[KBH] Pain Redefined
2008-01-21 15:08:08
Hey all...
Pain Redefined here with a sort of welcoming present, although its me who's new here and yet I'm giving out all the gifts
Just finished packing what I feel are some of the best of my old works revised to what extent I could for these golden oldies, optomizing them at my present skill as best i could!
Feel free to swoop them up and put them in rotation for your servers if you like what you see
Just let me know where so i can stop by and frag in em!!!
The file is Pain_Pack_Classics
Includes the bsp files for all three maps, The three maps in already compressed bz2 files, and more screenshots of all three maps
kbhzone (from back in 06
this map is a 3 level killbox with some (at the time and for the audience) amazing visuals, its the oldest in the pack, and is one of my originals ENJOY!!!

kbhruins (early 07
this one came out for the right group of people but on the wrong server to be sure and slowly faded into memory, but all who got a chance to play on it after it was optomized mid 07 enjoyed it with the better fps and less buggy props, Run around in it and get the feel, it grows on you (bet youll take a while to find the hidden RPG

rapture (late 07
This is a recent work and cannot be considered a "golden oldie" but i still feel it belongs in this trio because it was my own work and not a collaboration with anyone. Yes... you can fall off... yes it will kill you... yes this map is fast, intense, and mean, but its one hell of a good time

Pain Redefined here with a sort of welcoming present, although its me who's new here and yet I'm giving out all the gifts

Just finished packing what I feel are some of the best of my old works revised to what extent I could for these golden oldies, optomizing them at my present skill as best i could!
Feel free to swoop them up and put them in rotation for your servers if you like what you see

Just let me know where so i can stop by and frag in em!!!
The file is Pain_Pack_Classics
Includes the bsp files for all three maps, The three maps in already compressed bz2 files, and more screenshots of all three maps
kbhzone (from back in 06

this map is a 3 level killbox with some (at the time and for the audience) amazing visuals, its the oldest in the pack, and is one of my originals ENJOY!!!

kbhruins (early 07

this one came out for the right group of people but on the wrong server to be sure and slowly faded into memory, but all who got a chance to play on it after it was optomized mid 07 enjoyed it with the better fps and less buggy props, Run around in it and get the feel, it grows on you (bet youll take a while to find the hidden RPG

rapture (late 07

This is a recent work and cannot be considered a "golden oldie" but i still feel it belongs in this trio because it was my own work and not a collaboration with anyone. Yes... you can fall off... yes it will kill you... yes this map is fast, intense, and mean, but its one hell of a good time
