

2009-04-11 03:18:39

some screenies of my contest map.
dl link ... einfo.html








2009-04-11 04:32:29

I also really liked this map. Another one that would make a great pub map.


2009-04-11 18:09:57

Great job Brunt! This map plays very well with 4 or 14 players, no matter and has a very nice flow of connectivity to it. Definitely will be running this on my servers!


2009-04-11 20:54:45

Playtested this one last night, wonderful map man! Going to put this one on my server for sure!


2009-04-12 00:55:07

im really sorry to say but i dont enjoy this map a lot. dont like this "egypt-style". sorry mate, maybe im the only one


2009-04-12 08:22:36

You've come a long way with your recent releases, especially the lighting and texturing. This is a fine piece of work. I think you've approached your theme quite efficiently, there are a couple middle-eastern maps out there that are hard to get into playing. I can see this being quite fast.

The layout is an odd one to get my head around, you've got an aim_ sized arena and a few smaller rooms but not much in between. But I have not played a game on it yet so I'm pre-disposing. Some points;

-not sure about having a spwanpoint directly in front of an hcharger
-some variations in floor texture inside could work
-I kept wanting to throw those nice torch-vases and see them explode, a few throwables would be a plus
-the long hallways could use some more validation, like a wider areas / floor height changes / columns and other gameplay mechanics
-I think the risks outweigh the gains when it comes to venturing outside, given the proximity of the rpg. Getting the orbs and going back down is gonna be tough if there's some campin' goin on
-The symmetrical stairs from the pit are OK, but that big header across them both would be better if it wasn't there, stops a long jump down the stairs
-no ambient sound!

Nice job so far. Nice visuals, great performance. Keep tweakin


2009-04-12 09:32:00

well I've had a chance to screwed around on it a short bit

-the custom textures are kinda low end even on highest settings they look choppy
-most of the steps that you made allow for nades to go through them so it makes it harder to toss & catch on
-oh and I think a couple of the displacements didn't sync together well

-the flow is pretty decent but like moly said it would be great to have a bit more physics
-would really love it if you could make the pit a place to be stuck in and sealed off like Lunatic Calms lunatic_arena but without the whole death feature just something ppl are forced into would be a nice place for close quarter combat


2009-04-12 18:45:22

ty for the input guys.ive found some nice props to toss i think will go with the map.ill check them spawn points.i think i got a bit of work to do but just wanted to show it to get feed back now that the contest is over :D


2009-04-13 00:22:22

Cool Brunt, glad to see you continuing to improve this map. When you get it done I will definately add it to my server.

BTW the contest is not yet over, the top 3 maps are still being worked on and they are vying for who gets 1st, 2nd and 3rd.


2009-04-17 19:21:19

been workin on a few things in this map.broke away from tryin to squeez it in to the cal style mold and went back to what i know ffa pub mapping.have changed some textures.and opened some conectivty.still need to get decals on the walls to make spots look stressed and worn.allso made the charger on the alter a overcharger (200 armor) to tempt players in to that spot.anyway i need some fresh eyes on it to help me get it dun,any in put is welcome :D
new dl link ... einfo.html

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-19 22:14:28

Oi mate. lovely map. super great pub ffa fun right here. great outdoor lighting and atmosphere. love the time of day you got here.

didn't like:
- the underground area is a maze = meh, not fun. why elaborate so much. thought 'isn't 1 or 2 hallways enough?"
- not a great fan of fires because i'm not a fan of punishment in DM but still it wasn't too bad.
- i thought some texture alignment and the skybox could use a bit more work mate. (took some screens of what i'm talking about so shout me if you want visuals).

again, a lot of fun. the main (upper) area looks like it can be a massacre in a full server. awesome. clearly your best work to date.
keep it up.



2009-04-29 05:20:30

im putting the finishing touches on this 1.haymaker sed he was bumpin his head on the ceiling when he bhops not being much of a strafe jumper i didnt catch that problem.what i need to know is dose anyone know the minamum hight for the ceiling so bhoppers wont bump ther heads and get slowed down??


2009-04-29 12:34:14

I generally use 128u as a minimum, gives you a little breathing room when running over small props like radiators and such (and makes textures easy to align :D)

Don't forget to account for the horizontal distance players can reach when jumping from high to low like down small sets of stairs and adjust ceiling heights there too.

Have to admit I haven't got round to playing this yet, sorry :oops:


2009-05-02 19:23:52

Up on my server brunt and the only complaint was the size of the download but I love it! :thumbsup:


2009-06-16 12:58:23

Brunt, did you ever finalize this one?


2009-06-21 21:26:09

Paradox wrote:Brunt, did you ever finalize this one?
hey i revamped the halls a bit to make them better for bhopping.and still trying to get the soung scape rite.but this is where its at now ... einfo.html


2009-06-22 02:37:38

Erm do I need an account to get it?


2009-06-22 05:05:29

Paradox wrote:Erm do I need an account to get it?
dont think so.ill see if messed up the up load.file fort gets backed up sometimes maybe that