
[Baroudeur] G.

2011-06-04 20:48:00

Hi, i made a jump map.






Good luck!


2011-06-04 22:09:12

Looks sweet, will download.


2011-06-05 07:57:07

Some of the jumps are uber frustrating, like that last one...holy crap.
Have you ever beaten the whole thing in one sitting?


2011-06-06 18:15:19

This realy hard jump, since the first level till the end,
you should be omfg pro to complete all this jumps, lol

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-07 01:28:02

The hardest one for me is the first one, AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.

Strafe turn around the corner air control makes me weep like a little girl.

I am fail.


2011-06-07 02:43:01

i'm curious how many beta testers u had lol
why are so many looong jumps in this, if i want to learn to jump longer, i go play ptrain.. and some skate/bhop levels are so linear, so straight, they leave very little room for lefty righty, require a freakin long initial jump (who told u that a.. 11+ ptrain jump is a must for a good skate when even 8 is enough?) and so it's easy to under/over do em imo; as for last level.. u block the visibility of entire path WTF that's a bad way to try to add replayability to a level :))
i'd comment on MANY levels but by the name of it it's ur final version?
well ima comment on mapping, just a bit:
  • -textures? the main one is over used and bit annoying here as I can't tell how big is the ledge im standing on Image
    -sound of water is played when i touch floor from noclip wth and it gets really old really fast (specially since I'm teleported often and fast by floor AND pillars and what not.. I miss falling juuust an inch), use some subtle environmental sounds/music also or nothing at all, not even water. so. tired. of. water.
    -overall blunt, boring, repetitive and doesn't give sense of speed and distance
sry if i sound harsh, maybe it's the frustrating jumps to blame. i don't see this in a map rotation any time soon without some serious testing, feedback and appropriate changes

q: why didn't u enter the cu mapping competition?

[Baroudeur] G.

2011-06-08 18:05:36

Ade wrote:i'm curious how many beta testers u had lol
Just me. But some people are already beat the final version. (
why are so many looong jumps in this, if i want to learn to jump longer, i go play ptrain.. and some skate/bhop levels are so linear, so straight, they leave very little room for lefty righty, require a freakin long initial jump (who told u that a.. 11+ ptrain jump is a must for a good skate when even 8 is enough?) and so it's easy to under/over do em imo; as for last level.. u block the visibility of entire path WTF that's a bad way to try to add replayability to a level :))
Long jump require regularity and is that who made the difficulty. How can you have a good strafe with easy jump?
I'm aware my map is far from perfect.

i'd comment on MANY levels but by the name of it it's ur final version?
If i can improve the map, i'll do it. So no.
well ima comment on mapping, just a bit:
  • -textures? the main one is over used and bit annoying here as I can't tell how big is the ledge im standing on Image
Your pictures doesn't work.
-sound of water is played when i touch floor from noclip wth and it gets really old really fast (specially since I'm teleported often and fast by floor AND pillars and what not.. I miss falling juuust an inch), use some subtle environmental sounds/music also or nothing at all, not even water. so. tired. of. water.
You aren't the only one to tell me that, i think i delete it. ^^

-overall blunt, boring, repetitive and doesn't give sense of speed and distance
It's on purpose to give some difficulty.
sry if i sound harsh, maybe it's the frustrating jumps to blame. i don't see this in a map rotation any time soon without some serious testing, feedback and appropriate changes
It's your opinion, critics are always good to take.
q: why didn't u enter the cu mapping competition?
Because i wasn't aware of it, a friend warned me too late, just made the map for the fun.

Sorry for my bad english. :s


2011-06-09 15:53:36

hmpf funny how that pic lived less than 2 days
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