HL2DM CTF ob map pack (14 fixed maps for ob engine)


2010-12-09 21:00:14

CTF ob map pack (fixed maps for ob engine)
14 maps fixed by gtamike_TSGK for the CTF community

Topic: http://forum.tsgk.com/viewtopic.php?t=4723


2010-12-12 09:58:23

Do people in the US still play CTF?

And any chance that revolution or connectors see some play? :)


2010-12-13 19:37:56

Are they just made to work or are they updated visually as well because I remember some looked awful.


2010-12-26 20:16:39

keefy wrote:Are they just made to work or are they updated visually as well because I remember some looked awful.
ctf_school_b8b_ob I improved the custom textures added detail ("$detail")
few of the other maps to like ctf_avanti_b2c_ob etc. :wink:

Again if any mappers want to use my remade turrets you can download them here.


2011-02-25 03:00:18

New updated turret (V2) installed in ctf_2fort_b8b_ob2.bsp
http://forum.tsgk.com/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=7769 (download)

Code: Select all

Other Updates to map 
Message about turrets unlocked on first flag capture for each team. 
When you load the map in console without TDM mode on, the server will not crash and the map automatically in TDM mode for you.
New updated turret (V2) installed in ctf_school_b8b_ob2.bsp
http://forum.tsgk.com/viewtopic.php?mode=attach&id=7771 (download)

Code: Select all

Other Updates to map 
In the map you can only carry the turrets in your team area. 
Message about turrets unlocked on first flag capture for each team. 
Server console message on first flag capture for each team. 
Server console message when you reach middle of the map. 
When you load the map in console without TDM mode on, the server will not crash and the map automatically in TDM mode for you.
Topic for more information


2011-02-25 05:41:16

good for you man, happy to see ppl still showing interest in keeping the old bitch alive. i actually have an idea i would like to run by you.


2011-02-25 15:14:33

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:good for you man, happy to see ppl still showing interest in keeping the old bitch alive. i actually have an idea i would like to run by you.
Ty, what idea do you have in mind?
P.S. V3 of turrets likey out in 2 months im busy XD