Map Contest....?


2010-04-15 06:25:26

Just curious to see if any mappers would be willing to throw it in one more time? I was gonna throw in $75 maybe $100 depending on how many are interested. Maybe all the money for first or $25 for second and the rest for 1st place. Lemme know---


2010-04-15 06:28:49

i'm good for $100


2010-04-15 16:28:37

ill throw in some loot or maybe a prize of a game. ill also help with the admin stuff, im familiar with the way its run since i was involved last time. and i totally agree with Val, if the admins dont have time any more maybe new admins should be named. its counter intuitive to have admins that dont have time for community run events on this site. leaving us with no access to admin privilages and such.


2010-04-15 17:41:27

I'm mostly mapping for AG2 now but I think I could try and pop out one last map for the sake of hl2dm. Time might be an issue though.


2010-04-15 17:47:35

I'd get involved too. be it adding a map to the compo, helping with a compo/prize (could offer a dedicated hl2dm server for a period of time for instance) or admin etc etc

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-15 18:02:34

hm why not simply BEAT UP then NOT PLAY old maps instead lol? what a pathetic excuse for another public bash that boils up to absofuckinglutely nothing at all.
go find a mapper you're friends with, give them some money, call it prize and call yourself an entrepreneur. can do the right thing and...go post another dumbass thread in the Cafeteria. ii8!


2010-04-15 18:24:09

[EYE] Valar wrote:hm why not simply BEAT UP then NOT PLAY old maps instead lol? what a pathetic excuse for another public bash that boils up to absofuckinglutely nothing at all.
go find a mapper you're friends with, give them some money, call it prize and call yourself an entrepreneur. can do the right thing and...go post another dumbass thread in the Cafeteria. ii8!
Who are you talking to? I'm not even running this contest and the judges will come from every clan there is in hl2dm (from $w to emO to Xs to LsD). Do you think I'm really going to donate $75-100 with only one person in mind? I mean really, I'm not going to donate my time and my money to make some sham contest, I'm doing this because I want to see one or two last great maps for this community.

I have no idea where all this hatred is coming from? I'm offering my time (which I have barely enough of anymore) and my money and I get a whipping for it?

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-15 19:09:54

yes. and it's not hatred it's a point of view. and the racist comment about Jews should be either removed or poster banned if this site calls itself respectful.


2010-04-15 19:13:47

racism over the internetz oh noes plz ban /hurt feelings

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-15 19:29:38

yes dear, re the Youtube post about how stupid Americans are few months ago? seemed to rub people well enough, didn't it. if i remember rightly people called it "in bad taste" and..."not funny".
and it's hardly hurt feelings. poorbilly posted a poor joke about Hitler a while back which i didn't find amusing, i PMd him to not joke about things he doesn't understand and now he's getting back because simple minds see criticism as getting owned.


2010-04-15 20:08:50

If you have complaints direct them to whoever will be leading this, as it will likely be not me. If you dont want to participate then dont. You preach of ignorance but you made an entire post based on assumptions and ignorance, assuming I was the one running it, assuming that PB is even entering a map which he is not and assuming I am somehow the one making the sole decision on who wins?

It will be about 6-8 judges, first to post gets to be a judge. DOesnt matter if you are from the US, UK, Russia ect.

OFC this is all hypothetical, I am here merely to see whether there is enough interest, if there is I'll put my donations into a prize pot to be dispursed by the future administrator to the winner of the competition. So far though there seems to be not enough interest, only 3 map makers expressing it and one seeming to recuse himself already because of preconceptions.

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-15 20:29:29

my post was based of my own personal experience, observation and heavy involvement in this game and forum. after 5 years and over 200 released maps i would throw the word "assumption and ignorance" out the window.
i've always spoken out my mind and i'm not planning on changing that anytime soon. my post was not a personal attack on you or anybody else, as none of my posts ever were. it is criticism directed at a state of mind prevalent in these forums. at the fact that most here do close to nothing to really promote the game, its art or others and mainly bash eachother. those who are trying to promote the game get the most flames and the game and it's so called community are going nowhere. and so, the staleness of what i perceive as a "talk only community" sickenss me and to be perfectly honest, saddens me more than anything.
we see the same maps over and over again, competitions or not. maps are elected not once based on how good they are but, if at all, how close they stand next to map styles people here know by heart or how well the map was inserted into the "community", again, hardly based on functionality (not to take away from really fine maps that ARE being played. but that is not my point). this is what i call stale. now, you can argue with my opinions but you cannot dismiss them as assumptions and ignorance. i didn't arrive here yesterday.
preach, i don't know about that lol. maybe wall of text but i guess i've earned it ;)


2010-04-15 20:36:05

[EYE] Valar wrote:close to nothing to really promote the game, its art or others and mainly bash eachother. those who are trying to promote the game get the most flames and the game and it's so called community is going nowhere. and so, the staleness of what i perceive as a "talk only community" sickenss me and to be perfectly honest, saddens me more than anything.
we see the same maps over and over again, competitions or not. maps are elected not once based on how good they are but, if at all, how close they stand next to map styles people here know by heart or how well the map was inserted into the "community", again, hardly based on functionality (not to take away from really fine maps that ARE being played. but that is not my point).
I deleted some of your post to highlight the irony...I am doing my best to promote the game, I am running a league, convincing people to come back to hl2 or play it again and the person who bashed me here without care to facts was you, you called me a dumbass. All the maps being played now (LA,Caverns,Airfusion and Mileau) in CU are the result of map competitions with the exception of LD_R5. That was only season 1, other newer maps are being floated around now.

You again preach against things you just did, starting a flame war and calling me by a derogatory reference and that you're tired of a community of talk, well here I am, offering action, offering money.

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-15 20:55:51

I thought my last post was clear enough. i never called you a dumbass and never referred anything directly at you. read the lines saying:
"it is criticism directed at a state of mind prevalent in these forums." And “…my post was not a personal attack on you or anybody else…”
if you're honestly trying to promote this game then more power to you. i'm coming from a standpoint of having invested so much into this game only to see nothing's changed be it new maps, new mods etc. my disappointment and criticism are a logical result.
BTW Milieu never participated in any competition FYI.



2010-04-15 22:14:06

HL2DM itself is stale though valar :P
Its a buggy peice of shit yada yada yada, and thats why the community is the way it is. But underneath all that there are ppl who really liked the game...

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-15 22:15:09

Pernicious wrote:HL2DM itself is stale though valar :P
Its a buggy peice of shit yada yada yada, and thats why the community is the way it is. But underneath all that there are ppl who really liked the game...


2010-04-15 22:29:05

Yeah I would like to move on Valar, please..Also this topic has proven why I wanted someone to be appointed an intern admin to regulate this forum and our future forum for the map contest, fail to you admins, get someone on intern who's active to moderate this appropriately.

All that aside 3 people is not enough to move forward, I'll give this topic until Sunday for more interest to be expressed or ill just move on...


2010-04-15 23:23:45

[EYE] Valar wrote:my post was based of my own personal experience, observation and heavy involvement in this game and forum. after 5 years and over 200 released maps i would throw the word "assumption and ignorance" out the window.
i've always spoken out my mind and i'm not planning on changing that anytime soon. my post was not a personal attack on you or anybody else, as none of my posts ever were. it is criticism directed at a state of mind prevalent in these forums. at the fact that most here do close to nothing to really promote the game, its art or others and mainly bash eachother. those who are trying to promote the game get the most flames and the game and it's so called community are going nowhere. and so, the staleness of what i perceive as a "talk only community" sickenss me and to be perfectly honest, saddens me more than anything.
we see the same maps over and over again, competitions or not. maps are elected not once based on how good they are but, if at all, how close they stand next to map styles people here know by heart or how well the map was inserted into the "community", again, hardly based on functionality (not to take away from really fine maps that ARE being played. but that is not my point). this is what i call stale. now, you can argue with my opinions but you cannot dismiss them as assumptions and ignorance. i didn't arrive here yesterday.
preach, i don't know about that lol. maybe wall of text but i guess i've earned it ;)

Your experiences and time, here, remind me of Jonathan Swift's in his own life (old english satirist).


2010-04-15 23:40:09

Va|iums wrote:Also this topic has proven why I wanted someone to be appointed an intern admin to regulate this forum and our future forum for the map contest, fail to you admins, get someone on intern who's active to moderate this appropriately.
I am moderator, and i have allready volunteered. Though as far as moderating goes theres no point yet until the comp actually starts.


2010-04-16 01:03:56

I personally believe that the dm community can be ressurected partly by new maps. BUT - not by new maps which are unused.

Valar is correct in what he said - it is through careful observation of useful tools such as tsgk's consortium stats that I know that old maps are still played more than new maps in general. New maps have become popular too however.

So, what is the solution? I say in principle a contest is good. The contest I want to see is a rules of submission controlled by the public. The public (which is roughly the readers of this forum, however I think through the steam community such a contest can be spread accross) submit what they want from a map. This can be in terms of:

Looks / atmosphere - (more L42D equivalent looks, Dm is looking dated but with good mapping you can still produce an amazing looking map that will match the latest games). I know this because vtfedit can produce textures without loss of quality by using the correct filters. Default filter will produce jagged textures. Better filters will produce great quality textures, although these will increase bsp file size. However I think that this is now less of a problem because of better internet connections.

Gameplay - The community know what they want. I will stick my neck out and say that honestly I don't think a team of judges who can design their own rules and judge to their own standards can benefit dm better that the community. I say this because the mapping standards of a team of judges does not represent the community as a whole, it never can. This does not mean that the judging team has bad standards, it may have great standards but it is the community who can contribute varied and representative requests for new mapping standards.

So this is how it can be achieved:

Introduce the mapping contest idea to the steam community. Invite the community to participate by requesting how they want new maps to be like.

Then the mappers who entered make their maps.

The mappers submit their maps and post them anonymously to hl2dmu.

The community is allowed instant access to the download site once all maps are submitted. This way dm is benefitted more quickly right?

The winner I think is of no consequence. You could judge by which map gets the most downloads, or features on the most servers, or is played by the most players. This is not important.

What is important is that dm benefits. A download site filled with all the submitted maps on a level playing field, available to the steam community, which despite its problems is an efficient way of bringing millions of players together.


2010-04-16 01:54:28

I, Like Pern can moderate any forum on here. As I said in the Cafeteria post, we cant change people into Mods or make announcements. The only person with that can do that is WT and maybe Keeper. WT is the owner of and he hanst been able to be around much because of real life.

I am not willing to run a contest and Im not willing to donate more of my money to it. I have spent many many hours and 100s of my own dollars to promote HL2DM.
Many people have spent alot of time and money, but most of the time all they get for it is criticized and nothing ever changes. So many of them have moved on.


2010-04-16 02:07:47

EDITED for tl;dr, read below resolution posts


2010-04-16 02:16:23

I appreciate where you are coming from. But I disagree because it is not helpful to the dm community as a whole for the judges to run a contest that will produce certain types of maps. Good as those maps are.

The community will vote with its feet. Another 2 winning maps will not benefit dm that much. If the steam community is used to its full advantage then we can absorb feedback on what the dm community wants.

This proposal will then reflect what the community wants and produce maps people want to play. Judges must put their wants aside if the dm community is to get what it wants.


2010-04-16 02:23:29

Sadist wrote:I appreciate where you are coming from. But I disagree because it is not helpful to the dm community as a whole for the judges to run a contest that will produce certain types of maps. Good as those maps are.

The community will vote with its feet. Another 2 winning maps will not benefit dm that much. If the steam community is used to its full advantage then we can absorb feedback on what the dm community wants.

This proposal will then reflect what the community wants and produce maps people want to play. Judges must put their wants aside if the dm community is to get what it wants.
I get it Sadist, I'm trying to say I want these maps to be incorprorated into CU eventually, all of them whether they win or lose. Winner designation will only guarantee high traffic for your map and a likely place with many teams as their new designated home map. Judges wont be able to put their wants ahead of the map makers nor the community as the judges only get to see the result of what you wanted at the end, the only input they would require of you is if we agree there needs to be vital changes made if you would like to see your map come into serious consideration as a potentially winning competitive map. If you dont want to budge on changing it then leave it, we may select it anyway in a majority.

The ONLY rule of this contest is the map has to be competitive in nature, because CU wants to see competitive maps only, and so do I. I'm not disagreeing with the rest, I think its fairly easy to make a forum about what people want to see in maps, and I can do that in CU before we commence the contest. I think interest is gaining here but its not quite enough yet, 5 map makers so far expressing interest...


2010-04-16 02:29:43

Then we are agreed...I want competitive maps too. And putting the message accross to the steam community is easy enough. We mappers can really benefit from steam community feedback on what should be in a map. If its killboxes they want or regular maps then the community can receive because they deserve it. Maybe submissions can be put into categories? As long as the contest gets 10+ interested mappers.


2010-04-16 02:33:21

Sadist wrote:Then we are agreed...I want competitive maps too. And putting the message accross to the steam community is easy enough. We mappers can really benefit from steam community feedback on what should be in a map. If its killboxes they want or regular maps then the community can receive because they deserve it. Maybe submissions can be put into categories? As long as the contest gets 10+ interested mappers.
Ok then we are agreed, the CU forum on feedback will provide an outline for desired styling of maps (THOUGH I REALLY DOUBT KILLBOX WILL BE THE DESIRED STYLE :P :P :P ) . Also agreed on 10+ mappers being required, standing at 5 right now. Though I said Sunday will be my line drawn for this thread I can extend it a few more days if say we have 8 mappers on Sunday night, we can wait a few more days for those last two.

I will only put up forum map feedback when we get the said number of mappers interested.

The Argumentalizer

2010-04-16 02:34:21

Realism: Game Dead, Pubs empty, 4 clans that compete, stacked squads, no enthusiasm for Draft, plenty of maps, Game Dead, Pubs Empty, Some nice scrims on locked servers not even broadcast for viewing using source, 4 clans that compete (US), everuone playing something else, Game Dead, No interest, Most all the players left and living lives...


2010-04-16 02:36:02

The Argumentalizer wrote:Realism: Game Dead, Pubs empty, 4 clans that compete, stacked squads, no enthusiasm for Draft, plenty of maps, Game Dead, Pubs Empty, Some nice scrims on locked servers not even broadcast for viewing using source, 4 clans that compete (US), everuone playing something else, Game Dead, No interest, Most all the players left and living lives...
Think past yourself and your country, European CU is actually growing in size I'm not doing this for just North America. Please wherever you go you jump in with arguementative and generally pessimistic posts, just do us a favor and keep the pessimism somewhere else.


2010-04-16 02:38:17

Va|iums wrote:
Sadist wrote:Then we are agreed...I want competitive maps too. And putting the message accross to the steam community is easy enough. We mappers can really benefit from steam community feedback on what should be in a map. If its killboxes they want or regular maps then the community can receive because they deserve it. Maybe submissions can be put into categories? As long as the contest gets 10+ interested mappers.
Ok then we are agreed, the CU forum on feedback will provide an outline for desired styling of maps (THOUGH I REALLY DOUBT KILLBOX WILL BE THE DESIRED STYLE :P :P :P ) . Also agreed on 10+ mappers being required, standing at 5 right now. Though I said Sunday will be my line drawn for this thread I can extend it a few more days if say we have 8 mappers on Sunday night, we can wait a few more days for those last two.

I will only put up forum map feedback when we get the said number of mappers interested.
So feedback thread on CU. Great. Can we also have a steam group set up dedicated to feedback with links to CU etc? I will gladly help to add as many of my steamfriends to this group.

EDIT: I will gladly set up a steam group myself if necessary! But better to work together on this.


2010-04-16 02:42:02

Sadist wrote:
Va|iums wrote:
Sadist wrote:Then we are agreed...I want competitive maps too. And putting the message accross to the steam community is easy enough. We mappers can really benefit from steam community feedback on what should be in a map. If its killboxes they want or regular maps then the community can receive because they deserve it. Maybe submissions can be put into categories? As long as the contest gets 10+ interested mappers.
Ok then we are agreed, the CU forum on feedback will provide an outline for desired styling of maps (THOUGH I REALLY DOUBT KILLBOX WILL BE THE DESIRED STYLE :P :P :P ) . Also agreed on 10+ mappers being required, standing at 5 right now. Though I said Sunday will be my line drawn for this thread I can extend it a few more days if say we have 8 mappers on Sunday night, we can wait a few more days for those last two.

I will only put up forum map feedback when we get the said number of mappers interested.
So feedback thread on CU. Great. Can we also have a steam group set up dedicated to feedback with links to CU etc? I will gladly help to add as many of my steamfriends to this group.

EDIT: I will gladly set up a steam group myself if necessary! But better to work together on this.
Oh god what have I done, I was really hoping to have someone else organize this... Yeah if I can't find anyone else to organize it me and you will setup a steam page, we'll just be intern admins until we find an organizer anyway if we get the mapper requirements. (still praying someone wants to step up for us).

Steam page and CU forum when we get the 10 mappers interested....


2010-04-16 02:47:27

I will await the progress of this idea and get involved where i can.


2010-04-16 03:11:50

Well when it actually starts il be entering a map.
I missed the last one and want in on the action.

so when will this be starting?

Walking Target

2010-04-16 03:22:01

Clearly this thread has already been moderated since I can't see what is being referred to here.

I will say that HL2DMU will not be running any further mapping contests for the game. This decision is based on the impact of previous contests and the amount of work involved in coordinating the contest. If someone on the forums wants to arrange a contest of their own, that is fine with me, I will even provide a private forum for the judges. It will not be an official HL2DMU event however.

Regarding active admins here at HL2DMU, I think we do have some active admins here. I actually agreed to promote other admins who have shown interest. My apologies to those people, I keep getting distracted by other things. I do have some IRL stuff going on, and I am involved in other games now as well. This does not mean HL2DMU is going anywhere or that I will not return to play, but it does make it hard to put the same amount of energy into the site as I did previously.


2010-04-16 04:33:01

I think, even though it is not an official hl2dm-u contest it should be held at one spot, ie hl2dm-u, or wateva forum is most popular/agreed upon. Makes things easier, also i dont think any one person needs to organise anything in particular(dont worry about steam groups =\), basically someone starts an official thread announcing that a competition has begun, names judges, sets criteria and gives x amount of time for mappers to enter their maps (by posting a link in the comp thread?) etc.
The only thing that needs any real organisation is how the judges are to rate maps etc and prizes if any. This needs to be discussed b4 a thread is made obviously.


2010-04-16 16:00:53

Pseudonym wrote:Well when it actually starts il be entering a map.
I missed the last one and want in on the action.

so when will this be starting?
When we get 10 mappers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got about 6 as it stands....4 more before we get this dog and pony show on the road.


2010-04-16 16:02:40

im in if it comes together.


2010-04-16 18:14:21

lol Valar, you ferocious little monkey. i know him well enough to understand why this thread would piss him off. no reason to actually type it all out, but i feel ya Val. with that said, im always up for something that can bring this community together once and a while. here's the thing tho, lets face the reality that the pub maps are the ones being used the most now. i will help get this started if the focus of the contest is pub maps, as opposed to compitition maps. that would be a useless waste of time, they arent used. lets make this a pub map contest including killboxes. i can already feel ppl's rage, but if these are the maps being used out there, this will bring the most interest IMO. as a result i thing the compitition "map pack" will have the most success.


2010-04-16 19:20:08

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote: i will help get this started if the focus of the contest is pub maps, as opposed to compitition maps. that would be a useless waste of time, they arent used. lets make this a pub map contest including killboxes. i can already feel ppl's rage, but if these are the maps being used out there, this will bring the most interest IMO. as a result i thing the compitition "map pack" will have the most success.
Sorry Chem, doing this for CU, and everyone in CU by nature are competitive players so I want to see competitive maps. If you want to pull out of helping/donating that's fine. Vitamin volunteered to be our lead organizer and we're up to 7 mappers interested.

3 mappers to go yet...


2010-04-16 21:10:35

oh i missed teh part for this being for cu comp maps.i may or maynot do this probly not.i would like to see a pub map contes tho.


2010-04-16 22:27:03

[MB]Brunt wrote:oh i missed teh part for this being for cu comp maps.i may or maynot do this probly not.i would like to see a pub map contes tho.
Me too. I thought by competitive you meant maps that are well......competitive! I strongly contest that CU and other leagues will benefit from this and not the community. A contest needs to give to the community.

Why anti-pub and anti-killbox? So much fun to be had from these maps, and it pulls in the average players to make up the numbers. League/comp maps will only CU and other leagues not the dm community.


2010-04-16 22:35:57

Sorry guys...I'm not gonna donate $100 to see killboxes or the next dm_walmart. There are 100's of competitive players in CU that would like to see new competitive maps. I get where you coming from though.

The problem is if you ignore one part of the community (pubbers) you ignore the other part (league players) and vice versa. Obviously my interest lies in the other part of the community. I guess since this contest is looking unlikely I'll keep the deadline firm at Sunday for the minimum amount of mappers and pull the plug at midnight on it.


2010-04-16 22:48:41

i respect that and if i was any good with the type of map you want i would be thier.its just the couple times ive tryed to make a comp style map thay fail.i have several pub maps in the works but no comp im thinking im not in but good luck with it.
Va|iums wrote:Sorry guys...I'm not gonna donate $100 to see killboxes or the next dm_walmart. There are 100's of competitive players in CU that would like to see new competitive maps. I get where you coming from though.

The problem is if you ignore one part of the community (pubbers) you ignore the other part (league players) and vice versa. Obviously my interest lies in the other part of the community. I guess since this contest is looking unlikely I'll keep the deadline firm at Sunday for the minimum amount of mappers and pull the plug at midnight on it.


2010-04-17 02:25:12

Va|iums wrote:Sorry guys...I'm not gonna donate $100 to see killboxes or the next dm_walmart. There are 100's of competitive players in CU that would like to see new competitive maps. I get where you coming from though.

The problem is if you ignore one part of the community (pubbers) you ignore the other part (league players) and vice versa. Obviously my interest lies in the other part of the community. I guess since this contest is looking unlikely I'll keep the deadline firm at Sunday for the minimum amount of mappers and pull the plug at midnight on it.
Damnit! I was going to enter and create dm_lost_Kmart. But now Im at a loss lol. How much money has been promised? If its over $300 I'll enter.

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-17 03:37:29

Valiums, not only should you get Vitamin to help out but you should also use his (Instant Classic) dm_ethic for CU and also ask him to compose another one. this dude is flying!!!

and chem, stfu i <3 U.


2010-04-17 04:08:05

Sadist wrote:
[MB]Brunt wrote:oh i missed teh part for this being for cu comp maps.i may or maynot do this probly not.i would like to see a pub map contes tho.
Me too. I thought by competitive you meant maps that are well......competitive! I strongly contest that CU and other leagues will benefit from this and not the community. A contest needs to give to the community.

Why anti-pub and anti-killbox? So much fun to be had from these maps, and it pulls in the average players to make up the numbers. League/comp maps will only CU and other leagues not the dm community.
that was exactly my point. it seems rediculas to have a community mapping contest that focuses on league play comp maps when, 1: the last contest was based on that focus and seems only one of those maps is being used in league play. 2:much more ppl are playing pub maps now, if this is truly a contest to bring the community together dont focus its intent on league maps. 3: the past has proven the new maps dont make it into the leagues anyway. 4: many more mappers will get involved if the maps are pub style, and the contest map pack will be much more successful.


2010-04-17 04:11:23

OR, have a contest that has to divisions. one being comp style maps and the other being pub style maps. panel of judges for each. i will be happy to lead up the pub division. and i know of a few ppl that would help me out.

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-17 04:15:02

bro he's doing it for CU. that's all. move on.


2010-04-17 04:18:58

[EYE] Valar wrote:Valiums, not only should you get Vitamin to help out but you should also use his (Instant Classic) dm_ethic for CU and also ask him to compose another one. this dude is flying!!!

and chem, stfu i <3 U.
Every single map that has a download link and is non-killbox or non-fort was allowed to be used in CU, all you have to do is suggest it with a link and it will be put into the database. Furthermore just because ethic is there doesnt mean anyone will pick it.

@ CHem, every contest has produced a map that has and is being used in leagues. I am not going to donate $100 dollars to see it go to a killbox or pure pub map plain and simple.

Also valar for all that BS you preached about not starting flame wars, you throw up sarcastic remarks about my intentions of donating $100 dollars from my own pocket for somehow a malicious intent is ridiculous. Mods can close the thread I'm done here. You've proven to be a person who practices against the things he hates the most about this forum, a true hypocrite.


2010-04-17 05:08:26

On one hand i have allready had the same thought, why cater to the smaller part of the hl2dm community, on the other hand it would be nice to have more balanced and smooth playing maps rather then cluttered spammy random slut fests.
So i think if the comp still goes on the emphasis should still be on balance, looks and flow etc. All criteria with pub play in mind.


2010-04-17 05:47:09

Maybe have a pubbing contest with the current maps....

The Argumentalizer

2010-04-17 07:53:42

I apologize for being pessimistic. I'll now try to be as Hopey as possible.


2010-04-17 08:15:33

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
Sadist wrote:
[MB]Brunt wrote:3: the past has proven the new maps dont make it into the leagues anyway.
caverns, lostarena, and airfusion

Edit: not for the lack of trying. i remember having to play valars, really crappy map (no offense), during CAL 4v4 because it got 3rd place. Warlock and Mileu were also played in league matches, but they didn't stick, well actually listen 2 the lights uses mileu as their 3v3 map in cu.


2010-04-17 08:20:58

So is this going ahead or is it not? Am I entered?...

I don't make shitty maps like wall-marts (I like to make balanced maps, slightly large) but I totally agree with some people who posted before about most of the population that play dm still, play on CAL or normal larger maps not CU competitive maps.

But just look what HL2DM University has done for the default arrangement of maps, almost every server with custom maps have got the top 3 winners of every competition that was held. Pueblo, airfusion, helix, caverns etc.
I only suggested this because I believed that if we got 3 more good maps before this game dies maybe the game will last a little longer.

I'm not fussed on a prize like i posted in the other topic. But reading this I guess people have to have a little encouragement :P


2010-04-17 11:18:13

Ok screw it. (thanks to the admins that didnt close the thread on request and made me think twice)

I lost $50 dollars tonight in a single match ping pong game with the money I was gonna donate in front of 20 people but w/e.

I will donate $100 dollars to a map contest that doesnt require it to be competitive you can make a killbox, pub, or competitive doesnt matter. I will count every single mapper that expressed interest in it before I had made it known it was to be competitive style mapping, so that makes 8.

Missing 2 mappers and Sunday is the deadline to get the minimum mapper requirement. Chem I'm hoping you could let me know what you were looking to donate, PM on steam.


2010-04-17 13:33:19

Give me the sign and I will make a steam group to advertise the comp. then you will get more mappers to enter!


2010-04-17 17:27:44

Let it sit for a while before deciding imo, look at how long it took everybody who was interested to find out about the last mapping contest.

Rather than set a deadline how about simply waiting until there's enough interest then starting off? If there isn't enough interest then you've lost nothing and giving it some time stands to give you more interested mappers in the long run.

Also don't forget about the steam forums for hl2dm and Mapping/SDK there's a lot of regulars on there who you wont find here.


2010-04-17 22:02:54

I agree with boshed. the only real way to get interest for this contest is to tell as many mappers as possible, and not to rely on them seeing these forums.


2010-04-17 22:49:25

Boshed thanks for slowing me down and good idea. Sorry I get really impatient and want to get everything done at once at one time except sometimes the best way to run things is let things simmer and gain traction by itself. Agreed and feel free to spread the word, my committment to my donation will remain for however long it takes.

Feel free to create a steam page with direct reference to money being involved, as there will be.


2010-04-18 00:25:33

The steam group has been created.

Link :

Anybody with an avatar for it please?

Please join the group and invite friends. Mappers and players are invited to interact for what kinds of maps they want. E.g. visuals, gameplay, specific ideas etc.


2010-04-18 01:00:05

Va|iums wrote:Boshed thanks for slowing me down and good idea. Sorry I get really impatient and want to get everything done at once at one time except sometimes the best way to run things is let things simmer and gain traction by itself. Agreed and feel free to spread the word, my committment to my donation will remain for however long it takes.

Feel free to create a steam page with direct reference to money being involved, as there will be.

lol, i dont think 2 ppl with severe A.D.D. should work together!!!! you need some of my adderal Val?


2010-04-18 03:46:39

LoL chem adderol is the devil!! I had a prescrip about 2 year ago and started abusing, I would stay awake for days on it...wont touch it again.

Thanks for starting that steam page btw Sadist, I'll be spreading the word and inviting people. Look forward to it all.



2010-04-18 03:53:40

Maybe it would be better if you redirected people to the forum instead of having the group separate from HL2DM university?


2010-04-18 03:54:44

I think the main focus should be directing ppl to this forum, then secondly, the steam group, but the steam group IMO was really unnecasary and pointless.
But since ur going to have it anyways make the forum the Number 1 priority, for ease.
And definitly feel free to anounce and direct to on steampowered etc.


2010-04-18 05:34:03

For the posts in the 1st two pages, I think a mapping contest is always a good thing. There's always new maps comming up, a contest will only promote action and speed things a little bit more, while mappers will get on with their other works later on and more maps will come up still. I think every little thing is good for the community.

One of the biggest problems is that CU (and CAL had the same problem) seem to be late in time, and ppl are playing the same maps over and over for years and years. New maps became popular but they aren't as promoted as they should. I ask my friends many times if they played pueblo, and guess what, no one knows it. We have many GREAT mappers around that have made MANY GREAT and potentialy competitive maps and I rarely see them being played.

And then ofc, like valar said, this community is all fucked up. CU forums, for example, seem like a kindergarden full of little kiddies bashing each other like retards, many players are just retards that don't have enough sportsmanship to loose (or even win) a match (and the ones that are respected by them don't do anything to shut them up), many players don't resist the temptation of using a fucking wallhack cuz they will not sleep at night if they loose, even if it's in a freakin pub... etc

Noobs don't get to know this or other websites related to the game, they keep playing shitty servers with retarded settings and retarded maps, and they eventualy loose interest in this. Ofc this community gets smaller and weaker, I'm only playing for 2 years and a month, and tbh I'm getting sick of it. The players, the maps, the bugs, the leagues (even tho I don't compete), the servers...

I won't participate in the competition, most likely I won't have any good ideas, like always, but I will help spread the word for sure. :D
Good luck on it. Hope you make it.


2010-04-18 13:18:58

Pernicious wrote:I think the main focus should be directing ppl to this forum, then secondly, the steam group, but the steam group IMO was really unnecasary and pointless.
But since ur going to have it anyways make the forum the Number 1 priority, for ease.
And definitly feel free to anounce and direct to on steampowered etc.

The Steam Group speaks for itself. An attractive first few lines of text is all it takes to pull people in. And if everybody invites all their friends to the group it will spread very far. I've also given the hl2dmu forum link in the main page. So far we have 4 comments that speak about what the community want to see in new maps.

Maybe if Valiums would be kind enough to begin an official thread for map feedback from the community please? The I can also link people to that.


2010-04-18 15:51:48

Sadist wrote:The Steam Group speaks for itself. An attractive first few lines of text is all it takes to pull people in. And if everybody invites all their friends to the group it will spread very far. I've also given the hl2dmu forum link in the main page. So far we have 4 comments that speak about what the community want to see in new maps.
That's because I asked ORACLE [admin of senior slayers] to post a comment and I got pernicious to tell me what he thought.
Though I just copied and pasted what he said because he refused to post it himself. He thought it would be better if you just left it in the forum.

I think he does have a point...


2010-04-18 20:43:35

Sadist I would prefer that you start an official feedback thread, I promised to everyone I would donate and nothing more (except for being a judge) and that's it. This will become someone else's show soon enough, perhaps yours or vitamins.


2010-04-18 20:54:01

perhaps people who aren't submitting maps.


2010-04-18 21:04:47

hi there..

i really appreciate the amount of time n hard work some of u guys spend for hl2dm
and there was a time not long ago, when i would have loved to join a contest..
but i think i´m not going to join in..

maybe i should keep my fingers away from the keys.. but by readin all those posts i have to say
(and don´t get me wrong the following is just my opinion)

reasons why i maybe not going to join are..
burn out, no ideas..
wrong timing .. summer is near
buisness crisis is good as over, don´t have much time now,
missing support+feedback on releases in the past,
even ppls who play for a long time seems not to be able to give constructive feedback,
moan about everything is all i hear, all u "poor" minds can do, is throw mud on work of others who care?? damn sad
(except a handfull of ppls, u know who u are... no names needed)

another thing i don´t understand is the discussion in here about
Competitive/League maps, Killboxes, and/or Pub/Regular maps..

cause in my eyes a good map is a good map..
just a game to have fun with..
nothing more, nothing less..
and its all subjective impression in the end

oh n sry for my bad english.. not my mother language
but i wish all you guys who care, good luck

anti out


2010-04-18 21:26:06

[BK]AC1 wrote: cause in my eyes a good map is a good map..
just a game to have fun with..
nothing more, nothing less..
and its all subjective impression in the end
the whole point of the previous map contests was to produce non-linear/non-symmetrical maps that are used for competition on standard settings. I think this new contest is going for the same thing.

also: i'm probably not going to submit a map if the required number of mappers is met.


2010-04-18 22:56:43

Well, just speaking for myself and the [FF] clan, we are always looking for new maps and we try to change our mapcycles every 4-6 weeks or so. We have formal "map playtests" every month with usually a full server (14 players) so if any mapper needs help testing gameplay and/or performance just let me know.

So, needless to say, I am all for another mapping contest!


2010-04-20 08:01:35

I posted my map preferences over in the other thread. I sure hope this goes forward! As Chem said, pub mapping seems to have a larger audience today. But, I have always run both competition maps and pub maps both on our [FF] servers with no complaints from pub players. It always seems to be the competitive players who complain about the pub maps, but our servers are not competitive!

We have a few mappers in [FF] so I'll alert them to the thread. Thanks!


2010-04-23 15:53:37

Hey, I heard you have a mapping contest here.. and for HL2: DM, which is awesome. Is there thread to tell the deadline/theme/additional info regarding this contest? I'd really like to participate on this contest.


2010-04-23 17:01:58

ok, i can see that this thread is growing, makes me believe there is interest. i know this community well enough to know that shit doesnt happen unless somebody steps up and gets the ball rolllng. summer is almost here and i dont have any formal classes, so i will have the time to run this. so im stepping up and im gonna run it. im doing it because i truly care for this community and events like this really do help it. im gonna post a formal announcement now.


2010-04-23 19:52:43

Holymoly has been stepping up and creating rules and what not already chem...I mean we can talk about this or have a joint adminship.

Add me up in steam we can talk about it or you can just talk to holy directly.


2010-04-23 20:54:30

Va|iums wrote:Holymoly has been stepping up and creating rules and what not already chem...I mean we can talk about this or have a joint adminship.

Add me up in steam we can talk about it or you can just talk to holy directly.
ahhh. ok, ill add you.


2010-04-23 20:59:58

I'll give the competition a go if that's okay.


2010-04-27 18:48:20

A link would be great here guys.


2010-06-23 15:11:32