player clips in ob


2010-12-22 01:19:04

i was gone when the ob swich over that im back with a new comp i find hl2dm to fell ruff not smooth any more.i know some of that mybe the new ob movment .but its not just the skating or hopping thats the issue im talkin about.its the steps corners and other spots in alot of maps that felt smooth befor,becuz the mapper took the time to clip them well now are ruff and i get snagged on corners i didnt befor steps that use to fell like a ramp now fells like im hitting every step,like the clipes are gone.i recompiled a bunch of my maps (fixing the fires and a few bad texturs)is thier somthing i need to do to the clips to smooth things out agine??


2010-12-23 04:19:21



2010-12-23 07:46:14

Nutri-Grain wrote:are you 5?
He is writing on a phone. Usually this is a difficult thing to write correctly with.

And yes since the OB update things seem a little less smooth but clips should be as they were as the actual .bsp files were not replaced during the change. UNLESS they were recently or its been corrupted with the new engine.

All I can say is try different clips other than playerclip (e.g. Clip, vphysicsclip etc.) in a test map in order to see if any are a problem.


2010-12-23 08:38:10

yea the keys on the droid are to small for my fingers.and tryin to shop at wallmar to :o but anyway ty mel.