2010-08-27 06:07:57
and over 80 public games and is now in its final release version.
I guess I just never got round to posting about it yet!
Download dm_orbzone here
Download dm_orbzone_norpg here
Download dm_orbzone and dm_orbzone_norpg here
- An immensly tactical style of play.
- Players spawn with ar2, mag, shotty and crossbow. Also +15 suit so a crossbow wont kill you in one shot.
- Ammo stash in the middle of the map, suit around the outsides on the ledges which are harder to jump to and orbs placed around too.
- As the name might suggest it would involve orb spamming, this is not correct.
If someone is trying to spam them alot it is not that hard to frag them while they are doing it.
- A great shot of someone firing the rpg from the floor to the upper wall.

- General overview of the map from on top of a cube.

- These triangular shapes on the left, which are at all the sides will deflect orbs so you can be accurate and get some good rebounds.
- The metal panel in the floor is a bounce pad for getting on top of the cubes.
- You can use the green alien logo in the corner to get an instant hp boost of 100hp and create a manical laughter sound. handy

- When players cross this central square, a short siren alerts players that its been triggered.
The force field moves aside slowly and you can access the teleporter to either of the outer edges.
the force field then closes over again and can be retriggered once its closed.

I would seriously like this to be considered for use in competitions and leagues.
Try a 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 on it. It works very well, it also is frantic fun with 8+ players for hectic games.
/me Greatly appreciate opinions!