

2010-07-24 07:58:10

Map built by [TF2T]cyn for hl2:ctf back in 2007. Retextured and rerigged for hl2:dm by me. Was just getting back into mapping with this map and decided to see how it plays in dm. Might make for interesting gameplay with the aerial type of gameplay (could be similar to aim, but bigger). It may need a few more weapon spawns if the map gets busy. Props to cyn for allowing me to bring it over to dm :)
cyn wrote:Vast is a port of the Quake 3 map bubctf1 - The Vast and the Furious. It's a set of floating platforms connected by jump pads and speed pads. Just like in its Q3 counterpart, rocket jumping off the speed pads gives you a huge boost. The teleporter below the flag sends you to the top of the tower. If you slip off the edge near the platforms you'll be teleported someplace safe, but if you go flying you're on your own. There are also forgiveness teleporters - if you fall into the void near the platforms you'll be randomly teleported on top of the low pillars. If you really catapult off the side you still die.


Changes from ctf to dm:
1 - Obvious changes relating to hl2ctf weapons being in the map.

2 - Updated textures and removal of ctf decals

3 - Decided to keep true to how the spawns were and create a base-like map as they are rare in dm. So, combine will spawn on combine side and rebel on rebel side. If there are complaints about this, I'll consider changing it up.

4 - Altered jump pads to work better with dm gravity compared to hl2ctf gravity. Obviously, rocket jumping isn't the same in hl2dm compared to hl2ctf so use at your own risk :).

Leaving this version as just a release candidate incase of any issues. I used a different type of packer for all the custom files so hopefully it worked out alright. I didnt bother testing it lol.

Download dm_vast_rc1


2010-07-24 08:29:57

w00t! Finally a pure Quake HL2DM port for us at last. I will try it out tomorrow, hopefully it can become the next aim arena.


2010-07-24 09:51:31

Va|iums wrote:w00t! Finally a pure Quake HL2DM port for us at last. I will try it out tomorrow, hopefully it can become the next aim arena.
What about octagon and fraggingyard? lol

But man, this sure looks nice.

The Argumentalizer

2010-07-24 10:38:06

Well, that is definitely QUAKE 3

And it was fun then and maybe...
The Weapons aren't the same so...
I like the orange DM scheme and the icon all over the place.

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-24 12:26:57

hard....to .. breath.....must.....download...!....!!..... .


2010-07-24 13:44:40

I love the quake style of it and textures and bouncers. I cant shake the feeling that something's missing but this would def make me play ctf hehe
there's also minor stuff
this can be overlooked: i can get stuck a bit cus of the layout, but lift doesn't hurt so it'z all guud
missing sumthin
pink checkers :P

PS: any1 knows how to resize these imgs as i post them?


2010-07-24 14:51:15

Also, there's only one spawn unless its a tdm server...i sugest fixing that too...other than that its great :D


2010-07-24 15:14:49

that does look nice :D


2010-07-24 17:03:02

Ill fix the spawns and the error is where I used a xbow crate, which doesnt work in dm, but I thought I fixed that :(. The checkerboard is a texture or cubemap issue. Ill see what's going on there as well.


2010-07-24 18:10:48

First post updated with rc1 download. Hopefully fixed the issues that have already popped up. I didnt fix the spots where you were getting stuck just yet ade. If it becomes a larger issue then ill clip all that stuff.


2010-07-24 18:28:58

I'll put it on the servers today and see how it does. Looks damn good. Should be fun!


2010-07-25 21:56:09

holy sig, lead!
lol@xbow crates. I encountered that error message when I just created an ammo crate without specifying its type (tho def is rpg ammo i think and should work)
tsk u forgot to update readme file
i see crate error and pink squares fixed, ty :P can u add sounds? :idea:

gHOST ripstar

2010-07-26 01:18:23

Looking sweet sac..gonna up it now..post back for our feedback soon :o


2010-07-26 01:43:21

Ade wrote:holy sig, lead!
lol@xbow crates. I encountered that error message when I just created an ammo crate without specifying its type (tho def is rpg ammo i think and should work)
tsk u forgot to update readme file
i see crate error and pink squares fixed, ty :P can u add sounds? :idea:
what kind of sounds? I considered throwing in some environmental sounds like wind before finalizing it, but not sure if I should.


2010-07-26 02:12:47

I loved this map years ago in CTF. I'm curious to see how it does for dm.

Mr. Nervous

2010-07-27 06:53:57

Me and some friends love this map.. but there's only like 2 spawn points. if you fix that it could possibly be "the new aim arena", at least for me.


2010-07-27 08:47:03

hmm. There are a shit load of spawn points. I've never used teambased spawns in dm before so perhaps Im doing something wrong here. I've got 12 rebel and combine spawns on their team side and then added about 8 player deathmatch spawns on each end for when the server is in regular dm mode. I looked at dm_runoff to see how it was done and it was done this way. Are you sure you guys are spawning in the same spot over and over and not right next to it? The spawns are all real close to each other on the backside of each base. Rebels spawn on their base side and combine spawn on their base side. You should always be spawning by the teleporter with 3 ammo crates nearby or right in front of the actual base. There are 6 spawn points on each side there as well. If there were only 2 spawns on the map, and there were a good number of players, players would be spawning on top of each other and spawnkilling each other by spawning on the same spawn point. Is this happening? If not, the spawns are working correctly. Although, if the spawn points are to bunched up, Ill move some to the upper decks.

Mr. Nervous

2010-07-27 09:40:57

I did a few 1v1s with a friend. Basically what was happening was if you died, you'd spawn on one side. Next time you died you'd spawn on the other. And those were the only spawn points :/ we even did a 2v2 on it but I guess that behaved normally, each team on it's side.

What's the latest version? We're playing rc1 I think.


2010-07-27 19:53:19

when you play tdm on this map you always spawn on one side? that will be pretty easy for the opponents to spawnrape you then :cry:

gonna try this map out now

Mr. Nervous

2010-07-27 20:31:29

lol it's actually not so easy. we played a 2v2 on this map and it was fun, but i wish the spawns were random.


2010-07-28 00:11:51

ah yeah i just played a quick round on it and the map looks smaller in the pictures.
but i dont like this map really, in ctf this map must be great though


2010-07-28 01:03:13

idk, a 'fly' buzzing? :mrgreen: like in positivibration; it looks techy, add something related; it looks vast DOH and open, add something related to that. either way, id love 1 sound on it.
forgot to add i have missing textures on the fast bouncers (red and blue), too. hard to notice but its there.
also, watchin 2 ppl goin round n round the map using the bouncers reminded me of medieval horsemen tournaments or w/e it's called. a map shud be made just for this, fly at high speed towards eachother and shoot while passing by :D

Mr. Nervous

2010-07-30 06:14:04

Nice little kill I got on here: http://vimeo.com/13748382

I think I'm gonna make a video of some movement tricks or frags i've gotten going like 4000 velocity in this map, sometimes you can go crazy fast and high.


2010-07-31 00:00:43

Nice kill there. That to me is what this map is all about. I do see the missing textures in the ramps. I guess the packer didnt add them. Ill get them added manually in the next release.


2010-08-14 05:58:46

Hella fun, Sac! But dammit, I want playerclip on those stairs. Other than that, I enjoyed it.


2010-08-21 23:17:37

Does it have team spawns as well?

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-22 00:33:53

Where do you camp? :lol:


2010-08-22 04:48:59

Sacrifist wrote:hmm. There are a shit load of spawn points. I've never used teambased spawns in dm before so perhaps Im doing something wrong here. I've got 12 rebel and combine spawns on their team side and then added about 8 player deathmatch spawns on each end for when the server is in regular dm mode.
You did right to put info_player_deathmatch spawns as well as info_player_combine/rebel spawns. All is well to put the team spawns on each side, however putting all the deathmatch spawns in the same place would probably encourage campers at the spawn points. Try putting deathmatch spawns all over the map, including the center floating platform.


2010-08-22 11:16:53

chickenmobile wrote:
Sacrifist wrote:hmm. There are a shit load of spawn points. I've never used teambased spawns in dm before so perhaps Im doing something wrong here. I've got 12 rebel and combine spawns on their team side and then added about 8 player deathmatch spawns on each end for when the server is in regular dm mode.
You did right to put info_player_deathmatch spawns as well as info_player_combine/rebel spawns. All is well to put the team spawns on each side, however putting all the deathmatch spawns in the same place would probably encourage campers at the spawn points. Try putting deathmatch spawns all over the map, including the center floating platform.
hmm, thought I did. It is possible that I didnt put any on the center platform though. Im currently working on another dm map and once I get it into a decent state, Ill update this one again.


2010-08-22 14:42:45

it would be cool if we could get a whole bunch of these quake maps together, change the server settings to mirror quake style play and have a "quake hl2dm" division of eFPS. thats a division i would be willing to lead up if interest was there.


2010-08-22 19:26:46

Soem one gonna make Aerowalk?


2010-08-22 22:34:54

keefy wrote:Soem one gonna make Aerowalk?
I actually have a q2 version of aerowalk in a vmf, just needs textured, spawns and weps put in.


2010-08-23 05:51:51

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:it would be cool if we could get a whole bunch of these quake maps together, change the server settings to mirror quake style play and have a "quake hl2dm" division of eFPS. thats a division i would be willing to lead up if interest was there.
If you wanted to play quake style why not just play quake?