For the weapons is nearly impossible, afaik. Well, it's doable, but not in a moving spawn.
The problem is that game_player_equip isn't a "dynamic" entity, it will affect all players at every spawn. But if the target spawn isn't moving, you can build a trigger_weapon_strip to take guns out of the player and, at the same time, activate a point_template to spawn the weapons you want at the player position. Even tho I don't know how well this works, I think you'd need to disable the weapons_strip immediately after to stop weapons spawning, and some trigger push on the spawn to make sure the players went through some other trigger imediately to re-activate the weapons_strip, before another player spawns there.
In a moving plane this is quite dificult... Also in a moving plane, as I've tested, the player may fail to stand on the plane, like paradox said, depending on it's speed and the height of the spawn. Unless the plane has some walls that stop the player from falling just like that.
Sometimes source isn't suitable for good ideas...