Keeper Sound Streak Plugin v0.25


2009-02-11 01:42:53

  • This plugin was created to replace my old keeper_hl2 plugin. It has been streamlined and several actions have been added.
    Look here for a list of what's been updated.
  • Extract the contents of this archive to a known directory.
  • Look here for information about configuring the plugin.
  • VSP - standard plugin
    1. Ignore or delete the metamod and keeper directories.
    2. Place the keeper_sounds.vdf file in the addons directory of the server ( if there is no addons folder, create it under the main hl2mp folder ).
    3. Place the keeper_sounds.dll file in the addons directory if you have a Windows server, or the file if you have a Linux server.
    4. Restart the server.
    5. Type plugin_print to see if you should see
      Keeper's Sound Plugin (VSP) - v0.25 -
    Source MetaMod ( SMM ) plugin
    1. Ignore or delete the keeper_sounds.vdf, keeper_sounds.dll, files in the main directory.
    2. Place the keeper_sounds_mm.vdf file in the addons/metamod directory of the server.
    3. Place the keeper_sounds_mm.dll file in the addons/keeper/bin directory if you have a Windows server, or the file if you have a Linux server.
    4. Restart the server.
    5. Type meta list to see if you should see
      [01] Keeper's Sound Plugin (SMM) (v0.25) by Keeper
  • If you are using SourceMM, please update to the latest version: 1.4.4 or 1.7.0
    If you are not already using SourceMM, I would suggest just using the VSP version.
Download: EDIT: Mirrored here for the European Server operators.


2009-02-25 01:14:52

snazzy bro!! :wink:


2009-02-27 20:07:58

boooya :!:


2009-02-27 21:48:34

Can i use both of your plugins at the same time?
This sounds plugin and Version 2.06, cos i need headshots by 357, shotgun, smg, pistol...

Now i'm trying to do something, but i'd like to know if it's possible :D


2009-02-27 22:21:21

This one completely replaces the old one.

Go here and run the form to get the config:

The part you are interested in is "kp_headshot_announce_weapons"


2009-02-28 01:17:28

Thank you!


2009-02-28 19:34:56

One problem, man.
I installed that plugins on clean dedicated server, everything works good.

But I have the other one, there are mani plugin and my setting like pure_server_whitelist...
When i start server in mp_teamplay 0 - nobody hears hitsounds, when it's mp_teamplay 1 - everything's good.
What could be problem ? I just copied all settings keeper_sounds from my clean server, cos they works good.

I thought it's about friendlyfire, but when it works on clean dedicated server it works perfectly


2009-03-02 02:13:54

This plugin was actually written to accomodate friendly fire on or off with teamplay. I'll do some research to see if I can come up with any ideas.


2009-03-08 20:39:45

He Keeper

Thanks for updating this.

Just one question. How do I disable the hit sounds? What is the setting? Dont really want to have a sound every time a shot is landed. Thanks


2009-03-09 03:52:30

There are three settings: ... hit_sounds

0 = off
1 = only hitscan weapons
2 = all damage/weapons


2009-03-09 07:05:53

Thanks Keeper :D


2009-03-10 08:17:09

Here's some quake or UT hitsounds doesnt even matter, they sound good ... einfo.html 4.93 KB :humble:

Pig Popper

2009-03-19 14:10:50

what is VSP?

whay am i doing this?
"Ignore or delete the metamod and keeper directories"
Is this supposing i have the old plug in installed or something?


2009-03-19 15:53:20

The VSP stands for Valve Standard Plugin. It does not need any additional libraries to be installed with it, unlike SourceMM.

The directories it tells you to ignore are in the zip file that you downloaded, because you will not need any of those files for the VSP version.

Pig Popper

2009-03-20 03:11:34

Keeper wrote:The VSP stands for Valve Standard Plugin. It does not need any additional libraries to be installed with it, unlike SourceMM.

The directories it tells you to ignore are in the zip file that you downloaded, because you will not need any of those files for the VSP version.
ok, thanks I'll give it another bash :)