Airfusion and Pueblo crash my game


2009-06-17 16:30:30

tried them on both listen and dedicated servers, played around with the video settings, nothing helps. im getting video artifacts all over the screen and my game eventually crashes to desktop with no error message.

screenshot: ... -59-57.jpg

these are the only 2 maps that dont work for me, even helix is fine.

CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 720 @ 2800MHz
RAM: OCZ Reaper 2x2 GB @ 1600MHz
VGA: Galaxy GeForce 8800GT CM
O/S: Windows 7 Ultimate RC1 64 bit
VGA driver: 185.85 WHQL

help please, if these maps gain popularity, people will want to play league games on them, so i NEED them to work.


2009-06-17 16:37:13

That is really odd.

Your system specs seem slightly better than mine in regards to cpu and ram, and yet I played many hours on both maps with no crashes in listen and dedicated servers.
Is your ram over clocked? Maybe try running it at stock speed and see if that makes a difference, other than that maybe it has something to do with win 7 or system temps.


2009-06-17 16:42:18

its a new pc and i havent had time to overclock it, everything is running at default settings. temperatures are fine too. id like to emphasize the fact none of the other maps crash my game.


2009-06-17 16:46:31

I'm using the 7 release candidate, I have played on both maps without a crash. There does appear to be missing textures on pueblo (cactuses) but I have no problems other than that.

Jelly Fox

2009-06-17 17:24:55

I have no problems running either of these maps on my low spec system, maybe it's something to do with your config?


2009-06-17 17:25:41

uhoh. I don't know what to say about Black Raven's problem, especially if noone else gets it. The only thing that crosses my mind is a corrupted .rar, as I've been having fishy issues in data compression lately.

And Freetux, does the texture reappear if you restart the game with temps low? I get missing custom textures across tons of maps if it's running hot it seems


2009-06-17 17:33:22

BlackRaven wrote:im getting video artifacts all over the screen and my game eventually crashes to desktop with no error message.
Artifacts are usually caused by video card overheating or the card being overclocked.

Other than that like haymaker suggested maybe your download was corrupted, I'd try a new dl of the maps for sure and since no one else is having the problem its pretty much got to be something along those lines.


2009-06-17 18:08:50

I get the flashing white missing texture problem Blackraven gets but I put it down to the OS and graphics drivers as they are bothe Beta.
win7 64bit and Nvidia 185.85 8800GT.

I do not crash though.

Airfusion doesnt work very well on high pings (90+) the lift things trapped me inside on a number of occasions.


2009-06-17 18:19:05

L2k wrote: Artifacts are usually caused by video card overheating or the card being overclocked.
um, not always and not in this case. thought i made that clear.


2009-06-17 18:22:53

keefy wrote:I get the flashing white missing texture problem Blackraven gets but I put it down to the OS and graphics drivers as they are bothe Beta.
win7 64bit and Nvidia 185.85 8800GT.

I do not crash though.

Airfusion doesnt work very well on high pings (90+) the lift things trapped me inside on a number of occasions.
yeah it looks to be an incompatibility issue between windows 7 and something in these maps. what do these 2 maps have in common that others dont? the mappers may be able to answer this question. i know its probably the beta o/s but a solution would still be nice.


2009-06-17 18:46:50

emm not sure if this will do anything but try using the steam game properties and use the integrity verification and defragmentation that may fix it. Im sure you done the other stuff like update drivers and stuff.


2009-06-17 21:02:55

i have the same problem on my own server, but not on other servers. maybe try on another server


2009-06-17 21:18:16

haymaker wrote: And Freetux, does the texture reappear if you restart the game with temps low? I get missing custom textures across tons of maps if it's running hot it seems
I have not tried that yet. My pc is never really completely shutdown, but I don't see how running hot temperatures could cause the textures not too load.

Windows 7 does seem to have some problems with source based games, I sometimes get fps drops to below 40, where as on Vista and XP it was mostly around 150, 70 at the lowest.


E6300 @ stock settings
8800 GTS 512Mb edition
4GB Crossair Value Ram
Windows 7 Build 7201 64 Bit
Latest Beta Nvidia Drivers


2009-06-17 22:14:24

koncentrate wrote:i have the same problem on my own server, but not on other servers. maybe try on another server
i tried it on multiple servers. it should work on all servers tho. can you describe the problem youre experiencing in detail and post your pc specs including the o/s youre using please?
SND wrote:emm not sure if this will do anything but try using the steam game properties and use the integrity verification and defragmentation that may fix it. Im sure you done the other stuff like update drivers and stuff.
tried those and still getting the same problem.
Freetux wrote: Windows 7 does seem to have some problems with source based games, I sometimes get fps drops to below 40, where as on Vista and XP it was mostly around 150, 70 at the lowest.
i dont get fps drops at all.

[EYE] Valar

2009-06-17 23:06:15

for what it's worth; i'd avoid crossing system specs as such lists and method of elimination would simply be endless and for all i know, pointless.
what i think should be looked at is:

1) were the .bsp modified in any way AFTER cubemaps were built APART FROM PAKRATING ?
edited in any way (using text editor or bsp edit)..?

2) Are there ANY OB or other games' models / materials incorporated in these .bsp's?

3) Do these .bsp's use server/client commands in one way or another?

4) Please try RE-COMPILING, RE-CUBEMAPPING and RE-COMPRESSING (don't use ZIP) WITH A NEW NAME and post link for those users to DL and try. (if any .res files are used i'd suggest Select All and paste into a new text file. same goes for custom Soundscapes, etc files that might be in the .bsp's.

5) If that doesn't work try copying the map into a new VMF and do step 4 again. as this might be a corrupt vmf and it wouldn't be the first time.

6) HOW were the files compressed and using what program? goes to both mappers and WT.

All maps should run on ALL servers of ALL types. this is either map related or corrupt file related. This is not Client side related.

Walking Target

2009-06-17 23:37:07

[EYE] Valar wrote:HOW were the files compressed and using what program? goes to both mappers and WT.
I used the original winrar files that were sent to me. The only thing I changed was renaming the winrar file for airfusion, since it was named something generic to avoid being downloaded before the contest ended. I did not touch pueblo at all, I simply uploaded it since it was already named correctly.


2009-06-18 00:08:18

[EYE] Valar wrote:This is not Client side related.
Not wanting to question your knowledge at all, but how could it be that we all (for the most part anyway) could download the same maps from the same place and yet only a few have a problem?

Wouldn't we all have the same problem if it were a issue in the map?

[EYE] Valar

2009-06-18 00:28:21

because a corrupted file / compression can act this way = work for some but not for others. i've had this in the past more than once. so BTW can a custom model / material and / or their VMT. Remember dm_milieu, dm_is_alive and dm_losthope custom (imported from CSS / OB) models issues which showed up as completely white for some while for the majority they showed up just fine.

renaming of compressed files is not the way to go since too many variables can go in here. i'd create a new folder and name it whatever and compress it.


2009-06-18 00:47:14

in my case the mistakes are smaller, i dont have those big graphic bugs like blackraven. i played it on my server with the bugs and on another server there werent those bugs.
my system:

ms vista homepremium 32
amd x2 6000
mdt 4x 512mb ddr2 800
pov 8800gt 512
asus m2n4 sli mobo

Walking Target

2009-06-18 01:12:51

I guess I will make the original files available tonight for those having issues, or maybe the mappers can provide mirrors of the compiled untouched .bsps?

[EYE] Valar

2009-06-18 01:31:25

that is IF the original bsp are not the problem :)


2009-06-18 03:53:08

Walking Target

2009-06-18 06:38:58

[EYE] Valar wrote:that is IF the original bsp are not the problem :)
Well yeah, I'm just trying to rule my grubby fingers out.


2009-06-18 13:08:29

still the same.


2009-06-18 19:16:07

Turn of the wall hack and you should be fine :D

No but srsly, as they said. What cfg settings do you use. Maybe these brainiacs might see something there.


2009-06-18 19:26:10

Do you have the same problem when using directx 6?

If not try -dxlevel 7.0 then 8.0 then 9.0 and see when the problem comes back, might give us some clue.

For what it's worth, both maps are fine for me (XP pro, 2x 7800gtx).


2009-06-18 20:31:47

boshed wrote:Do you have the same problem when using directx 6?
yes i have the problem in all directx modes.


2009-06-18 22:38:41


2009-06-18 22:50:21

New Nvidia drivers released today 186.18
Not tried them myself yet.

Walking Target

2009-06-18 23:25:36



2009-06-19 02:10:39

I no longer get those funny missing texture prblems now so I am sorted.


2009-06-19 03:01:33


still a strange thing though, you didnt notice on other custom-heavy maps like octagon or milieu?


2009-06-19 05:30:09

haymaker wrote:whew

still a strange thing though, you didnt notice on other custom-heavy maps like octagon or milieu?
octagon was fine for me, didnt try milieu.


2009-06-24 06:56:32

I was gonna say, before reading that the problem is solved, I have a friend who is running windows 7 and he reports me from time to time the weirdest and random-most bugs I've ever heard of. From crazy low fps (10) to game not loading at all, and many I can't even remember now.

I was gonna blame Win7 on this :mrgreen: but now I think that maybe my friend's problem is not his windows. If you get what I mean :wink: