Requesting 2 Maps


2010-05-13 04:49:12

I want someone with map-making skill to make me two different maps or one map with two different components.

Component (Map) 1:

A target roughly the size of a person with a sign nearby. The sign will display the damage dealt by a weapon fired at the target. If possible, a switch should make the target move foward and backward and/or side to side.

Component (Map) 2:

A few cannons that fire barrels along with infinite magnum ammo. The cannons should fire barrels at different speeds, different angles, and different directions. This is for magnum practice shooting fast-moving targets.

Can someone please step up and make this map? I know this would be incredibly helpful to both me and everyone in deathmatch.

[EYE] Valar

2010-05-13 13:41:30

MondaySunshine wrote:I want someone with map-making skill to make me two different maps or one map with two different components.

Component (Map) 1:

A target roughly the size of a person with a sign nearby. The sign will display the damage dealt by a weapon fired at the target. If possible, a switch should make the target move foward and backward and/or side to side.

Component (Map) 2:

A few cannons that fire barrels along with infinite magnum ammo. The cannons should fire barrels at different speeds, different angles, and different directions. This is for magnum practice shooting fast-moving targets.

Can someone please step up and make this map? I know this would be incredibly helpful to both me and everyone in deathmatch.
boshed you wanna knock this one together? some of the IO here heh. .varyspeed cannons and lawl dmg registration prompts if even possible...


2010-05-13 16:46:35

Check this ... f=5&t=2038 for the 2nd map, tho I found the predicting levels to be hard, but you can modify all of them cus it's got the vmf's.
As for the first map, just grab a friend, load up a map with a supercharger and all weapons (eg. ld), tell him to sit where u want, move as u want and, well, shoot first, ask questions later lol I used to do this for shotty practice when I wanted to train my shotty to do more than 100, even 200..


2010-05-13 17:36:19

Ade wrote: As for the first map, just grab a friend, load up a map with a supercharger and all weapons (eg. ld), tell him to sit where u want, move as u want and, well, shoot first, ask questions later lol I used to do this for shotty practice when I wanted to train my shotty to do more than 100, even 200..
i think thats defeating the purpose of what he's trying to do.


2010-05-13 18:49:02

simply amazing. How did u draw that conclusion, chem?


2010-05-13 20:02:08

Ade wrote:simply amazing. How did u draw that conclusion, chem?
it was easy. i just read your response about how he could do something manually, when in fact he was asking for help to automate it so he wouldnt have to do it manually.


2010-05-13 21:52:02

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
Ade wrote:simply amazing. How did u draw that conclusion, chem?
it was easy. i just read your response about how he could do something manually, when in fact he was asking for help to automate it so he wouldnt have to do it manually.

It shouldn't be that hard to make a sign displaying damage, amirite? Just create an entity with 9999999 health and then tie the difference between max health an current health to a variable that displays on a sign?


2010-05-13 22:01:57

Ade wrote:Check this ... f=5&t=2038 for the 2nd map, tho I found the predicting levels to be hard, but you can modify all of them cus it's got the vmf's.
The problem with that map is twofold. First, no player ever in competitive play is going to be falling from 300 feet. We don't have competitive maps like that. Second, the rate of speed at which those barrels are traveling, and the distance they are from you, means you have to lead fire way more than you would have to if you were fighting a person from a reasonable distance. In essence, that map trains you to shoot BADLY for competitive play. Maybe its nice for killbox training or something, but its entirely worthless and even counterproductive for what I'm talking about.


2010-05-14 00:27:38

MondaySunshine wrote:It shouldn't be that hard to make a sign displaying damage, amirite?
Noes. The only entity I can think of that passes it's health value is func_breakable, and the value is a normalised percentage of it's max health. Remapping this back to an integer with a math_remap would give you very inaccurate results.

Not to mention the logic of how to display an integer / float value on a screen... :)


2010-05-14 02:05:31

That's why I said that they could and SHOULD be modified, specially the predicting part in all those maps! omg Ofc the dimensions are too big, even for kbx and maybe a barrel isn't even a good replacement for a player body. But it's a start, a layout. As for the first map, plugins can say on the screen how much damage an enemy/npc takes, but not an object. Also how can a simple object teach you to aim for the head, where some weapons do 3xdamage? How will that be calculated, if the results in the first place are inaccurate, as boshed said? I'm on your side here, don't get me wrong. I'm only coming up with solutions, either you take them or someone else will, but no need for such quick dismissions, just more/better solutions..

EDIT: tbr_bluepuzzle has some player controlled cannons that throw exploding melons, maybe those can be modified to throw exploding barrels


2010-05-14 22:47:57

Plus a map that shoots a barrel would only travel in one direction.

Players move unpredictably, especially the ones that seem to fly through the air and change direction at will.

As Han Solo said, good against remotes is one thing, good against the living is different.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-05-15 01:28:06

Practicing against a source barrel achieving any velocity is a waste of time.

I have never seen worse hitbox detection than a flying source barrel.


2010-05-16 18:57:24 lol this looks so easy. I agree ghost dog, but maybe if they're thrown high up and at low speed, they're easy to shoot at their peak? C'mon, who wants to give it a try :)