Mystery Map?


2009-04-09 07:52:20


2009-04-09 08:02:22

Sweet looking jumps! I want it! :)

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-09 13:19:06

HE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg shout me whenever if ...want....i wanna help... :ninja:


2009-04-09 15:12:26

What happens if you miss and fall off of it? Does it kill you? I hate that.

Jelly Fox

2009-04-09 18:19:48

finish it :wink:


2009-04-09 18:36:53

Paradox wrote:What happens if you miss and fall off of it? Does it kill you? I hate that.
para, this map doesnt look familar to you?


2009-04-09 19:28:59

Yes it does Chem, I know exactly what map it is. I just thought that maybe he didn't want everyone to know that considering he is calling it the "Mystery map"?


2009-04-09 22:47:20


As soon as I'm done with the next revision, I'll open the map up for "private" testing. I've only been able to get real feedback from Constipator and Tuna_Can. It'd be nice to get a perspective from people brand new to the map and those who have been playtesting this map since 2007.

@ Paradox: Yes, you do die if you fall. This may change if many complaints arise and it becomes a big problem. However, I am currently trying to resolve this by making all the jumps in the map significantly easier and by "covering" some of the bigger holes in the map.

One of the biggest challenges in making this map was working with how open it was. Initially, there was virtually no cover from magnum fire. If you inspect the video and the "Insane Frag Orb" one closely, you'll see that there are glass walls, towers, and the likes everywhere. Another problem the openness still poses today is performance. I'm a bit baffled as to how to optimize the map completely, perhaps you can help me in this Valar? :mrgreen:

Another thing that may be a hit or miss for many is the fact that the RPG is not the power weapon of the map, really. Watch the video one more time (or just think about what I've been talking about the last paragraph) and I think you'll see clearly which gun or item is the dominant weapon of the map.

As of now, specially colored jump pads have a "cooldown" timer. This is to: 1.) prevent a whole team to quickly stack up on a certain area of the map and 2.) to bring in a sense of "control" in the map.

This map is in desperate need of testing for teamplay. In a 1v1 between two who know the map extremely well (basically... me versus Constipator), the match has often been lopsided to whoever controlled the map best. However, the total amount of deaths from each player averaged to 10 for a 15-minute match. Amongst those who were newer, the biggest factor of deaths was... falling off the map (lol @ Tuna).

The biggest problem for 1v1 was the fact that it was hard to combat against a foe who had every weapon and was completely armored out to the core, especially if you just respawned from a lucky headshot and whatnot. One major group that contributed to this were spawns placed at areas where you really couldn't escape quickly if spotted. For this reason, additional speed ramps will be placed in the map. Not too much to make the whole map a racing course, but enough to give you a good boost in speed at the duller areas of the map.

There are no props.


2009-09-05 15:53:30

lol resurrected

Okay, so the deal is I kinda just felt like playing TF2 and doing other stuff instead of finishing this map.

Then I got a new computer. So the true latest version is gone unless I want to go through the hassle of setting up my old ass computer.

So basically, I can release the second-latest version of this map if anyone still plays. In case anyone is interested, I will describe what I recall of the map.

It plays a pretty unique and fun 1v1, no idea how it'd play on a 2v2. It is giant though, and the map does emphasize positioning and control a lot as well as some mind games and trickery, so while movement is fast, you won't be getting kills or get killed left and right if both of you are playing intelligently. However, nearly every kill feels well earned and the very structure of the map encourages you to try some insane shots. Mid-air orb/nading and xbowing, rocket curve kills, and just pushing people out of the map with very meaty shotgun blasts in a single round was a cool experience. If you also like jump pads and the launchy sorts-of-things, you'll love maneuvering around. After you get used to it, that is. I've practiced this map for nearly three years. I noticed that a lot of first-timers in this map would be falling off and dying in their first hour or so.

Surprisingly, the RPG is really fun to use in this map and doesn't feel too "whorish." Rather, the power weapon here is the Magnum. Hit-scan, powerful, and pin-point accurate; all make for a very potent weapon in a giant, open map such as this. Still, clever nading/orbing/rocketing and the likes can give you a good fighting chance.

Positioning is VERY important in this map. There are some spots where hitting someone with a rocket is just really hard. And there are some spots where it literally is next to impossible. As in harder than air-shooting them. A lot of the armor/health stuff tends to be packed towards the center, while weapons and whatnot stay spread out. The Magnum lays in a fair, desolate pit.

There is some room for things like nade jumping to be really practical. Notice that red-cross in the video? It's a megakit. Unlike in lostarena, it gives you 150 health, instantly. So you can maybe camp there and touch it the moment your health goes dangerously low. Or you can try to nade jump and grab it at all costs before your opponent does. Or you can hurt your opponent a bit and bait him into going there for you to make a precise headshot/rocket face-smash. Whatever floats your boat.

I believe Constipator and Tuna have the latest public version of this map, so maybe you can ask them if you want to play it? I may or may not officially release it once I start school.

[EYE] Valar

2009-09-05 16:57:10

as i said several times in the past bro, just shout if you need anything.
this is still an amazing map and there are still people playing dm and will keep on.
anyway, i'm here.


2009-09-05 19:43:59

I still have the version that you entered for the map contest. Which version is that?


2009-09-06 04:11:01

OK, where can I please get a copy of the latest version of this map? I would like to run this on my servers if possible.


2009-09-06 05:21:33

Oo, I forgot I even submitted it to other people.

Yeah, I think you may have the version I'm talking about BI. I couldn't really care too much if you just hosted a link here or something for people to give back input. Some parts of the map play rather tweaky and whatnot, but it's mostly playable.


2009-09-06 11:41:28