swinging objects


2009-06-01 22:08:59

IM trying to make a swinging wrecking ball. i made the ball a func_physbox. also is there a way to link the ball to a movement? like i was hoping to make a person open a door and maybe with an ouput make the ball start swinging. any suggestions?


2009-06-01 22:44:42

env_physexplosion should get it moving.


2009-06-03 04:30:58

well i got it swinging kinda. it seems like it weighs a million pounds. the physexplosion barely moves it and i cant grab it with grav gun even though i have pick up no matter what checked. any thoughts?

cyboy bunny

2009-06-03 20:29:28

How bigger the object you made how more mass it wil have. Youre ball got to much mass to pick it up with the gravgun or to swing it properly.
Play with the mass scale option in the properties tab. Setting mass scale at 0.5 wil reduce the mass by half (50%).

good luck :wink:


2009-06-11 01:51:47

Sorry I didn't get back to your PM, but you've posted it here now anyway. Did you get this working?