Tenative settings ... first go around


2008-10-28 01:58:29

Brought from the other thread:
{MaX}Steell wrote:For those of you interested, the settings we have decided on are:

sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate 20
sv_friction 3

Everything else will be kept stock. These settings are 99% in stone and, as such, will probably not change.


2008-10-28 02:01:38

those settings worked very well (in spurts for me cause i was laggin bad for some reason)

but its good settings im sure :D :wink:


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-28 02:02:34

#1, I blame your state Tazz :D

#2, Seriously you should call your provider. They need to get this fixed!


2008-10-28 02:10:01

Keeper wrote:#1, I blame your state Tazz :D

#2, Seriously you should call your provider. They need to get this fixed!

you my friend are correct ima be calling them tonight, but i really need
to have this cleared up before the matches start :o :sketchy:


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-28 17:40:52

{MaX}Steell wrote:For those of you interested, the settings we have decided on are:

sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate 20
sv_friction 3

Everything else will be kept stock. These settings are 99% in stone and, as such, will probably not change.


that sucks

k changing airaccelerate is okay I guess (because some people dont know how to move in the air) but why change friction and sv_accellerate.

increasing sv_accellerate makes it too easy. here's why:

- dont need to learn to control sprint.
- too easy to move

and friction too.. makes bunny hop too easy


dont you have to take everyones opinions into account not just low grav players. There are other killboxers too.

good settings imo will be

sv_gravity 375
sv_airaccellerate 50 (Should be 10 cause if u know how to move 10 is good. )

everything else default.

Plus most people play in kbh servers than any other lowgrav/killbox server (lot of people play on gdwag and towers servers too but they only have sv_gravity changed nothing else)


2008-10-28 18:35:23

No, we have to take the low grav and killbox players opinion first and foremost since this is THEIR league. We can't make EVERYONE happy that is all there is to it, for those that find these settings difficult to adjust to perhaps these league is not for you. Finally people have a choice, we are going to keep to that, completely different league completely different settings.


2008-10-28 19:16:25

While I will admit that coming from mostly playing in servers that are grav 375ish and everything else stock these settings are different but from a movement perspective it didn't take me that long to adapt to these settings.

But as Punk said in another thread these settings allow for some pretty crazy velocities (easy 600+ on ground and 1200+ in air with simple strafe jumps plus a little air control).

After play testing these settings for a couple days now I feel pretty safe in saying that your typically KBH (or similar server) player will find themselves at a significant disadvantage when it comes to aiming over anyone who is used to these sorts of velocities. My own guess is that these velocities will make prediction weapons (xbow) unappealing. You are unlikely to get those beautifully timed xbow shots like you do currently in KBH (or similar servers). Instead it will be all hitscan and even then landing solid shots with the mag for those not used to these velocities will be difficult. Getting in close with the shotty or unloading a clip (or two) from the ar2 will be the order of the day for those LG KB players who only play grav 375 and everything else stock.

The real problem is that even within the LG KB community there are quite a few different styles of play and picking something that will satisfy all (or even most) of the people is difficult. This is an issue stock players and leagues never had to tackle.


2008-10-28 19:22:49

Altering these:

sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate 20
sv_friction 3

is a terrible idea. Especially the last 2.


2008-10-28 20:17:53

Darkology wrote:
{MaX}Steell wrote:For those of you interested, the settings we have decided on are:

sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate 20
sv_friction 3

Everything else will be kept stock. These settings are 99% in stone and, as such, will probably not change.


that sucks

k changing airaccelerate is okay I guess (because some people dont know how to move in the air) but why change friction and sv_accellerate.

increasing sv_accellerate makes it too easy. here's why:

- dont need to learn to control sprint.
- too easy to move

and friction too.. makes bunny hop too easy


dont you have to take everyones opinions into account not just low grav players. There are other killboxers too.

good settings imo will be

sv_gravity 375
sv_airaccellerate 50 (Should be 10 cause if u know how to move 10 is good. )

everything else default.

Plus most people play in kbh servers than any other lowgrav/killbox server (lot of people play on gdwag and towers servers too but they only have sv_gravity changed nothing else)
Yeah I'm not quite sure where the need for these settings came from. I spent about 1 hour and I went to every killbox server in the US(and a few outside the US) that I could find(about 25), I logged all the settings and heres what I found:
The majority of killbox servers use standard accelerate, air accelerate and friction however most use a lower gravity than 350. Coincidentally the only servers (that see more than just a few players a day) I found running higher accelerate, airaccelerate and friction were EYE and MAX, go figure. By looking at server stats you can easily see that KBH and TSGK servers have a dominating amount of the player base, and you would think this league would want to be based on what is most popular.However if this is a compromise to balance out the higher gravity then I suppose I would rather have the higher gravity than lower accelerate, air accelerate and friction, but it still dosen't make alot of sense to me.

I think this will backfire though so there will be such a thing as school of hard knocks, and sometimes that's the only way some people can figure things out. Looking at who is signed up so far I can tell there's gonna be two classes of players:
those who will be moving at warp speed and those who will be moving at a slow to moderate speed.

Aside from the speed issue, in playing with some players who can move last night at these settings, what you are going to see is that the players who get hurt are going to be able to get to HP and armor very quickly (especially if maps that are heavily laden with hp and armor make it in) and it will be very hard for some people to get kills. That is unless they have the magic mag headshot ability on players moving 700+ ups.

The last major problem with these settings is it more or less takes several weapons right out of the game. The xbow is useless, the mag is very hard to land shots with, orbs become only random kills and what you have left is the ar and shotgun.

Im thinking that once the maps are selected it might be prudent for those on the committee to actually play test with these settings with some of the better movers in a actual 1v1 or 2v2, and make sure this is what they want.


2008-10-28 20:33:27

ok since im new to changing these settings im not
100% sure about everything involved,but from what im see in
here makes me question it,Punk you made some strong points here
and i do follow what you mean also what you suggested sounds
like a good idea to me. :wink:


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-28 20:39:17

I for one am against changing anything but gravity, but I was keeping quiet since I got pwnt by my daughter IRL and didn't make the meeting.


2008-10-28 20:48:31

well again this is exactly what we need to hear about!

how do others feel about setting changes?

so are you guys saying that with these setting changes,
very skilled "leet" players will be moving and playing just
fine whilst everyone else will be fubar'ed ???


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-28 21:01:26

why can't we load these settings on a few different servers so everyone will get a chance to play on them and see what we think. and if most don't like it you guys can change it.


2008-10-28 21:06:32

[KBH]AuntJemina wrote:why can't we load these settings on a few different servers so everyone will get a chance to play on them and see what we think. and if most don't like it you guys can change it.

hey Aunt!

we have 4-5 of the maps on TG now
last night Punk and i were doing just that(changing these setiings)
and we will do again!

thanks for your response though!!!


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-28 21:23:54

[KBH]Tazzer wrote: so are you guys saying that with these setting changes,
very skilled "leet" players will be moving and playing just
fine whilst everyone else will be fubar'ed ???
What I am saying is that these settings cater to a very specific style of LG KB play. Those not used to this style of play (e.g. those who mainly stick to KBH and TSGK servers) will find themselves at a significant disadvantage and will end up resorting to "spray and pray" tactics. At least that is my observation over the last couple of days of play testing them.


2008-10-28 21:30:24

gotcha bro..........but i dont want to be at a disadvantage :cry:



peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-28 21:34:20

L2k wrote: Coincidentally the only servers (that see more than just a few players a day) I found running higher accelerate, airaccelerate and friction were EYE and MAX, go figure. By looking at server stats you can easily see that KBH and TSGK servers have a dominating amount of the player base, and you would think this league would want to be based on what is most popular.

The last major problem with these settings is it more or less takes several weapons right out of the game. The xbow is useless, the mag is very hard to land shots with, orbs become only random kills and what you have left is the ar and shotgun.


2008-10-28 21:41:36

Darkology wrote:
L2k wrote: Coincidentally the only servers (that see more than just a few players a day) I found running higher accelerate, airaccelerate and friction were EYE and MAX, go figure. By looking at server stats you can easily see that KBH and TSGK servers have a dominating amount of the player base, and you would think this league would want to be based on what is most popular.

The last major problem with these settings is it more or less takes several weapons right out of the game. The xbow is useless, the mag is very hard to land shots with, orbs become only random kills and what you have left is the ar and shotgun.
2 cents


2008-10-28 22:23:42

BuckyKatt wrote:
[KBH]Tazzer wrote: so are you guys saying that with these setting changes,
very skilled "leet" players will be moving and playing just
fine whilst everyone else will be fubar'ed ???
What I am saying is that these settings cater to a very specific style of LG KB play. Those not used to this style of play (e.g. those who mainly stick to KBH and TSGK servers) will find themselves at a significant disadvantage and will end up resorting to "spray and pray" tactics. At least that is my observation over the last couple of days of play testing them.
I don't know that I would be calling it a disadvantage for KBH or TSGK players if they are the type of players that can move at 500 ups in standard grav and settings, as they will be extremely fast and much harder to hit. I do think it would be a disadvantage to the ultra low grav players who are used to limited movement and floating around not to mention game play will be rather limited.


2008-10-28 22:54:21

so does anyone have any ideas to meet on
some neutral grounds for "most" not "all"?
(because all cannot be satisfied) :D


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-28 22:58:18

Ahh, the joys of deciding where to start.

No matter what you do, the first season will not be perfect. I would decide on some settings that most agree on ( right now that looks like stock except gravity ), and see how that works for the season.

If people like it, then leave it there. Otherwise tweak it before the next season.

Since we all come from different KB backgrounds, finding something that suits everybody will be impossible.


2008-10-28 23:11:48

L2k wrote:I don't know that I would be calling it a disadvantage for KBH or TSGK players if they are the type of players that can move at 500 ups in standard grav and settings, as they will be extremely fast and much harder to hit. I do think it would be a disadvantage to the ultra low grav players who are used to limited movement and floating around not to mention game play will be rather limited.
I do agree that anyone who has strong movement in standard grav is likely to be very difficult to hit under these settings. That wasn't really my point. I don't think your typically KBH/TSGK player is sustaining 500 velocity in standard grav. By way of example, I see Tazzer as your typically KBH/TSGK player (I use Taz because I have played against him a bunch, hope you don't mind Taz). Taz has pretty good aim with the mag, is intelligent about playing in the box, and his movement is adequate (better than average) for play in under KBH/TSGK. But I doubt that Taz could sustain 400+, let alone 500+, in standard grav. He doesn't need to in KBH/TSGK to be effective (though it certainly would help). Under these settings I would anticipate that Taz will see a slight increase in his speed (let's say high 400s on the ground) while players used to these settings will be flying by at 700. If your numbers are correct on the largest segment of LG KB players being KBH/TSGK players then I don't think that these settings cater to the typical LG KB player.

I think we (you and I) largely agree that these settings are a little out of whack... we are just seeing different possibilities from these settings.

I do agree with you that those used to 150 grav and stock otherwise will suffer the most here... not only will they not be able to hit those that are moving by at 700 but they will be sitting ducks because they are not used to any form of advanced movement.


2008-10-28 23:16:12

yeah I agree ^^

My goal in pointing some of this out is not to complicate things and I hope its not seen that way.
I was just hoping for good game play as I can move well in any settings.


2008-10-28 23:48:50

neutral setting!!

sv_gravity 375
sv_airaccellerate 50

Everything else stock


2008-10-29 00:42:29

no prob Bucky!!

i like seeing this discussed this way, because this is the
kinda thing that will help out the most,not complicate it!!

thank you guys for all you're efforts so far i hope you continue!
while im sure you will :wink:


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-29 00:51:58

How about just use the EYE clan wicked air accel and fly around and shootem up?

Not really middle ground but cmon its a Killbox league.

Or standard TSGK settings should be ok for everyone

[EYE] Valar

2008-10-29 04:01:20

great spin!! :wink:

a few notes tho...

<> there are a "bit" more than a few players a day on EYE servers. cha.
<> no weapons are useless in high settings. everyting works. and good. you talk of what you don't know. a few hours or a few days will definitly not tell you otherwise.
<> those are not EYE server settings at all. we use higher. :mrgreen:
<> the Killbox League committee got together to test setting and did so for hours while quite a few values were tried out before arriving at the current ones. now...they're not good.
<> again the Killbox discussion is being overrun by high grav players.
<> you guys just pick the settings that seem working for you. we'll supply the maps. glhf
<> chuckles.



2008-10-29 04:37:30



peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-29 05:04:50

Ok, can I suggest we go ahead and set up the servers with these settings before we consider switching anything? Play in them for a couple of maps, please before you form an opinion.

Try it, then we start talks again.

PS: Zman please unless YOU ARE PLAYING, refrain from posting on this subject!


2008-10-29 06:18:26

Well, Ive played in plenty of Killbox servers and the TSGK settings are by far the best settings. Darkology is 100% correct when it comes to altering the lower 2 settings. They totally screw up how weapons are used because of how the players will be moving. To me, the weapon dynamics should be the same in low grav as in a regular grav map. We will play however you decide, but I want to get my 2 cents in before it's finalized.

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-29 06:26:08

Because of the huge number of TSGK servers, more killbox is played there than anywhere else, more players have been exposed to those settings, and they play well.

TSGK should be the standard settings in my opinion. No one should have a problem with it.


2008-10-29 07:37:21

After playing for 2-3 nights i been getting used to it so
hell i dont know at this point, go try these settings for a few days
see if you still feel the same? and honestly try it :wink:


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-30 22:40:16

the current kbh server settings is no fun.

Crossbow is completely luck now and the mag is useless. The only weapons that work are smg nades shotgun ar2 and the grenade.

Also it takes out sprint control, might well as give unlimited sprint.

Very easy to move around in the air don't even need proper air control.

Its no fun.

isn't it better for people who don't know how to move in the air/cant manage sprint to learn to do them than make it easier, its a "pro" league for God's sake.

sv_gravity 375
sv_airaccelerate 50

Everything else stock.


2008-10-30 23:03:07

We have been running the settings for a few days just to get feedback, so far it seems more people
dislike them than like them.


2008-10-30 23:04:36

I missed that, so that's what's up?

+1 for dislike


2008-10-31 00:16:33

hell idk man i just came out of there(KBH server)
and i was getting lots of headshots xbow shots and i won the game and
had a blast,i've been playing over 3 years now(mainly reg kbh settings)
and it seems to me that its very east to adjust to imho anyway

*"so if you do not like these settings bite me!"
*quote is entirely a joke lmao

really though if you dont like them then give a detailed response as to
why you dont like it?? (but try to keep it short but sweet) :wink:

please can everyone who has an opinion on the settings in the kb league
"only" post one way or the other we can tally-up and see whats up????


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-31 00:37:12

No offense tazz, but most of the players you were up against aren't advanced movement players. Get bucky, punk, and mop in there and see if you say the same thing.


2008-10-31 01:33:58

Keeper wrote:No offense tazz, but most of the players you were up against aren't advanced movement players. Get bucky, punk, and mop in there and see if you say the same thing.

how true.
im in there now with them brb


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-31 02:02:20


lol ok i do see exactly what you mean, fuck, hard to hit, no good... oh wait

just hard to keep the aim going on them round and round we go. lol

but it still isnt that bad, but thats why i would like to hear what peeps think
only kb league though :wink:


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-31 04:51:53

I don't like the settings (big surprise I know) so you can mark me down for -1 (if it matters at all)

I have played them for a few hours so far and I just see a big difference in gameplay.
With these settings the only real effective choice is spamming nades, explosive barrels and props, whereas with the standard settings and a grav of 350-375 I felt that the game play was more oriented around nice mag and xbow shots as well as being able to use the other stuff.
I'm not saying I cant hit with mag and xbow, it's just that they are not very likely to hit now and therefore you end up relying on explosives. It all has to do with the speed the players are moving at with these settings and maybe some players who were not fast before and now are may be thinking they like this, but I bet once they get over there new found speed they will start to see a difference in how many kills they are actually getting and how they have to go about it to get them.
So far this has been in a pub environment, I will try to 1v1 with the settings tonight and see if its any different with a good player but I doubt it will be.


2008-10-31 05:00:58

L2k wrote:I don't like the settings (big surprise I know) so you can mark me down for -1 (if it matters at all)

I have played them for a few hours so far and I just see a big difference in gameplay.
With these settings the only real effective choice is spamming nades, explosive barrels and props, whereas with the standard settings and a grav of 350-375 I felt that the game play was more oriented around nice mag and xbow shots as well as being able to use the other stuff.
I'm not saying I cant hit with mag and xbow, it's just that they are not very likely to hit now and therefore you end up relying on explosives. It all has to do with the speed the players are moving at with these settings and maybe some players who were not fast before and now are may be thinking they like this, but I bet once they get over there new found speed they will start to see a difference in how many kills they are actually getting and how they have to go about it to get them.



2008-10-31 06:39:55

Ok, after having really tried tonight. I'm out if these are the settings. This is not killbox play.

All most were left with is spray, splash, and physics.

But if this is what y'all want ... gg.


2008-10-31 07:58:06

hmm, you know generally in a game when people move really fast, explosives become less usefull. Because it takes more timing to him them, by the time you see them and throw they are already gone. I think in general it would just be harder with faster speeds to kill at all with any weapons, they will get to health each time they are hit before you can finish them. But after a while people will find the only effective weapon is a mag headshot.

The end effect is people end up praying for a head shot that kills in 1 shot all the time.


2008-10-31 08:03:03

kbh training grounds settings
ftw!1!1! :wink:


2008-10-31 08:36:48

ok guys back to the drawing boards we're going to get together(the committee)
and see what we can figure out with the settings, all were in agreement when we chose them
but now it seems many are against them, so we're not saying that they will change but they
might change.

we will be posting the final settings by monday(if the whole committee is secure)

thanks for your time!


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-31 14:15:53

Fearsome* wrote:hmm, you know generally in a game when people move really fast, explosives become less usefull.
That's the beauty of Killbox :D Nowhere to hide :P


2008-10-31 17:04:37

Yup! That is killbox, even if you think you are hiding a well place shot or nade will get you at least get them moving again!

Anyway as, tazzer said, we will finalize stuff this weekend, one of the topics we will be re-discussing will be the settings, do not want to discourage anyone from playing that includes the low grav players, remember we are trying to get new blood into Cal. Also, please consider that first season will be kinda funky, we will be finding our style and things will pop up that we never imagine. If we can stick together to make the first season a success, we then will have a little more to go on for our second season, fix any problems that we may have.

So PLEASE bear with us, don't bail unless you have at least given it 1 season, its a process, we are not perfect, we will make mistakes and we can't please everyone buy we ARE trying.

COMMITTEE we will be meeting Sunday again at 8PM, if anyone has a VENT server so we can do voice that we can use please let us know, thank you!


2008-10-31 18:37:22

Keeper wrote:Ok, after having really tried tonight. I'm out if these are the settings. This is not killbox play.
Here is my prediction...

If the settings are left the way they are then the people used to playing KBH and TSGK servers will play 1 or 2 league matches (mostly likely the preseason matches) before they bail on the league. Most leagues already have enough problems with retention due to people getting owned and it ceasing to be fun for them. We do not need another barrier.

I think Keeper is just voicing now what will happen to most others once league play actually starts.

I find it interesting that over in the map vote thread that the KBH and TSGK maps lead all other maps in some cases by a 3:1 margin and in almost all cases a 2:1 margin. Could this be an indication that people are most comfortable with KBH and TSGK and their settings?


2008-10-31 18:47:54

BuckyKatt wrote:I find it interesting that over in the map vote thread that the KBH and TSGK maps lead all other maps in some cases by a 3:1 margin and in almost all cases a 2:1 margin. Could this be an indication that people are most comfortable with KBH and TSGK and their settings?
Of course it is the reason, server stats don't lie.


2008-10-31 19:25:13


2008-10-31 19:41:25

Heh... that last question was mostly rhetorical. I had already done the same research over at Game Monitor.

The GDAWGG servers are the only other killbox servers (if they can be called killbox servers) that come close to the number of players that KBH and TSGK maintain.


2008-10-31 21:28:26

That is for killbox and yes you are 100% right but we were trying to accommodate low grav players as well, may not be possible to do both. This is what I like to then for a TEST, drop the last two settings, keep the first two settings in the servers that were running the other settings, see if we can compromise to that?

sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate stock
sv_friction stock


2008-11-01 01:32:01

Shinigami wrote:
sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate stock
sv_friction stock
I could live with this, its much better than the last proposal.
Bucky and I played a bit and you can actually utilize all the weapons with this, as well as pick up big speed in the air so it should feel good to those who wanted that.


2008-11-01 01:40:08

L2k wrote:
Shinigami wrote:
sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate stock
sv_friction stock
I could live with this, its much better than the last proposal.
Bucky and I played a bit and you can actually utilize all the weapons with this, as well as pick up big speed in the air so it should feel good to those who wanted that.

thanks for the input as Pomp and I both had hoped this would help alot glad it does
from both of your standpoints hope others feel the same as you do.


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-11-01 01:50:06

Shinigami wrote:That is for killbox and yes you are 100% right but we were trying to accommodate low grav players as well, may not be possible to do both. This is what I like to then for a TEST, drop the last two settings, keep the first two settings in the servers that were running the other settings, see if we can compromise to that?

sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate stock
sv_friction stock

Much better :D


2008-11-01 02:07:28

Ok, well that's better, if we can all live with this, then we should be done with our preliminaries this weekend and pass them onto Fearsome for review!! :thumbsup:


2008-11-01 02:45:03

Shinigami wrote:That is for killbox and yes you are 100% right but we were trying to accommodate low grav players as well, may not be possible to do both. This is what I like to then for a TEST, drop the last two settings, keep the first two settings in the servers that were running the other settings, see if we can compromise to that?

sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate stock
sv_friction stock
Well, these are accommodating most killbox players if you ask me and are probably the best settings to use for this thing.


2008-11-01 06:37:10

Cool, ok well let's finish up with the maps so we can end up the set up :)


2008-11-01 08:17:46

L2k wrote:
Shinigami wrote:
sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50
sv_accellerate stock
sv_friction stock
I could live with this, its much better than the last proposal.
Bucky and I played a bit and you can actually utilize all the weapons with this, as well as pick up big speed in the air so it should feel good to those who wanted that.

It even gives some advantage to both players. You can still land a decent mag shot on a person that is in air since they haven't built up the velocity on the ground that allows them to fly around all crazy. However, several times after hitting Punk with the first mag shot it caused him to zip around in the air (the mag causing him an increase in velocity) and made a second shot much more difficult.

This strikes a nice balance. Let's face it... if you stall in air or simply don't move around much you should expect to get shot at least once in a killbox but the increase in velocity from the shot helps you avoid the second shot.


2008-11-01 19:53:46

Zactly and that it is needed, gives u a fighting chance in the air :mrgreen:


2008-11-01 23:11:22



peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The Sparky

2008-11-02 00:57:48

Hi all- Xs Plethora of Pinatas here. I am interested in being on the committee. I'll plan to be present at the meeting tomorrow.


2008-11-02 01:02:48

good to see ya here bro!

hey just keep in mind if you get on the committee
we need a commitment to help out all you can!!


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

[TKO] Kill Bill

2008-11-02 03:20:15

Hey all, I got some guys, myself included that would like to get involved. Any way I can get in on the meeting tomorrow (is there still a meeting tomorrow)? I'd like to get "up to speed" on where you are so far.

Also, if there is anything I can do to help out, feel free to ask away.


2008-11-02 15:52:25

Yes meeting TODAY 8pm EST, would like to do this on someones Vent server if possible if not I got teamspeak, either way
like to do voice on this, find me at 8pm please add me to your friends chickwitha44 or xfire psychopompx



2008-11-02 17:53:20

Stupid Question...Why not just use the in game voice if everyone cant get in vent?


2008-11-02 21:39:09

well, people start to play when in game meetings, i know i use to hold the ones fro my clan that way, guys can't stop playing with their toys long enough. :x


2008-11-02 21:42:39

Did a couple 2v2's on KBH 2 with the new proposed settings, it worked out just fine. Was good times actualy.

[TKO] Kill Bill

2008-11-02 21:52:33

I have a map, dm_killbox_meeting, that has nothing in it and strips you of all weapons when you join. No one can do anything but walk around and listen. If it will make it easier on you, we can use it.

How many people, aprox. will be attending? How many slots will be needed.


2008-11-03 05:02:08

Ok sorry bill I didnt see ur post :(

meetign was a bust but overal people were ok with the settings so they are final!

sv_gravity 350
sv_airaccellerate 50


2008-11-03 22:16:48

Instead of having voice meetings why not just do them in IRC everyone can join with the U chat page. Also using a typing based meeting will cut down on the useles talking since people will be less likely to talk and in addition you will have a nice transcript to reference.


2008-11-04 00:38:22

That will be from now on, we needed to look at maps and test settings but that's over and done that, IRC from now on.


2008-11-04 03:49:12

irc is the way to go!!


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: