Nice effort, looks like it would be a fun map to play..
Some basic points from a mapping perspective for future projects;
Top of the list imo should be
map cleanly You did well to stay On Grid, not something 1st time mappers manage
but you have several overlapping brushes, not a good look, This can have odd effects in game and lead to bad mapping
in general.
Try not to use the dev textures once you release a map (even in beta)
i believe they emit light, it is better to use nodraw for areas not seen.
Its easy to replace all dev textures in 1 swoop using the face edit sheet,
simply click replace texture, then tick "do not replace" and choose nodraw for the
replacement texture.
floating props FTW

, Hold teh Alt key and drag in 2d view to move props Off Grid
for better alignment
your map needs to be sealed from the outside world, leaks can be difficult to find
and solve, this 1 is not
copy your compile log into this site for help with errors
Error Checker
OTT, be careful using expensive items like fog/smoke ect they suck fps from maps
Light sources would be nice, gives a little more life to a map..
stacking barrels together like this can cause a real fps drain when exploded,
plus gameplay wise its better to be be a bit more sparing when placing items like these.
A good effort in general, cant wait to see your next map
a MUST READ for you would be this guide
Don't be put off if it don't all make sense at the start, it takes time to sink in.
You will refer back to this on your mapping journey