Transparent Textures in a map


2007-10-24 02:34:09

Anyone know how I can do this ?

If someone could post a link to a tutorial or give me one, that would be highly appreciated ! :lol:


Pig Popper

2007-10-24 02:51:20

do you mean a spray or you building something?

Check this Transparent Spray Tutorial by our man Hooligan or if your building something, you could use the invisible texture in Hammer and create a brush using that


2007-10-24 13:36:42

Sry if I'm wrong, since I'm kinda Ignorant with mapping, but doesn't he mean the "no draw" texture? Like the ones on overwatch, at the top of the buildings.

Pig Popper

2007-10-24 15:52:01

0nti wrote:Sry if I'm wrong, since I'm kinda Ignorant with mapping, but doesn't he mean the "no draw" texture? Like the ones on overwatch, at the top of the buildings.
could be, it depends what he's trying to do with it,

tbh he did give us much infomation to go on :roll:

what you trying to do snipeIT :lol:


2007-10-24 18:18:40

If you want to build a texture with opacity you have to:

- add an alpha channel to your image to define which areas of your texture are invisible or fully visible
- add to your vmt: "$translucent" 1 or "$alphatest" 1. (Notice: $translucent 1 needs more performance to be rendered because of semi-visible areas)

hope I could help :)


2007-10-24 19:42:08

You can make something a func_wall or various entities can do this then play around with the render mode properties I think Render FX = normal, render mode = additive, Fx amount = 64 should give you a starting point.