2009-11-02 15:28:09
Hello all, I’m back with a new map!
About Baisc
This map is not for fighting, all you need to do it break a door to vote for a map.
A picture will be above a door that is breakable.
Enter the telport when door breaks and map will load for server.
About how map works
It’s a gallery with pictures of maps above doors.
Objective: Select a map to load, break the door for chosen map.
The more players damaging a door the faster chosen map will load.
This votemap gallery is made up with lots of triggers built into the map.
The triggers enable temp commands to the server and effects. (Map talks to server)
Here’s an example
When a door is open 1 out of 3 messages/commands will come up, to do with server pluggins found, changing map to "name", and if map is installed on server.
E.G. if you have the map installed on server and source mod or mani pluggin installed, you will only see changing map to "name" then it will load.
There are help messages/hint in the map on walls and text from triggers.
There are custom sounds and textures with “detail” render.
Some fun buttons and secrets can be found in the map.
Other notes: Bots AI disabled on map load and re-enabled for next map
(If server has bots installed)
Player Health re-spawns if damaged.
Thanks to Alpha, Beta Testers you know who you are.
(made improvements/fixes easier)
Map has been tested on Windows and Linux Servers also
Source Mod Server Pluggin and Mani.
Maps available for gallery needed for gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2
Download Link for above map list in .bz2 (fast download servers)
Or extract .bz2 files with winrar if you want .bsp maps. ... allery.rar
Download Link Just for gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2
How to install
This is very much like any other map to install for a server.
Place the gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2.bsp in the
"half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps" folder
You also need to install the maps listed above in the same folder.
Add "gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2" to your
Enjoy and feel free to post any feedback or improvements.

This map is not for fighting, all you need to do it break a door to vote for a map.
A picture will be above a door that is breakable.
Enter the telport when door breaks and map will load for server.
About how map works
It’s a gallery with pictures of maps above doors.
Objective: Select a map to load, break the door for chosen map.
The more players damaging a door the faster chosen map will load.
This votemap gallery is made up with lots of triggers built into the map.
The triggers enable temp commands to the server and effects. (Map talks to server)
Here’s an example
When a door is open 1 out of 3 messages/commands will come up, to do with server pluggins found, changing map to "name", and if map is installed on server.
E.G. if you have the map installed on server and source mod or mani pluggin installed, you will only see changing map to "name" then it will load.
There are help messages/hint in the map on walls and text from triggers.
There are custom sounds and textures with “detail” render.
Some fun buttons and secrets can be found in the map.

Other notes: Bots AI disabled on map load and re-enabled for next map
(If server has bots installed)
Player Health re-spawns if damaged.
Thanks to Alpha, Beta Testers you know who you are.
(made improvements/fixes easier)
Map has been tested on Windows and Linux Servers also
Source Mod Server Pluggin and Mani.
Maps available for gallery needed for gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2
Download Link for above map list in .bz2 (fast download servers)
Or extract .bz2 files with winrar if you want .bsp maps. ... allery.rar
Download Link Just for gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2
How to install
This is very much like any other map to install for a server.
Place the gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2.bsp in the
"half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps" folder
You also need to install the maps listed above in the same folder.
Add "gtamikes_votemap_gallery_rc2" to your
Enjoy and feel free to post any feedback or improvements.