2010-07-12 02:19:20
Asylum is a beautiful, large map with great weapon balance. When playing it, we felt that it was polished, smooth, and had the perfect blend of close and open combat. We're getting together with Valar to improve several areas of the map and then it will be released for the public.

Second Place goes to dm_voltage by FENIX.
Voltage is a smaller map suitable for 1v1 and 2v2 play. The centerpiece of the map is an RPG enclosed in a room that periodically explodes. This map element prevents the RPG from being the map's only useful weapon. We're getting together with FENIX to improve several areas of the map and then it will be released for the public.

Third Place goes to dm_gladius by Brunt.
Gladius is a perfect pub map. It is not only beautiful, but the spawns and weapon placement are nearly impeccable. Gladius features a caged RPG in the basement that plays roman horns when taken, and a lion head fountain functions as the map's one super charger. Brunt plans to further refine some textures of the map before releasing it.

The two runners-up are Chickenmobile with dm_ssorg and Dallas with dm_metalbase. Both of these maps were strong competitors, but just barely didn't make the cut. We're all looking forward to playing on these when they are publicly released.
Again, congratulations to our winners and a big thank-you to everyone who entered. This was a hard contest to judge and we're very pleased to start putting these maps in rotation.