2010-07-23 12:54:48
Hello all! Im not released my map early, but now i want you to see this. It a last version i hope with some changes after r2. RPG sound must work correctly, total change global light, now u can see combines in each corner of map, some new textures, changed spawns of weapons, added new respawn in second part of main area (1).

Added wall on main area, now cant rush all main from rpg (2), smg_nade perlaced (3).
So it all what im remember =) Ah ye, now u cant take rpg with ggun from ladder, u must go in this room and take it, after this u can do all what u want. Aaaand rocket replaced from one crate to other crate (4).
Some info about map:
3 shotguns
2 ar2
2 crossbow
2 .357
3 combine balls
4 smg nades
1 rpg
5 explosive oildrums
7 phys objects
9 grenades
1 big recharger
3 small rechargers
3 hp chargers
11 bataries
7 big healthkits
8 small healthkits
14 respawns
Hm, dont worry about fps, im using fps_max 121. If u find any seriously bug pls contact to me in steam or post it here (fast and slow ladders will not be change, weapon balance can be change but not all, some spawns maybe). Thx in advance to all of u guys!
And some screens:

Added wall on main area, now cant rush all main from rpg (2), smg_nade perlaced (3).
So it all what im remember =) Ah ye, now u cant take rpg with ggun from ladder, u must go in this room and take it, after this u can do all what u want. Aaaand rocket replaced from one crate to other crate (4).
Some info about map:
3 shotguns
2 ar2
2 crossbow
2 .357
3 combine balls
4 smg nades
1 rpg
5 explosive oildrums
7 phys objects
9 grenades
1 big recharger
3 small rechargers
3 hp chargers
11 bataries
7 big healthkits
8 small healthkits
14 respawns
Hm, dont worry about fps, im using fps_max 121. If u find any seriously bug pls contact to me in steam or post it here (fast and slow ladders will not be change, weapon balance can be change but not all, some spawns maybe). Thx in advance to all of u guys!
And some screens: