Blender Error: Index error: list index out of range


2010-01-03 16:46:11


I'm getting this error when trying to export to SMD (Source) a rather simple mesh with its material/texture. Nothing I have not been doing, it has worked just fine for other similar meshes.

I would really appreciate it if someone could enlighten me here,



2010-01-03 20:28:25

Why are you using Python? Why not use the compiler that comes with Hammer, it works well enough.


2010-01-03 21:25:05

Paradox wrote:Why are you using Python? Why not use the compiler that comes with Hammer, it works well enough.
Because he's making models with blender not maps with hammer (blender is written in python). You should probably mention this in future javierdl, to save confusion ;)

Every time I've had that error it's been material related, double check all your faces have a material assigned (they all must have one as this is where the SMD gets the triangle texture names from).

I've also seen this in with a corrupted .blend that had more than 16 materials assigned.