dm_status -- RELEASED!!!


2009-04-20 09:48:46

Hey guys,

After the final 3 maps were announced and some new maps from the contest started coming out it inspired me to get to work once again.
I have recently been working on a quake style map with some quake content. It's not very big but should be a fun pub map with 8-10 players or even a 1v1 map. Here are a few screens I should have a first release out in a few days....Enjoy!







Download --


2009-04-20 09:53:32

Very nice man. I look forward to its release!


2009-04-20 10:35:23

Looks pretty neato, can't wait to play it! :P

Jelly Fox

2009-04-20 16:20:32

looks cool 8)

cyboy bunny

2009-04-20 19:45:01

Hope its not to dark ingame. Its looking nice.

good luck :wink:


2009-04-20 20:18:15

env_spritetrails are stolen from winterchill? :lol: confess :)


2009-04-21 06:26:40

confessed ! was thinking about going the one red line to not competley steal the idea (i will if it bothers you) if not then i think the second white one makes a good effect.


2009-04-21 13:55:14

Is this one for hl1? The textures seem to have a very low resolution. Looks quite nice though, only thing I didn't like is the canisters.


2009-04-21 19:29:46

Shoobie wrote:Is this one for hl1? The textures seem to have a very low resolution. Looks quite nice though, only thing I didn't like is the canisters.
i think hes goin for the quake doom feel hence the ->awesome textures<-No sarcasm


2009-04-21 22:53:07

That eX texture set does have really nice specular masks and bumpmaps which makes it look 200% sexier. Doesn't look like you're using them from the screenies or is it just your gfx settings?


2009-04-22 07:50:45

sorry for my ignorance but what exactly is the "eX" texture set? :P


2009-04-22 08:16:42

I'm actually digging the low textures. This map's looks alone are reminding me of the good old CS days...

Those are some awesome looking jump pads.


2009-04-22 09:04:17

Da1 wrote:sorry for my ignorance but what exactly is the "eX" texture set? :P
All those textures are from a well known tetxure set for quake4, except they seem to be missing the stuff that makes them look really really sexy :(

Unless you've grabbed them from another map, in which case you're missing loads more textures from the set as well as the normals / spec masks and heightmaps. Its a very good set, I'll make you a pic in a hour or so :)


2009-04-22 10:41:08

One of the textures from your 5th pic:


Bumpmap can be clearly seen, specular looks really nice when in motion. Would really bring out those textures if you used the bump/spec throughout this map imo :)


2009-04-23 08:40:38

Hey! Looks like Lost Village!!! :shock:

Alright, just kidding, real bad joke.......

Seriously my friend, part of creating a great map is creating atmosphere. In looking at these screenies, I think you are on the right track and I think I like the textures also. I'll obviously know though once I get in the map which I can't wait for! :)


2009-04-27 04:31:57

Would that happen to be the violentdays skybox? I dig those custom skyboxes. :mrgreen:


2009-04-27 05:20:11

Im looking forwards to play this map out. Looks fun.

Pig Popper

2009-05-05 21:51:08

looks sweet Dal, love this theme of map although i dont dig the ghetto quake textures maybe once boshed has released his map you could nick a few textures from it, some would fit quite well in here.

Anychance of a beta run-about ?

Jelly Fox

2009-10-06 02:48:16



2009-10-06 11:02:30

seriously, where is it :wink:


2009-10-12 20:35:47

my back pocket ;D

I've been busy with a lot of things lately. Expect a release within the next month :)

Jelly Fox

2009-10-13 20:49:23

oh yay :mrgreen:


2009-10-14 03:39:08


2009-10-14 17:34:18

nice map, deathmatch all the way. Fits right in with alive, fuedal, winterchill. Love the jump-under-over-and-through layout.

Some textures seem a lil blandish...and couple of the pads were giving me grief when mistiming the jump, ie prone at the top or not going high enough. Standard hl2 stuff


2009-10-14 19:16:41

looks awesome mang cant wait to play it.


2009-10-17 08:00:46

Woot! Gonna try it out this weekend! Thanks for finishing this up!


2009-10-17 08:44:23

I really like the map Dal, but maybe you could do something with the jump pads.


2009-10-17 10:47:32

me likey pictures :shock:

Jelly Fox

2009-10-17 18:18:52

Great map, would be better if the stairs were clipped and the jump pads were more consistent :idea:


2009-10-17 21:07:12

Cool map! Played it last night and it was tight. I share similar gripes about jump pads and clipped stairs, but I think I'll survive. :wink:



2009-10-17 23:47:06

Yeah jump pads are always hard to do in hl2dm, dont know what else to really do besides a trigger_push, which is always inconsitent with hl2dm, as for clips, yeah i didnt really take the time to do those so w/e maybe ill get around to doin them on a later release (possibly)


2009-10-18 01:21:53

Why don't you just do aim arena jump pads with not as much force?


2009-10-18 04:02:54

cause i didnt want to do lifts, i wanted to do jump pads.


2009-10-18 06:18:36

dont half-ass it dal. that'll be like the teams in warzone. its irritating and i know you're not like that. fix it when you get the chance.


2009-10-18 08:51:00

There's honestly no point in fixing something minor. So, i guess, yeah, im half assing it.


2009-10-18 22:18:49

Da1 wrote:There's honestly no point in fixing something minor. So, i guess, yeah, im half assing it.
everything you do fails. keep it up, it's hilarious.


2009-10-19 07:32:19

lol and who are you?


2009-10-19 11:03:18

seems to lack smg nades??? or am i crazy?

Jelly Fox

2009-10-19 14:35:29

Nope you're right, it's spam free apart from the rpg... you might have to aim for once :O

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-10-20 00:40:48

I'm trying to imagine in my head what a viperbird looks like... seems scary as fuck to have a flying viper but with such a small mouth and breakneck speed during attacks, he could only manage to snatch a 911 da11as hat at best.