dm_incline_alpha (Contest Map)


2009-04-11 10:03:52


Download Link: ... einfo.html


The map’s primary setting is set in a rundown urbanesque setting with plenty of buildings that can be used for control points and basic cover. The map’s name comes from the fact that there is lot of vertical elevation involved in here and this vertical elevation really helps the maps flow. There are many stairways and ramps that you can use to get a higher level against your opponents, but with a cost.

Gameplay (4v4, Team):

This is one of the main points in the map’s layout. While the vertical areas offer much better positions than “out in the open”, being lower in this map usually means getting much more ammo and weapons as there aren’t any on the higher levels. So while you might be safer taking cover in a building, your enemies outside will have a better supply of grenades and flanking opportunities.

Good teams will have to balance keeping control of a area while scavenging weapons and supplies on the floor. Some 4 player teams may have 2 players hold an area while 2 go get weapons and supplies then switch out.

No control point in the map is “safe” as many buildings have holes in their roofs or have basic faults that can cause a team to easily flank anyone inside.

Gameplay (1v1, Versus):

The map is built to be very friendly to getting to places quickly. While it might seem like a huge big environment, there are many options to getting to point A to point B, some safer than others.

Like teamplay, players might want to go scavenging for weapons and supplies then take cover somewhere. Rinse and repeat. Beware of the differences in elevation, you might have to face a opponent who has higher ground!

For many of the people who like jumping, the map does have some alternative ways of getting places by careful jumping. Though a misjump might lead to falling down and taking off some of your health.



I had alot of fun making this map in my spare time and I am eager to see what the maps in the top 3 play like. Any judges who saved their scoresheet on my map, feel free to post critiques or email me your scoresheets if you saved them. Thanks in advance!


2009-04-11 18:56:42

Looks nice, I will give it a walkthrough today! :)


2009-04-11 20:32:41

This map is yet another that I thought would make an awesome pub map. I think it was too big for a competative map which was why it didnt make it to my top 3. I sincerely would like to see this map finished because the jumps are very cool and overall I do think this map would be alot of fun to play.

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-11 20:37:42

looking well cool my man. very well cool. good job. looking fwd to playing this baby~~~!!!!


2009-04-12 08:41:30

I really like the open-endedness of this. Initial player-less performance seems good too... Jumps and dimensions are all navigable and smooth... Wanted to throw the trash can, why not?... That big ladder is fun-kay man...Interior lighting needs work, as does a lot of the texturing...

Obviously the map is early beta, with dev textures and missing displacements etc, but it shows tons of promise in the fun department. Keep working on this!


2009-04-14 05:03:09

We playtested this map the other night with 12 players and it plays great! Really nice layout and the map plays much bigger than it actually is. However, like Haymaker pointed out, there are a few places where the textures appear to be not finished. Also, there are a few floor areas where there appear to be unfinished "mirror" textures that if you shoot them with a gun it emits a rainbow effect. None of us in the playtest had ever seen that before, including two expereinced mappers. It was a truly cool effect but we were speculating whether this was possibly by design? :wink:


2009-04-14 05:19:55

[FF]FNDR.Jake_Brake wrote:Also, there are a few floor areas where there appear to be unfinished "mirror" textures that if you shoot them with a gun it emits a rainbow effect. None of us in the playtest had ever seen that before, including two expereinced mappers. It was a truly cool effect but we were speculating whether this was possibly by design? :wink:
You mean the particles that fly out? That happens when you shoot a custom texture without a real "material." The game doesn't know if that "texture" is wooden, metallic, etc.


2009-04-14 10:44:38

3dsky pls it hurts my eyes otherwise.
could do with some better physics weapons paint buckets aren't a big attack item
the bookcase physics aren't useful either sorry just don't see them being used only ran by
the glass you chose to use doesn't seem to be visible from both sides either
and missing displacements as most ppl have said

but it has a decent maneuverability setup could be better but its ok


2009-04-15 07:29:25

Yep, that's it Charles! Guess we all never had the opportunity to "shoot a custom texture without a real "material"" before! LOL! All of our older members (not me you understand) were like having flashbacks to the 60's!

Pig Popper

2009-04-17 03:36:47

congrats on this map, i like the freshness you have, my only criticism would be that for a themed map its slightly unnatural in look. I really like the way you have the layout but would like to see you using more traditional architecture and destroying certain sections to achieve your layout.
also maybe revise your choice of textures, picking a few core textures helps me bring a map together when detailing it. Great work.. :D

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-19 22:19:11

i loved this map. not for it's polished style or expert brushwork ;) ;) ;) but for it's use of space and old skool HL2DM style. i played through it and thought "damn, this 2004/05 all over again". looks like something someone made right after the game launched. which i personlly thought was super cool.
i don't really have much criticism to lay on ya because i think you've just begun mapping so i can only suggest - READ READ READ. tons of info on the internetz about mapping with hammer. there's lots of links here (check my sig), a lot of tuts on interlopers, fpsbanana and elsewheres. just do some more reading and keep on mapping. this is absolutely wonderful.



2009-04-26 07:02:03

I agree, please finish this map!! Fix the texture issue, install more weapons, etc. The players just love the layout but we need that finishing touch before we run it in a maycycle. Great job again!


2009-04-26 17:22:24

I'll have to check this map out for myself, sounds and looks pretty amazing.


2009-06-20 19:35:56

Does anyone know where there is a final version of this map? The only link I have found is broken.