DM_CHANGA - New map (killbox-ish style, with screenshots)


2010-03-10 21:10:54


New killbox style map, but not so plain and open as many are.
It has a tower which you can get into, custom textures in places, custom barrel, all weapons except RPG, 1 supercharger on an upper platform and a dim theme.
Player size 2+
Platforms spaced so that you will not over hop them!

This is not my first map, but is the first I have actually bothered to release on websites for non private feedback.

From fpsbanana
" 1 Megacharger on an upper platform.
Full lit and error free.
High fps so lower spec pcs will not lag.
All weapons included except rpg.
- magnum x 4
- ar2 x 3
- ar2 altfire x 3
- shotgun x 4
- crossbow x 5
- slam x 2
- grenades x 4
- smg1 grenade x 5
Plenty of hp and suit to stay alive longer.
Custom textures (cncr04sp2 pack and made by me)
Custom barrel model (bazooka tooths fear like explosive barrel) "


Thankyou Popper, Valar, [DKM!] clan and a ton of other people who have commented and contributed critisism so far! and who have played this map.

I would love some hl2dm uni feedback on this one as I know you people love your gaming as much as I do.


2010-03-11 05:20:26

looks like a UT map with Age of Chivalry textures


2010-03-11 11:36:38

No its not, cncr02sp4 textures and some made by me. and all level design was thought up by me. I havent played UT.

did anyone actually play it.
Im dissapointed, I would of thought that an hl2dm community such as this one would of responded quicker.

I hope someone actually gives a review or gets enjoyment from it.


2010-03-11 17:33:32

Pseudonym - I respect your balls. :lol:

I will now give you a full review.

In a world of dm killboxes where designs are tried and tried again, dm_changa stands out with a fresh new look. Its reminiscent of an classic Unreal Tournament map "Deck 16" (or 17 i'm not sure). Those familiar with that map may not at first see the similarity, as changa is contained within one 'box' and deck16 is a complicated multi-level crossover of caverns and hangar style. Changa is more likened to a single room hangar, but where these two maps have similarity is in their space-style base texturing and architecture.

I will now describe changa (hangar? :D) as a level. It's a single room, darkish battleground with a main large area floor and multi-level floating platform mesh in which almost the entire box is visible. The other main feature is the multi-level tower fixed to the bottom level. Most of the map is accessible via ladders within the tower and outside the tower. The map is populated with barrels and boxes and the usual spattering of guns and grenades. Not too much just the right amount to not be falling over yourself whilst not feeling that you are unarmed.

For me changa is a mixed barrel of emotions. I feel slightly scared by the atmospheric lighting and also amused by the cartoony textures. As a whole the map is presented as a moody stalker style 1 on 1. As we swim deeper into the map, what is more noticeable is the juxtaposition of execution. On the one hand we have sharp shadows, gorgeous mild yellow lighting that is expertly dotted around (see below pic).


This screeny depicts my favourite part of the map, as it is the most central, feel of the map. The pillars hold up the platforms above and feel very serious. I also think that it depicts the mixed emotions. From the pic you see dramatic lighting and also dimmed colours which give you the serious feeling. On the other hand the texture on the pillar looks stretched to breaking point, and consequently out of proportion. I can't help but feel that I can take this map seriously but in places I also can't.


In other places too, the textures seem overstretched and make the map seem fuller, but also busy. The floating platforms are wonderfully delicate, but also angular. The use of colour schemes is greatly understated, muted and scary. But it's not the colour scheme that disappoints, its the use of it. It all matches, but with more careful use of a few colours, and gentler curves and trims, the map would feel more polished.

I'm going to rate this map in a gamesmaster magazine style, as I used to love reading reviews of games in the 90s when I was a teenager.

Lighting 9/10. Great execution, the shadows are crisp and there is a mix of gentle colours that create a scary atmosphere.

Brushwork 5/10. Delicate floating platforms, and interesting use of brushes to make landmarks. The brushwork is also angular in places and could do with some trims and widening to fill it out.

Texturing 5/10. Colour schemes match and suit the lighting, but overstretching causing pixelation and business.

Design 7/10. It's different from most killboxes, and uses a few key landmarks to direct flow of players. The platforms are carefully put together to create a 'hangar' with space to fly around but also areas to explore.

Gameplay - I can't rate this as I haven't played it with other players.

Overall Score 6.5/10. Great lighting and atmospere but could do with better understanding of interior design and how textures go together, and also work on that architecture to appear more gracious.



2010-03-12 02:35:08

Sadist wrote: -reminiscent of an classic Unreal Tournament map

-cartoony textures.
Told ya


2010-03-12 16:55:33

Thankyou sadist, and Tranthor.. lol I know you told me :D
As I said I havent actually played UT. so I wouldnt know about its maps or general theme.
When I finally got broadband the first (and pretty much only) game I play to death online is hl2dm.

Changa is not meant to be a play on words, a google will reveal its true meaning, and linkage to them and color scheme. ps i havent had anything to do with the real changa, it was just a nice sized, good map name for this perticular map.
I did lol actually when I read that it was similar to hangar, very coincidental!

Very nice review. I am impressed with your detail and accuracy in description.
And for taking the time to review the map. I can seriously, hand on heart tell you are dedicated to this game and its survival.
Valar also noted the cartoonish feel, its a style i enjoy very much so and reflects my lifestyle somewhat. What with having played dm_feudal and dm_rigormortis alot.

Another note, this map was started in my early days of mapping, so some of the things in this map have been adressed already in others. That wall is very stretched yes, I may do another version of this sometime, but I've got bigger fish to fry right now.

Thank you again sadist.
(also I used to enjoy watching gamesmaster, I still have lots of vhs tapes from the tv. ( and that patrick moore was the sun, who would of thought it))
All things said taken on board for the next project too.

(This is the next project: ... creenshots )


2010-03-12 22:03:39

Changa - some kind of drug smoked for medicinal purposes. I'm guessing you use it to chill/relax? lol

Very impressed by this screenshot above. It pays attention to modern structures and looks the part. Very nice and I can already see the feedback put into place in this map. Although you already did this before the review so well done.


2010-03-12 23:47:18

I have never used it, or been in contact with changa for that matter. just to clear up.
Its just an easy to remember, short name.

Sadist, if you want a test play let me know and il get you an ip to come and play dm_nymhouse on before its released.


2010-03-15 02:47:34

That nymhouse map looks like a brightened up Hidden:Source map