1) he can create an account here and apologize properly.
2) fact he is called out for stealing will kill this game? voz? come again?
3) he is NOT using new ideas in new maps, he is in fact just made a new map that is a remake of a Quake map in which he's copied my Jumpad. see pics below. so this is just going on like nothing happened. i'm not buying it.
this is from (k)rypt's dm_proto. look at the jumpad on the floor. this is the best pic i found, i don't have this map.
this is from dm_mudafuga. look at the jumpad of the floor
this is from (k)rypt's dm_devilsgate (released / upreleased / who cares?). look at this bs:
this is from dm_losthope. see where the bs comes from?
this is from (k)rypt's dm_purlieu. note how he "happened" to come up with exactly the same balcony as the one in Milieu. gee, what a coincidence!
this is from dm_milieu
this is from (k)rypt's dm_purlieu. amazing how he "accidentally" thought of using the exact same fern prop with exactly the same green light with almost exactly the same tone and brightness values to hide ammo...again, just as in milieu (BTW, don't anybody think the name purilieu is a "bit" close to milieu? nah must be me. i should leave the poor kid alone to explore)
and from milieu...
another fascinating coincidence from (k)rypt's dm_purlieu.
can't be a copy-paste. has to be a different explanation..
this is milieu:
a wall that looks exactly like 99% of losthope with wooden supports from milieu in (k)rypt's purileu:
and in milieu..
i'm telling you this cannot be it. just can't - from purileu:
and milieu again..
just tricks of light breaking on your cornea. not theft. dm_purileu:
more. dm_purileu. look at the static prop and hay decal on the ground.
again. dm_milieu. look at the static prop and hay decal on the ground.
(k)rypt's dm_purileu - wooden railing. great job!!!
ooppss hold it. i've seen this somewhere. guess what map? you got it! dm_milieu:
can't be the same exact displacement punched about a little? dm_purlieu
and from dm_milieu:
supercharger settings on (k)rypt's dm_purileu
supercharger settings on dm_mudafuga
I'm not even going to bother showing the stunning resemblance between every inch in all the maps Mr. McCoy's "made" during the last 4 months and the ones i have. i'm not going to showcase the textures and designs in purity, proto and all the other pieces of crap he's pulled off. if anyone still has any doubts they should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. and fast.
i'm done with this.