lost arena elevators....


2008-02-14 16:24:58

I love dm_lostarena, it's a great map, but those elevator it has..... I hate them.
For some reason I sometimes get over them, and they just don't move. I try jumping and stuff and nothing. Once I get out of them, they go up -.-
Besides while playing CAL 1v1 against my mate, we tied 9-9, which could have been 10-9 if I hadn't suicided with it.
I somehow got stuck, I had like 100 hp and 30 suit, and lost everything.
tried jumping crouching moving ...nothing.
Is it only me having all this problems?


2008-02-14 16:28:36

0nti wrote:I love dm_lostarena, it's a great map, but those elevator it has..... I hate them.
For some reason I sometimes get over them, and they just don't move. I try jumping and stuff and nothing. Once I get out of them, they go up -.-
Besides while playing CAL 1v1 against my mate, we tied 9-9, which could have been 10-9 if I hadn't suicided with it.
I somehow got stuck, I had like 100 hp and 30 suit, and lost everything.
tried jumping crouching moving ...nothing.
Is it only me having all this problems?
Yeah the elevator is kind of a p.i.t.a and I've suicided on it countless times...but eh it happens. I'm not too worried about it.


2008-02-14 16:39:34

I got trapped while going up D:
and once I saw briggs going to the elevator, so I threw a cooked nade and shot it to the top. The elevator didn't go up, saving Briggs from a death.
IMO it affects gameplay... Can't they be fixed?

nade maeggs

2008-02-14 16:55:02

are you using a 100 tick server? that causes many lift problems.


2008-02-14 17:19:29

I don't have a server D:
I generally play that map on the hl2dmu official server, and afaik, it has 66 tickrate.
When I got trapped on the CAL 1v1, we were using axon's server, which also it 66.

nade maeggs

2008-02-14 17:57:18

Afaik the damege you get for a down slidin lift on your head can be changed by the mapper. Your grenade problem cant be solved its on every lift when you throw a physic on a lift it goes down from every position even balls do that.


2008-02-14 18:38:20

lol ! seems you didn't get the grenade thing correctly.
You know the elevator outside? lets say I shot the grenade near that "sheet metal" or whatever it's called, which is on the floor above.
The idea was that the elevator would take Briggs upwards, where the nade had been thrown. Is it better explained now? XD
The problem was that he didn't go upwards due to this bug or whatever, and the nade just exploded on the upper part, damaging no one.

nade maeggs

2008-02-14 19:54:10

hm.. dunno dude i never had problems with them. Really never had any lift where i get stuck on except a physic is stuck under the lift. Maybe thats the problem?

Walking Target

2008-02-14 20:12:10

They are a problem because they are triggered by when you pass thru something instead of on touch. This is very confusing. It appears we missed this during testing. Swot if you are out there would you care to comment?

Example: I drop down onto one and expect it to go back up when I touch it, but it doesnt. I run off it and then it goes leaving me behind.


2008-02-14 21:19:51

hm I know what you mean guys.

this is the way I built the triggers in lostarena for lifts:

http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=lost ... iftcme.jpg

(you can see them by turning on sv_cheats and using "show_triggers_toggle"..

every construction of an elevator has a disadvantage.. that sucks. I tried this method on lostarena because I thaught it would be good :) but sometimes they confuse even me. what method would you prefer?

Walking Target

2008-02-14 21:22:33

Just regular lifts like you find in your average killbox, they are triggered when you touch them (sorry I am not a mapper I don't know the attribute that does it).

EDIT: If you would like to release an updated version (r2 or v2 or whatever) I will update the map pack with it and I am sure it will be used in CAL.

EDIT2: Was this to avoid the 100 tick bug? Maybe the trigger can lie flat on top of the lift so when you fall on it, it still goes?

Whatever you decide I recommend thorough testing.


2008-02-14 21:59:50

Thanks to both of you for posting and agreeing =P.
I Would really like this to be fixed, because I really like that map and it's a shame that it is ruined by this.
I even have the demo of the moment when I suicided in the CAL 1v1.
Can't you make it go down in case something stucks on it?
Really never had any lift where i get stuck on except a physic is stuck under the lift. Maybe thats the problem?
Nope, that wasn't it D:


2008-02-15 01:49:57

what I do is use func_button for elevators

no triggers necessary, no bugs on 100 tic; just limited sound options


2008-02-20 23:24:44

0nti wrote:I got trapped while going up D:
and once I saw briggs going to the elevator, so I threw a cooked nade and shot it to the top. The elevator didn't go up, saving Briggs from a death.
IMO it affects gameplay... Can't they be fixed?

ha! that was not the elevator problem, I used my mind to stop it.


2008-02-20 23:51:26

What I used on our lifts is the following:

entity: func_door
Blocking Damage - 0.01
Force Closed - Yes

Use the lip for the distance.


2008-02-21 14:02:20

Elev. in LA are func_doors of course.. I'll check out what can be done via EntEd and try to improve them.

Thanks to all so far. :)


2008-02-21 16:07:27

okay guys.

I removed those trigger_multiples and made the func_doors "touchable". I only tested it on local server and on our linux server.

http://www.vosoghi.net/swot/maps/dm_los ... el_fix.rar

It's serverside fix again. can someone test it and post feedback here? would be cool.


2008-02-21 21:23:52

thanks swot :D
I would test it but I don't have a server D:
Hopefully someone here will test it soon enough ^^


2008-02-21 21:54:54

you can also test it local. everything should be similar except the elev. speed as far as I remember.


2008-02-22 03:21:49

In a map I am making, all my jump pads are func_door and I have some "airborne wind" func_pushes that have a strength of 2000~ velocity going upwards. Should I replace the func_doors with func_buttons and change the pushes into something else?


2008-02-22 18:02:48

Func_door is fine. The only time func_button is superior is on 100 tick servers, which shouldnt be used anyway- they arent fully supported and have a number of bugs.

Will test the updated lostarena tomorrow- thanks Swot!