dm_orbzone and dm_orbzone_norpg


2010-08-27 06:07:57

I have made this new map, its already been tested alot of times in private play test
and over 80 public games and is now in its final release version.

I guess I just never got round to posting about it yet!

Download dm_orbzone here
Download dm_orbzone_norpg here
Download dm_orbzone and dm_orbzone_norpg here

- An immensly tactical style of play.
- Players spawn with ar2, mag, shotty and crossbow. Also +15 suit so a crossbow wont kill you in one shot.
- Ammo stash in the middle of the map, suit around the outsides on the ledges which are harder to jump to and orbs placed around too.

- As the name might suggest it would involve orb spamming, this is not correct.
If someone is trying to spam them alot it is not that hard to frag them while they are doing it.

- A great shot of someone firing the rpg from the floor to the upper wall.

- General overview of the map from on top of a cube.

- These triangular shapes on the left, which are at all the sides will deflect orbs so you can be accurate and get some good rebounds.
- The metal panel in the floor is a bounce pad for getting on top of the cubes.
- You can use the green alien logo in the corner to get an instant hp boost of 100hp and create a manical laughter sound. handy

- When players cross this central square, a short siren alerts players that its been triggered.
The force field moves aside slowly and you can access the teleporter to either of the outer edges.
the force field then closes over again and can be retriggered once its closed.

I would seriously like this to be considered for use in competitions and leagues.
Try a 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 on it. It works very well, it also is frantic fun with 8+ players for hectic games.

/me Greatly appreciate opinions! :D


2010-08-27 06:33:16

this map looks great, excellent team play and 1v1 map. I'm sure all the efps admins will put this in the map cycle for sure


2010-08-30 01:56:46

sigh..... Is this your first map? At least get a sky that doesnt look like it came from Quake 1. Outside of Blasphemy Squad, I dont see many competitive players wanting this map in rotation. I could recreate the brushwork in this map in about 1 minute. Please work harder at producing something worthy of this game for competitive play. Seems more like a killbox to me.

[EYE] Valar

2010-08-30 02:21:05

this is defo not Pseudo's first map and AFAIK he doesn't map for comp. this is for pub.


2010-08-30 03:57:12

[EYE] Valar wrote:this is defo not Pseudo's first map and AFAIK he doesn't map for comp. this is for pub.
I would seriously like this to be considered for use in competitions and leagues.
His words bud :). It looks like a first map to me :(


2010-09-03 21:35:32

No, it is not my first and not my last.

I really dont think that a person has to stick to one style of maps and stick to it, i've been trying my hand at a whole range of styles.

Plus whats more important, brushwork or gameplay flow. Id say gameplay. and those that have played it agree. not to say that this isnt a simple map to make.

Then lets look dm_killbox_kbh_2 (the most played map on consortium) thats simple. could be made in less than 15 minutes. but thats not the point, is it.

The point of this map is for fun not to compete for who has the prettiest map.
Like valar said, its not a competition (or a place to degrade each other)

Its a map which plays fast, tactically and is fun. try it.

The Argumentalizer

2010-09-03 22:08:39

Honest opinion is it's horrible. I would just leave a server if this one came up.
Pure junk with gimmicks, no real mapping, flow, interest...
And it's ugly.


2010-09-04 02:02:46

Well thanks for your opinion :D Guess you cant please them all.

I see you like maps which are highly detailed and have flow. this is a simple map, made for cat and mouse style games with players.

Il take on board your views, and carry on playing it regardless :)


2010-09-06 05:53:47

eh, whatever floats your boat man.

The Argumentalizer

2010-09-06 09:00:51

Cat and Mouse? I don't get it.
I see a big box with a wall around and see through blocks with explosive barrels on top.
I can't even imagine wanting to play this map.
Snipe would be more fun.

No offense to you but this isn't even a good Box.


2010-09-06 09:30:14



2010-09-06 18:20:29


I am sure you put a lot of work into the map and Ill admit that for a killbox/arena type map it certainly is different than almost anything I have ever seen so kudos to you there. There are people that love those kind of maps and it may be a lot of fun for them.

However the reality is that it wont make a good competition map, at least not for what this group considers to be good for competition (more structured, with good flow). You might try to find a killbox/arena league/tournament and show it to them. They might be more willing to try it for competition.


2010-09-11 12:53:29

Paradox, I wasn't 100% on the types of maps that competition organizers were into, I play dm fairly well, but do not do big leagues. Thank you for clearing that up.

The Argumentalizer, You haven't even played the map. How can you say what its flow is like. Surely you have heard the phrase don't judge a book by its cover? :)

Yes, as a mapper i can admit that this map is one that doesn't require much skill to build, however it actually does have very good flow and by being able to see your opponent through the cubes means you can be very tactical about your movements and how to counter theirs- this in turn leads to a high frag count and very fast gameplay.
The dimentions of the blocks allow for bhopping inbetween, and on top of them too so you wont abruptly bump into something.

I have played on this map in over 100 public games now, and have always found it to have fast gameplay and good pacing regardless of the amount of players. Be it 2 or 16.

You cant just judge a map on looks, simply because mappers like Valar, Pigpopper etc produce visually stunning maps which have good flow. The design of this one may not be as high res, but if you actually played it with anyone rather than just sitting at your pc putting it down based on some screenshots you would see what ive been trying to get across.

The Argumentalizer

2010-09-11 21:30:28

If you can see your opponent the whole time, there is no such thing as tactics involved.

And when the term flow is used, it means something completely different than the way you are using it.


2010-09-13 03:02:09


When you can see the opponent the whole time, but can not shoot at the the whole time then there is a massive amount of tactics involved.

You havent even played the map have you? I fail to see how you can say this without even playing a game on it. :?


2010-09-14 03:19:45

Point remains from other players, people still judge a book by its cover. I would definitely rather play on a map that was pretty and also had good flow rather than a very simple map with one simple gameplay. (SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM)

I also read that you spawned with magnum shotty and ar2: this comes to me as more of a 'dm_blades' more than anything else, where if you have good aim you can own the shit out of every1.

I believe that even if you wanted a killbox style of map you still need some places where other players are not seen or/and other arenas instead of just one area.


2010-09-14 03:28:46

Just because you can be seen, doesnt mean you can be shot at.
Skill is involved in playing this map.

I appreciate all feedback (even if part of it may be negative semi-trolling bashing the map that does look as good as others style).

Chicken, i would really like to play you in a 1v1 on this map. just to show you.

Perhaps im in the wrong market place here, so to speak.


2010-09-14 04:11:33

Pseudonym wrote:Chicken, i would really like to play you in a 1v1 on this map. just to show you.
Lol yer bring it on. xD
Look man I'm not dissing your mapping skills or the map itself but I'm just saying what I would prefer.


2010-09-14 20:37:45

Chicken, if you read this first before steam.

That was fun, I like you. and your advice about many things map and non map related were so true.


much love :P

The Argumentalizer

2010-09-14 23:58:14

Its a truly lovely green cube thing you have going on.
It goes well with the purply pink sky from SIN, along with the wonderful HL textures.
Just beautiful.

I was wrong. This is a spectacular map for serious competition AND pubbing.
Thanks so much for this wonderful map.

I do wonder though, where did you find the most disgusting green color on earth for this map?


2010-09-15 02:53:09

The Argumentalizer wrote:Its a truly lovely green cube thing you have going on.
It goes well with the purply pink sky from SIN, along with the wonderful HL textures.
Just beautiful.

I was wrong. This is a spectacular map for serious competition AND pubbing.
Thanks so much for this wonderful map.

I do wonder though, where did you find the most disgusting green color on earth for this map?
nice effort to make mappers present their map here,
clap clap


2010-09-15 04:14:13

koncentrate wrote:
The Argumentalizer wrote:Its a truly lovely green cube thing you have going on.
It goes well with the purply pink sky from SIN, along with the wonderful HL textures.
Just beautiful.
I was wrong. This is a spectacular map for serious competition AND pubbing.
Thanks so much for this wonderful map.
I do wonder though, where did you find the most disgusting green color on earth for this map?
nice effort to make mappers present their map here,
clap clap
I have no idea if these remarks are sarcastic or sincere. GASP (with capitals!).
I did actually play his map and I found that the game play is very different from other maps. Personally I did not like it but others might... DONT DISS A MAP BY ITS LOOKS!


2010-09-15 04:19:20

sarcasm2.jpg (56.4 KiB) Viewed 627 times


2010-09-15 05:58:10

Argumentaliser, you need to be banned from using the internet.

When people come on and try their best to share their works, donate time and effort to the community and be friendly and you just put them down. I am sincirely dissapointed.

You know, you do it on purpose (to start wars, bait people into arguments or whatever i dont know).

You are a complete and utter waste of time and space. and personally if i knew you in real life, i would not want to associate with you.

Hl2dm has been fighting to win back approval, ratings and whatnot. and i used to admire the hl2dm university. However i do not anymore, there are very nice people here who i speak to, like and get along with such as valar, pig popper, chicken etc.

You on the other hand are doing nothing for this place except bringing it down.
Shame on you and shame on your mentality.

Do you (and all other hl2dm uni admins and members alike) actually think that having such a rude, sociopathic and calculating nasty person in theri mitsts is helping the community or game whatso ever, i think not.

Now i am being blunt and moreso completely honest when i say this, you spoil the valiant efforts of the people who i admire for spending hours and weeks of their time making this place and the community grow.

Why dont you just leave, go and troll at the face in the mirror. perhaps then you may get the responce you deserve.

I dearly hope that when people read this, that even if they dont have the guts to admit they agree. that they can take on board what i have said here, and perhaps learn something from it.

People like you are making hl2dm a bad place.

As for me, i will continue to map, socialise, make friends and get on with my life and completely ignore scum like you.


@koncentrate, thankyou, honestly you are taking the step in the right direction. kudos to you.

The Argumentalizer

2010-09-15 06:52:38

Who the fuck are you!?

You come here and present a map for competition and claim it has tactics and whatever.
Its an ugly ass box with horrid green cubes and pink sky.
It looks so bad it gives headaches.
You asked for opinions and i gave it.

Others post real maps they actually spend more than 10 minutes of thought on.
Maps that have different area, connectors, flow...

I can't believe (whoever you are!?!?) you would seriously present that thing here for play.
Sorry you are all hurt by my words.
It happens. Call it a life experience.
Have a great day.


2010-09-15 07:52:38

haha. thankyou. I will have a great day.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-09-15 21:32:06

No I'm sure were dicks because we decided to be, has nothing to do with our game being shit on and the flood of CSS cheat rejects that come in here and act like they are anyone relevant on day 1, then realize they are even worse at this game than they were at CSS (fucking duh) and cheat, get caught and try the same fucking excuses that got them ran out of another community ID and all.

We just choose to.


2010-09-15 23:00:41

Ghost dog, what does your post have anything to do with the topic?

Where does counter strike have anything to do with what we are talking about, nor cheating, or anything?

This game is hardly "shit on" i know lots of people who love this game, and play it with a passion.

Im still slightly confused, what on earth are you on about?


2010-09-16 03:57:31

His post has everything to do with your "Lets all hug and be friends post". The reality is that it is to gona happen here, its just not. Just like every other gaming community, people are gona flame each other and call out things that they disagree with. In this case, it has risen to the level of a sport. You've got to either ignore it, roll with it or get eaten alive.

Yes there are many that do love this game and are trying to support it any way they can, but they are a small percentage of the overall number of FPS gamers, unfortunately. It is shit on by people that play other games, particularly those that play CSS. Those same CSS noobs come into HL2DM expecting to PWN everyone from day one just because they can get a few frags in CSS. When they quickly learn that isnt the case, they just claim the game sucks and go back to CSS.

The game has also been shit on Valve, because they just dropped the damn game. No updates, no love, no new versions etc.


2010-09-16 05:30:24

QUOTE "The game has also been shit on Valve, because they just dropped the damn game. No updates, no love, no new versions etc."

I hear that, and feel it too. and its a massive shame that this intensly fun game is being pushed aside.
I truly love playing hl2dm and am quite addicted.

I tried to come and present a new map seeing as i assumed this was the central place for the community to try to grow. and it is.

I was completely shocked at the rudeness of some of its members though, yes ive been online long enough to know that there are so idiots out there who love to start flame wars. and i will never be defeated by them, nor will i take it to heart and get upset.

Instead of actually providing constructive feedback, or even being freindly in the slightest i was truly shocked at the rudeness of some of the replies. namely The argumentaliser. I guess thats where he gets his name from.

If thats the way that people get treated when they actually do something good by trying to map, socialise and contribute then what hope does it have?

I am not upset at his words, nor am i offended personally. life goes on without having to worry about people like him.

QUOTE: "Yes there are many that do love this game and are trying to support it any way they can"

and i am one of those people, but comments putting people down like argumentalisers are just going to make people not want to come and contribute in the future.

The Argumentalizer

2010-09-16 05:44:40

I never put you down personal till you kept on commenting and acting like i don't know what a good map is or not.
And you got personal by reacting like a baby.

I do not treat everyone the same, ever.
I am usually generous to a fault and friendly.

I'm not in a popularity contest in High School however.
And this is a COMBAT GAME community, not an Abbey or the Jesuits.
How anyone expects FPS junkies and fans to be saints is beyond me.
I thought you were being way too presumptuous presenting that map the way you did.
Maybe i over-reached.
Sorry bud, it happens.


2010-09-16 06:17:26

If i was a baby i would of gone wah wah wah or use capitols or overly swore at you, which i didnt.
No one is expected to be a saint. Infact ive been quite calm about my responces.

I was trying my best to contribute to the upkeep of hl2dm and provide another map for people to play on.

You thought that i was being way too presumptuous presenting that map the way i did
I thought you were being rude.
lets call it quits.



2010-09-16 07:54:03

This is clearly a difference of opinion. (Duh). Both sides are entitled to their point of view.

Pseudonym thinks he has a good map that is fun to play that is his opinion. Im sure there are some people that would enjoy his map.

Argumentalizer has his own opinions on what he thinks is a good map. Orbzone doesnt fall within his critera for such, and Im sure some people agree with him.

I personally dont like killboxes and arena maps. Thats my opinion. Some people LOVE killboxes.

Different strokes for different folks. Thats what makes the world go round.

Lets just leave it at that.


2010-09-16 08:24:07

Releasing this map is fine and dandy and I would of ignored the thread completely after looking at the screen shots, but you talked about it being used for competitive play. This made me feel that you thought you made something worthy of that. My opinion was solely based on the map from a competitive map stand point and the fact that it could be built in 10 minutes or less by a skilled mapper. I also don't like seeing mappers waste time with maps that are made for a specific crowd, like the puzzle maps. This map, to me, fits the bill and does nothing for the hl2dm community. This is my opinion and I feel pretty much the same way as Impala. Sorry, somebody has to be honest with you or you will never improve.

two snails

2010-09-16 10:40:21

i bet people who make puzzle maps think you are wasting your time making competitive maps too. what makes you right and them wrong?


2010-09-16 11:05:03

The Argumentalizer wrote:Others post real maps they actually spend more than 10 minutes of thought on.
I think all maps have some worth, but I definitely admire someone who spends hours and hours (even months) making a single map perfect.
two snails wrote:i bet people who make puzzle maps think you are wasting your time making competitive maps too. what makes you right and them wrong?
I really enjoy Puzzle maps and think that the people who come up with them are smart. I agree with you and Paradox that we all have our opinions and you have to respect that.

I am not a fan of killboxes but I do love detailed and flowed pub maps. Hence I try to make them.
The Argumentalizer wrote:And you got personal by reacting like a baby.
Argumentilizer - Don't argue with someone for no reason unless you really do know them. I actually spend time with psuedonym in his server and found that he was a really nice and a generous guy. And that he also did have a point that his map could be used for tactical play (if he got rid of the rocket and the orbs ;) ).


2010-09-16 21:53:54

two snails wrote:i bet people who make puzzle maps think you are wasting your time making competitive maps too. what makes you right and them wrong?
Because I am always right


2010-09-17 20:17:18

chickenmobile wrote:I actually spend time with psuedonym in his server and found that he was a really nice and a generous guy. And that he also did have a point that his map could be used for tactical play (if he got rid of the rocket and the orbs ;) ).
Thank you miss chicken, as you are the only person (on here) who actually bothered to try the map and come talk to me rather than just judging by looks :)
I admire this and you for that.

I also completely think that its possible to be a fan of puzzle, dm, jump and fancy looking maps with no real gameplay all at the same time. You dont have to be limited to one genre of enjoyment.

For example, i like jumpmaps, combat maps and stuff like dm_amsterville (which doesnt play too well but is really fun to explore).
Considering someone spent years making it, for non profit.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2010-09-17 20:32:08



2010-09-18 08:53:51

Maybe clip the green glass cube thingys and add some other texture on the edges so it's easier to see where the cube thingys begin and end. would make it easier to see, etc.

Also, does that center teleport only go to one destination?

I don't remember if this works, but it might be worth checking this out for random teleport information:


2010-09-18 09:57:06

Interesting thought about an edging texture.
It may make them more defined, it may not.

The central teleporter takes you to two different places- on either side, and it alternates so once you go in it its destination changes until the nexttime.
It takes you to a corner top on the opposite sides of the rpg cubes.

Ive used pickrandom and pickrandomshuffle before but as this only has two different destinations it was quite simple. Thanks for sharing a link anyway though


2010-09-20 11:29:00

Pseudo, like all EU ppl that come here, you should always be prepared for different opinions, since here most ppl are from US and play different maps, styles, levels, leagues etc and more over, the ppl that comment the most in here consider ffa useless, therefore, ffa maps are considered useless.
We might need a similar but European forum besides tsgk cus there most posters are tsgk anywayz, but who dares to create such a forum which ofc won't have the history, quality and power/influence of dmu and tsgk? :?
I haven't played your map in a vs yet, but I do think glass walls still involves tactics, since a player's sight is limited to a certain cone and even if he sees the enemy, the map can become mazy like and you never know when he's gonna pop up. I had in mind such a map a long time ago, with semi see through glass or even distorting glass if it were possible. I also think people that say this or that map could take 10 minutes to do should really start mapping and see how many problems you can encounter, beginner or advanced. Stop being ignorant and stop exaggerating. And I'm rly sry that people judge by looks first and then decide whether to play it or not.

As for map types, I'm proud to say I tried them all and I like or even love them all, even the mad style of zombies type of play (except ctf, not enough maps, too many mag whores etc). I had a really long period of co-op also and may I say, puzzle and coop (and definitely ffa) can also be competitive and even good for practice. Like solving problems, teamwork, shooting mid-air antlions with xbow, escaping an antguard in coop, or do mad jump levels in puzzle, and some tbr puzzles have levels for grav nade and fast nade and pistol aim (u get higher and higher by constantly turning and shooting some barrels while in mid air ofc - awesome but hard) etc. Oh and I'd love one day to learn to surf right and why not, finish all the jump maps out there lol
I'd like to think a true fan loves everything about this game :) Or at least should keep an open mind and at least once try them all.


2010-09-20 18:18:14

Thankyou ade for articulating my point more so, i completely agree.

"Or at least should keep an open mind and at least once try them all." - Beautiful.

I have as my next project a puzzle style jumpmap. you should try it, others have so far in playtests and i havent had anything but positives.

Get in touch, you stubborn girl you! ;) <3


2010-09-20 22:58:17

hehe kk will add u again soon enuf so i can check it out, u might wanna post it on steam forums til then
in the meantime i registered with a free forum but havent received activation mail yet ;(


2010-09-21 02:01:17

I told you to get rtv so i could change maps on your server when no one was online. and you blocked me.

how can i re-add you? lol