League PLugin - v1.10


2008-08-11 22:53:17

  • This plugin was created to block the use of an impulse exploit, to allow score resume, and to fix teamplay scoreboard bugs.
IMPORTANT: This plugin will not work with Impulse Fix Plugin - v1.00, using both will cause your server to crash!!!
Simply remove the impulse fix plugin since this plugin has that feature.

  • Extract the contents of this archive to a known directory.
  • VSP - standard plugin
    1. Place the keeper_hl2_league.vdf file in the addons directory of the server ( if there is no addons folder, create it under the main hl2mp folder ).
    2. Place the keeper_hl2_league.dll file in the addons directory if you have a Windows server, or the keeper_hl2_league_i486.so file if you have a Linux server.
    3. (Optional) Place the keeper_hl2_league.cfg file in the cfg directory of the server.
    4. Restart the server.
    5. Type plugin_print to see if you should see
      Keeper's League Plugin (VSP) - v1.10 - http://www.hl2dm-university.com
    For information about the CVAR settings, go here: http://www.hl2dm-university.com/plugin_ ... gue_Config



2008-08-12 07:34:04

cheers keeper :P