2010-04-27 01:09:01
Poll submitted for Valar
Valar is thinking of revising Milieu, moving the spawns around and changing the weapons. This is not a new layout design.
Vote whether you would like to see this done
2010-04-27 18:52:58
I really think that milieu is awesome as it is.
If its for competition reasons go ahead, but most servers already have the last released version and probably will stick to it.
2010-04-27 19:22:52
Not to be a dick or anything but from countless amounts of scrims that i've done not once have i played milieu or has anyone even requested this map, and nobody uses' it as their home map in cu aside from that ONE team. You shouldn't really worry about it unless you love changing around maps which obv you do. What you should do is revise dm_warlock that map was amazing but needed a few tweaks to be perfect.
2010-04-27 20:04:04
i'd have to go back and look at it last time i remember playing it was draft night
[EYE] Valar
2010-04-27 21:15:31
where the teleport is now there used to be a doorway if you remember jell. it caused a nasty frames drop so i was looking for ways to workaround it. At the time Me and PoorBilly were discussing the map and looking for ways to improve on it. this is how the teleport came to be.
i can look for other ways but i'd like to know what is the problem with the tele. pls explain good sir.
[EYE] Valar
2010-04-28 00:04:00
specific suggestions Cellar pls.
2010-04-28 03:33:23
ahhhhh, i was under the impression you already had suggestions and ideas for change.
okay, from the crossbow near the supercharger there are 6 spawns where a player can just stay in one position and cover all six spawns. that seems like an above average opportunity for a spawnkill. from that same position, w/o moving, the person can cover all 3 choke points into that area (whorbhouse hall, wagonyard, undercharger).
i don't know the solution, but thats a very powerful position on the map to hold. the position can be broken with time and coordination (waiting for orbs back in S-hall and smg nades back in courtyard).
some of those 6 spawnpoints should be eliminated or moved. where? i dont really know. there are only 2 spawns in the wagon area (mag and by the hemp bails). one in the ledge mag area (mid ledge), 2 in the loft, none by the curving half-wall, none by rpg, cave, bridge (i suicided 40 times anyway and never spawned back there), none in the courtyard, 2 in the S-hall.
weapon movement? i dunno bout that. maybe swap one orb from the whorbhouse with the smg nade near the landbridge and the other orb from whorbhouse with the smg nade near the wagonyard hemp bails? that might make orb gathering a little riskier and promote more movement out of that crossbow area.
The Argumentalizer
2010-04-28 03:43:34
Open up the Crossbow room upstairs to the roof above the Wagon.
That would help challenge domination of that entire side of the map.
Also, go back to a speed ladder up out of the rpg. Two guys dominating the Orb/Charger area can get there in seconds and RPG is a sitting duck.
That would make for a less dominant control map.
Maybe the Hall from AR2 to the open rpg area should curve, to allow sneaking closer in there.
That would still allow orbs and bank shots out there from inside but not so treacherous.
Just some thoughts.
2010-04-28 07:25:16
The only thing Ive complained about while playing on this map is the spawns. I personally think there are a few that are in bad spots. Pretty sure there is one in the corner crossbow room near the super charger that shouldnt be there because of the high traffic. There was one or two more that I thought were iffy as well.
2010-04-28 21:39:38
Ahh, like they were saying, if someone is at the super charger, they can easily jump through the tele while someone is getting the rpg. They already have 200 suit so it'll be hard to kill them. If you could put a delay on the tele (possible?), like in biohazard, it'd probably help a lot.
[EYE] Valar
2010-04-29 00:51:48
Warlock thread bumped...let's leave this thread for Milieu and continue the Warlock discussion there.
[EYE] Valar
2010-04-29 17:34:06
i've done it a bit different than in your first screen. ive placed the orb on the higher platform above the hay bale. so it doesn't stick to your hitbox, you actually need to go and grab it. its in a small niche in the wall. head height.
The Argumentalizer
2010-04-29 23:56:20
6 spawns within a few strafes of AR2, 2 orbs, 2 shotties, a supercharger, mag, and a bow...
One whole side of the map seems unneeded.
I guess i voted incorrectly.