Since I've seen all (or most) of your maps I think I'm gonna say what I think about all, rather than just these 2.
1st, you don't improve the maps when you mod them.
I was with you and Silla in your steamlab_nub once and I kinda liked it. There was a rly good looking marble texture on one side of the map and the other side seemed kinda apocaliptical. I can't remember if I saw any flaws there, but I saw many in Jumpstyle_nub. It has a space improvement, but keeps the same spam-spawn-kill-fest as in the original, and keeps ppl getting stuck on each other in teleport_destinations (there's also a screwed teleporter in #5 that sends you right to the beggining of that same lvl again and again if you don't press the forward key at the ending). Stylejumps_nub is not an improved map aswell, imho.
You should try to figure out the flaws of each map before trying to edit them. Rly.
2nd, I think you could try to give some variaty to texturing. I liked these textures the 1st time I saw them, it was something diferent and there was variaty in a single map. But now I've seen like 10 maps with the same old textures... I don't want to be rude, but I think they are ugly. I think I'm in a WC all the time (and it's like I'm playing the same map all the time). This, imho, is something you should care about.
3rd, since you're doing jumpmaps, you should test and retest stuff before releasing them. I'm trying many stuff for a year already and I found that many things aren't good for jumpmaps. Engine limitations are the biggest reason. Here's some of my conclusions
Moving things (except
fast lifts) don't rly work as one could hope. They screw your colisions with the platform and may prevent you from jumping freely.
Ceilings and upper platforms are bad, unless they are more than 128 units high for stading bhop and a little less than 100 units high for crouching bhop. When you bhop crouched you go higher than 71 units (maximum hight as to force someone to crouch) and you will touch the ceiling which will inconsistently act either as a break or as a boost. This is what makes ppl get stuck on briggs platforms and on ultimatejumps 11 beams.
Distances are one of the biggest challanges I've faced so far. If you make them too small it takes out the challange of tyring to jump better (for noobs) and it becomes annoying for "pros" that keep overjumping them. Try keeping a balance. It will make noobs practice more and it will most likely stay interesting in the long run. To increase dificulty, try being creative in other ways, you can look at many dm_maps for jumps, see trick jumps videos on youtube and re-create similar jumps in your maps. Remember, distances will afect the interest of your map. I, for one, never had interest in stylejumps_v2 ever since I started jumping. Even when I was noob I hated that map for not putting me up to a chalange. And btw, don't bother including any distance higher than ptrain 11 unless the person has the chance to try it over and over painstakinglessly (just like in ptrain, I mean).
Space is one of the most important things in jumpmaps. Can't be too small and shouldn't be too large. Too large will make you feel sloooow even when you're going 480 speed, too small will get ppl blocking and bumping and fighting each over that. Jelly Fox knows very well what I'm talking about

. But I wouldn't make maps small cuz I have noblock in my server. Other ppl don't have it and they may want to play my map, so I try to make it playable without noblock.
Teleporters and spawns. On this I must give thanks to the killing machine. He made a good work on ultimatejumps_r1. A trigger_push at "400 push speed", solves the problem of spam-spawn-killing-fests and crowded teleport_destinations. Plus, 3 teleport destinations is also a very good help on preventing crowded tele_destinations. With this in mind and made, you should only worry to not make ppl go into jumping ppl's way after being pushed out of the destination.
Weapons... This one is... well, some ppl like it, some don't. I understand both sides. I like at least a crowbar cuz I feel better while jumping than with the ggun. But that makes ppl start killing and prevent others from training, even when they say please. The purpose of jumpmaps is (for me at least) only for training and having fun jumping. Still I will include a crowbar and a ggun in all my maps. Nothing more nothing less and not as an ending prize. Not even stunstick. Points are more than enough for me (remember the game is limited to 2000 points).
Round shapes aren't good aswell, I mean horizontally like ultimate's 11. It may work and it may not. It's inconsistent. I do have some round shapes in a map of mine, but I cliped them to be square.
Try to keep a balance in dificulty. I thought it up to 13 as very easy, in follow_the_nub, and then 14 is (for me) almost impossible. It just doesn't work for me.
I can't remember anything else at this moment, if I do later I'll let you know. I like having new maps to play, but I still can't play any of the new maps that are around cuz they don't challange me and/or I hate the looks of them (not only your maps).
Btw, I think I solved jumptrainer_nub's bug (dunno if Silla told you. If you're interested I can pm you the map in a link for testing. And btw, it would be great looking in that marble texture of yours and without the mag

As a final thought, testing testing testing.... and testing... oh! and testing! is imperative imo. The reasons I haven't yet released any map is cuz I'm being cautious with all that stuff above and with the friggin damn testing. And I've been mapping some of them for almost a year now.
Happy mapping.