2009-04-10 17:06:00
http://www.map-factory.org/half-life-2/ ... -stad-1320
So, the idea of dm_stad ("stad" means town/city in swedish) is that some sort of company drives around in their big trucks from town to town, killing the locals, and setting up deathmatches for people to watch and bet money on.
They have put up fences to keep the combatants inside the "arena", and in this case they have put these "jump-ramps" at all 4 cournes of the arena to crank things up a notch, BAM!
The combatants are the locals, that weren't too old or too young to fight (notice the tags on each house front door), accompanied by the winner from the previous town this company visited. I call it "Deathmatch on Tour". The trucks can be seen outside the map where there's also some grandstand for the spectators.