

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-17 23:13:12

after reading the bible. see the scrolls.